The GIS technical and administrative team © 2021 Alain Herzog EPFL
The GIS is a technical team of 8 engineers and technicians and a coordination team composed of 9 members from 6 civil engineering laboratories and research groups.
The Technical team

Gilles Guignet
Technical Coordinator of the platform
HES Microtechnic engineer
Test conception and consulting in measurements of any type, especially DIC techniques.
GIS member since 2006

Gregory Spirlet
Automation and robotic technician
Aerospace engineer
Development of the digital fabrication facilities (robot and CNC) & support to users in that field.
3D printing specialist.
GIS member since 2022

Serge Despont
Technical employee
CFC Precision mechanic
Specialized in DIC, strain gages and optical fiber integration. Support to users during test activities.
GIS member since 2015

Frédérique Dubugnon
Technical employee
CFC Polymechanic
Specialized in machine maintenance, traditional mechanical techniques, water-jet cutting, CNC machining and 3D printing.
GIS member since 2010

Armin Krkic
Technical employee
CFC Precision mechanic
Specialized in multi-axial CNC machining and 3D measurements.
GIS member since 2012

François Perrin
Technical employee, Safety delegate
CFC Carpenter
Specialized in wood testing and multi-axial wood CNC machining
COSEC – Safety, Prevention and Health at EPFL
GIS member since 1991

Gérald Rouge
Technical employee
CFC Agricultural mechanic
Specialized in hydraulics, welding and special equipment design and manufacturing.
GIS member since 2007

Luca Mari
Technical Coordinator Assistant of GIS platform
HES microtechnic engineer
User assistance in test activities and computer science specialist.
GIS member since 2022
Coordination team

Dr Savvas Saloustros
Coordinating member of GIS
Scientist and Ambizione Fellow at EESD laboratory
Lecturer at ENAC

Prof. Anastasios Vassilopoulos
Coordinating member of GIS
Director of GR-MEC Research Group
Director of Civil & Environmental Engineering Doctoral Program (EDCE)
Adjunct Professor at ENAC

Sophie Bauer
Administrative Specialist for GIS