Finding a student residence PhD-PostDoc Students

University Residences FMEL

As a PhD or a post-Doc student, you do not have the right to stay permanetely at the untiversity residences FMEL. You can although live there during the summer vacation (July, August) or in between two periods of leasing (end of least – next of new lease). This could be a temporary solution, while you are searching for permanent housing. The sooner you apply at the administration office of the residences, the more tha chances to find a room.

Other Residences

  • The Eglise-Anglaise residences offer rooms to PhD and post-Doc students. The selection process is based on the dossier, as it’s described in the page with the general guidelines for housing
  • Les Estudiantines: there is the possibility to rent a room for a short period of time (from 1 to 4 weeks) to these private residences until you find permanent housing. The prices and the guidelines are given in the above link.