Eye International Conference 2024

Presenting Audiovisual Collections: Experiments and Explorations
26 — 29 May 2024

For more info please refer to the eye filmmuseum page

On 26 through 29 May 2024, Eye Filmmuseum, the University of Amsterdam and the Laboratory for Experimental Museology (eM+) at École Polytechnique FĂ©dĂ©rale de Lausanne (EPFL) will present the 9th Eye International Conference, this time with the topic ‘Presenting Audiovisual Collections: Experiments and Explorations’

This edition is organised within the context of the Swiss National Fund’s Narratives from the long tail: Transforming access to audiovisual archives project which sets out to address and resolve the gap between digital archives and the embodied, participatory world of museological experience.

The conference will open the topic of exploring and experimenting with audiovisual collection presentation, by focusing on formats emerging both inside and outside the settings of the conventional film theatre and/or beyond traditional curatorial frameworks, that afford new forms of public engagement and access. This focus comprises (but is not limited to): immersive, participatory, or multi-screen formats; alternative presentation models that use emerging technologies or low-tech and creative DIY approaches; experimentation with computational analysis of audiovisual collections; and explorations in remix and artistic reuse.





The Eye International Conference 2024 will take place in Amsterdam from Sunday, 26 to Wednesday 29 May 2024. Please note that the official opening of the Eye International Conference will take place in the evening of Saturday 25th May in combination with the annual Meet the Archive programme. Wednesday 29 May will consist of an Open House at the Eye Collection Centre, a programme of guided tours, presentations, demonstrations, and screenings (limited capacity).

Participants are also invited to join the annual Meet the Archive, a public programme highlighting recent projects with the Eye Collection, on Saturday, 25th May.





Registration will open in early spring 2024, please refer to the eye filmmuseum page

On-site Regular Conference Passe-partout (4 days): 100 euro
On-site Student Conference Passe-partout (4 days): 50 euro
Virtual Conference Passe-partout (3 days*): 25 euro

Day tickets

On-site Regular Conference Ticket (1 day): 50 euro
On-site Student Conference Ticket (1 day): 25 euro

*the open house on Wednesday 29th May will not be recorded or live-streamed





Steering committee

Giovanna Fossati (President)
Eleni Tzialli (Secretary)
Gerdien Smit (Policy Liaison)
Frank Roumen (Meet the Archive)


Programme committee

Giovanna Fossati (Eye/UvA)
Irene Haan (Eye)
Eleni Tzialli (Eye)
Christian Gosvig Olesen (UvA)
Kate Saccone (UvA)
Sarah Kenderine (EPFL/eM+)
Yuchen Yang (EPFL/eM+)
Stéphanie Romon (EPFL/eM+)