September 16, 2022 – Mathias Lerch will contribute to the International Conference on Family Planning in Pattaya City, Thailand, on November 14-17 2022:
- Social upheavals and the contraceptive transition in developing countries
September 15, 2022 – Mathias Lerch will give a talk on “Periurbanisation and re-urbanisation over the life course in Switzerland, 1966-2018” at the LINES/LIVES seminar of the University of Lausanne, on September 20.
July 15, 2022 – We are happy to welcome Dorothee Beckendorff as a new PhD researcher at URBDEMO! She joined us from the European Doctoral School of Demography in Barcelona and will work on the ERC project on migration in developing countries’ cities.
July 1, 2022 – We are happy to welcome Wenxiu Du as a new PhD researcher at URBDEMO! He joined us from the Imperial College London and will work on the ERC project on migration in developing countries’ cities.
June 15, 2022 – Mathias Lerch will act as a discussant in the session “Healthy Habitats – 21st century cities and health: a contradiction?” at the EPFL Habitat Research Center Day 2022, on July 12.
June 1, 2002 – Mathias Lerch will contribute to the IUSSP Panel Conference “Contraceptive Transition Theories: Models for Contemporary Patterns of Use” in Funchal, Madeira, 12-15 July 2022:
- Contraceptive use in contexts of social upheaval
April 22, 2022 – Mathias Lerch will contribute to the European Population Conference 2022 on 29 June – 2 July in Groningen (Netherlands):
Changing patterns of international migration to high-income countries: a case study of Switzerland, 1966-2018, Session “Trends and patterns in international migration”
- Avoidable mortality in German-speaking countries: Regional disparities in amenable and preventable causes of death in Austria, Germany and Switzerland (with Michael Muehlichen & Markus Sauerberg)
Lerch will also act as the Chair of the Session 603 “Drivers on international migration”
February 21, 2022 – Mathias Lerch will contribute to the Population Association of America Annual Meeting 2022 on April 6-9 in Atlanta (Georgia):
- The end of urban sprawl? A Swiss assessment from 1966 to 2018, Session 1109 – “Urbanization and Population Redistribution”
- Pandemic Babies? The Fertility Response to the First Covid-19 Wave Across European Regions (with Nathalie Nietsche, MPIDR et al.), Session 809 – “Fertility and COVID-19 in the USA, Europe, and Latin America”
February 1, 2022 – Mathias Lerch will present his research during the HRC Open field lunch “Healthy Habitat” at the EPFL on March 24 2022 in Lausanne:
- “Urban sprawl and the changing geography of mortality in Switzerland, 1966-2018”
January 14, 2022 – Mathias Lerch will present his research in Binder-Seminar of the Laboratory for Human-Environment Relations in Urban Systems at the EPFL on February 9 2022 in Lausanne:
- “Demographic challenges in cities across the development spectrum”
January 10, 2022 – Mathias Lerch will present his research in the Seminar of the Laboratory of Geographic Information System at the EPFL on January 26 2022 in Lausanne:
- “Population challenges in cities of the Global North and South”
November 1, 2021 – Mathias Lerch will contribute to the quadriennal International Population Conference (IPC) on 5-10 December 2021 in Hyderabad (India), organized by the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP) as a virtual event this year:
- The End of Urban Sprawl? A Swiss Assessment from 1966 to 2018, presented in Session 38 “New Methods and Measures in Urbanization”, Monday, December 6 / 19:00 – 20:30 (
- Future levels of fertility in sub-Saharan Africa: Parity-based projections (with Thomas Spoorenberg), presented in Session 88 “Demographic Trends: Estimates and Projections”, Tuesday, December 7 / 23:00 – 0:30 (
- Socioeconomic development predicts a weaker contraceptive effect of breastfeeding (with Nicolas Todd), presented in Session 16 “Fertility: Preferences and Intentions, Monday, December 6 / 11:00 – 12:30 (
- Avoidable mortality in German-speaking countries: Regional disparities in amenable and preventable causes of death in Austria, Germany and Switzerland (with Michael Muehlichen & Markus Sauerberg), presented in Poster-Session 15, Wednesday, December 8 / 18:00 – 19:30 (
- Lerch will also act as the Chair of the Session 132 “The Determinants of Urban Inequality”, Wednesday, December 8 / 21:00 – 22:30 (
October 20, 2021 – Mathias Lerch will present his research in the Seminar Series of the Laboratory of Urban Sociology at the EPFL, le Tuesday November 9 2021, 12h30 – 14h, room GC B2 424 (via Zoom : click ici, Zoom code: 234551):
- “City growth and migration in the global South”
October 15, 2021 – Welcome to our two new student assistants Sandro Barissi Marin et Kamalesh Kumar Kanakaraj !
October 1st, 2021 – Mathias Lerch will present his research in the Seminar Series of the Institute of Demography and Socioeconomy at the University of Geneva, Tuesday Octobre 5 2021, 16h15 – 17h, room 4275 Uni MAIL
- “International Migration and Urban Growth in Developing Countries”