We are pleased to inform you, that today the final call for the Future Food Initiative opens. This call is directly inviting professors and senior researchers at EPFL and ETH Zürich to submit project proposals.

In 2019, EPFL and ETH Zurich have launched Future Food – A Swiss Research Initiative (“Future Food Initiative”) together with Swiss food industry leaders Bühler, Givaudan and Nestlé. The goal of the initiative is to expand research and education in the area of food and nutrition sciences to develop solutions that address grand challenges of the current food systems. The program is co-managed by the Integrative Food Science and Nutrition Center at EPFL and the World Food System Center at ETH Zurich.
In this call the program will fund 3 projects of 2-4 years duration (doctoral and postdoc projects possible), with a maximum budget of 197’000 CHF per project.
Research proposals addressing one or more of the following topics are welcome for submission:
· Sustainable and nutritious lipids
· Solutions for affordable nutrition in LMIC
· Relationship between nutrition & microbiomes
· Processing of plant proteins
To submit a proposal to this call, the Principal Investigator (PI) must be a researcher of EPFL or ETH Zurich.
Deadline for submission of project sketch: 28.02.2023.
More details and examples of possible research projects are listed in the Call Guidelines:
Please find below templates for the project sketch and the full proposal: