
© 2021 EPFL
Actuators and machines
From simple jack to multi-axis loading machines, GIS can fulfill the highest requirements in terms of loading. We are equipped with high-accuracy controllers that offer lots of possibilities and can carry the most demanding tasks.
Over the years, equipments have been added to handle all kinds of loading scenarios : tension, compression, creep, static, dynamic, multi-axis, etc. We can handle both low loads and high loads (up to 10 meganewtons).

Measurement devices and sensors
A wide range of sensors allows us to measure strain, temperature, displacement, force, acceleration, etc. through high quality data acquisition system.
The GIS offers a solid experience with DIC (Digital Image Correlation), allowing measurement of 3D-strain profile over small and large areas.
In addition, high-definition distributed strain sensing systems, using optical fibres, are commonly integrated into structures to capture internal strain. The GIS has acquired a strong expertise in integrating optical fibers into various materials.
For 3D measurements, the GIS platform is equipped with several FARO® devices.