
At the LSME, we are proud to be highly active in teaching, giving courses at the EPFL and also the first open, online course on transmission electron microscopy for materials science and physics. If you are interested in doing a masters semester or research project with the LSME, please contact either Prof. Cécile Hébert or Dr Duncan Alexander.

Currently, we are involved in teaching the following courses:

Electron microscopy: advanced methods (masters level): Prof. Cécile Hébert and Dr Duncan Alexander.

Electron Matter Interactions in Transmission Electron Microscopy (physics doctoral school): launching in spring 2020, given by Prof. Cécile Hébert and Dr Duncan Alexander of LSME with Dr Thomas LaGrange of LUMES.

Transmission electron microscopy for materials science – open, online course on Coursera: Prof. Cécile Hébert and Dr Duncan Alexander.

General physics: mechanics (STI I, bachelor level): Prof. Cécile Hébert.

General physics: thermodynamics (bachelor level): Prof. Cécile Hébert.

We are offering student projects in the Spring 2020 semester.