Job opportunities

1) Postdoctoral research

Spontaneous applications are welcome of candidates who are eligible to compete for postdoctoral fellowships. Generally, candidates should have finished their PhD thesis and published a first author paper in a reputed international journal no longer than 1 – 2 years ago. Areas of expertise that are particularly welcome include developmental and cancer biology, molecular bioloy, RNA and miRNA, gene targeting and ES cell technology, histology, FRET imaging.

We currently consider applications for the following projects:

  • Novel targets of the RNA-binding protein Bicc1 and mechanism of their regulation by flow-sensing primary cilia: Applicants should be proficient in histology and have prior experience in handling transgenic mice, and in molecular and cell biology. In addition, strong candidates will bring to this project their expertise in cilia biology, and/or regulation of mRNA translation, preferably in the context of cell differentiation or metabolic pathways.
  • Recent publications related to this project include Rothé et al., iScience 2023, and Minegishi, Rothé, Komatsu et al., Nat. Comm. 2022. For review, see also Rothé et al., Cell. Signal. 2020

2) PhD Program in Molecular Life Sciences

Open positions to pursue a PhD thesis in the Constam lab are advertised online by the EDMS doctoral program, if available. To be eligible, it is recommended to contact the lab head in advance, or in some instances to consider a lab internship. Current application deadlines are April 15 and November 1.

Openings with secured funding are also posted here, if available:


3) Student internships

Students and trainees who would like to obtain practical experience in molecular and developmental biology should send their motivation letter and certificates/CV directly to the lab head. In general, a financial compensation is only granted under exceptional circumstances and to students participating in our International Summer Research Program. Please apologize that we cannot reply to all applications because of their large number.