Finding and Analyzing “Information Laundering” – A Stealthy Technique to Disseminate Fake News

Information laundering works like this:

  1. Adversaries plant fake news to low quality / less credible media outlets (or anything that produces news)
  2. They alert more credible news to this news article
  3. Credible/mainstream news picks up (if one picks up the news, the others generally pick it up as well)
  4. Profit

The research question is, can we find instances of this scheme on the internet? 

We will limit the project to bitcoin/cryptocurrency-related news. You will do the following:

1- Collecting news articles mentioning bitcoin (it’s ok to use social media to do that)

2- Categorizing or ranking these articles’ outlets in terms of credibility or mainstreamness (you can use existing datasets, no need to do ml for that)

3- Determining information flow between news articles/outlets, i.e. compute the textual similarity between articles to determine if they refer to the same news. 

4- Does the information flow from less credible to more credible sources? Can we prove information laundering?

Requirements: Basic ML knowledge and data analysis skills in Python.
Please send a C.V. and Transcript!
You do not need to submit anything else beforehand.
Contact: Tuğrulcan Elmas