Audio Processing and Digital Acoustics

The audio processing group at LCAV performs research and education on various topics related to capturing, processing, coding, and rendering of acoustic signals with special focus on 3D-audio. We try to develop expertise in every aspect of this broad field, going from foundations of signal processing, through the physics of wave phenomena, all the way to the human auditory perception. The research is carried out in cooperation with partners from art, industry, and science.

Over the years, we have worked on a broad range of topics that includes:

  • Directional sound capture and playback (beamforming)
  • Room equalization and acoustic echo control
  • Room acoustics simulation
  • Virtual acoustics/auralization
  • Automatic multichannel format conversion (upmix)
  • Sound perception and spatial hearing
  • Sound field reproduction
  • Spatial audio coding
  • Spatial sampling and coding of sound fields

You can also consult our archives for a for a more detailed description of past projects.

Currently, LCAV focuses on various aspects of location-aware audio signal processing. We crafted this term to succinctly cover both typical and highly atypical problems where the terms sound and localization happen to coexist: from vanilla sound source localization with microphone arrays, through more unconventional simultaneous localization of sound sources and microphones and mapping of a room (the infamous acoustic SLAM), to finally localizing concurrent sound sources using a single, albeit unconventional microphone.

Recent LCAV publications in this area: