Uncovering Arabic Astroturfers on Twitter

Project Details :

Uncovering Arabic Astroturfers on Twitter

Laboratory : LSIR Semester Proposal


Arabic speaking Twitter users (from mainly Saudi Arabia) seem to find a clever way to astroturf topics by pushing them to Twitter’s trending topics. We know that astroturfing can be done by simply employing many bot accounts posting spam and Twitter actively fight against such actions by improving its spam filter. Or does it? We’ve recently discovered that their spam filter has its own vulnerabilities and hackers exploit them (see Potential resources below). Your job is to reveal if Arabic speaking users exploit such a vulnerability and build countermeasures.
Potential resources: https://arxiv.org/abs/1910.07783
Deliverables: datasets, codebase, results of analysis, a nice presentations with visualizations that you can do interpretations on.
Requirements: Arabic language is required. Knowledge of Python and Pandas is required.
Contact: Tugrulcan Elmas