Getting started with MRS on the MRShub
A huge effort from amazing researchers to centralized resource of MRS-related materials that is freely available, annotated, and updated often.
CIBM translational MR neuroimaging & spectroscopy 2023
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and spectroscopy (MRS) will be addressed in detail, along with experimental design, data gathering and processing on MRS, structural and functional MRI in humans and rodents, and hands-on experience with MRI scanners.

Proceedings of the The International Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Workshop “MRS 2022: Overcoming the Barriers to Clinical Use”
The main aim of the workshop was to unite the international MRS community in an on-site event, educate young scientists and provide ample opportunities for students to meet and share their exciting work with the MRS experts in-person. In light of the ongoing pandemic, we feel it is of high value and importance for researchers that just entered the field to have informal discussions with each other and the more senior scientists.
CIBM translational MR neuroimaging & spectroscopy 2024
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and spectroscopy (MRS) will be addressed in detail, along with experimental design, data gathering and processing on MRS, structural and functional MRI in humans and rodents, and hands-on experience with MRI scanners.