Developing Privacy Protection Mechanisms on Android OS

Project Details

Developing Privacy Protection Mechanisms on Android OS

Laboratory : LSIR Semester / Master Completed


The advances in mobile devices and technologies paved the way for the development of mobile applications that provide online services, collect sensory data, etc. Pervasiveness of localization systems on these devices is a major factor for such developments: location-based services, location-sharing applications and location- and time-stamped sensor data are becoming an everyday part of users’ lives. The downside of these applications is the threat on privacy such that based on location traces of users, it is possible to infer their interests, political orientation and personal attributes such as age and gender, which users may not want to disclose in an uncontrolled way.

Research on location privacy requires detailed adversary modeling in order to evaluate the privacy leakage and protection mechanisms in such systems. In this project, the purpose is to implement privacy protection mechanisms on Android platform in order to experimentally evaluate privacy and demo usability cases. The student is expected to design the details of the software architecture and the server side, and deliver a working system at the end of the project. He will be under continuous supervision and in collaboration with the researchers.

Requirements: Java/Android programming, Object oriented programming, basic database background and SQL, basic probability knowledge


In case of any questions, please drop us an email or come to our offices:

Contact: Jean Paul Calbimonte Perez