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- 34th BioCity Symposium: Transforming Drug Development for Tomorrow, Turku, Finland (28-29.8.2025)
- 28th International Symposium on Synthesis in Organic Chemistry, Cambridge, UK (21-24.7.2025)
- 29th American Peptide Symposium and 15th International Peptide Symposium, San Diego, USA (15-19.6.2024)
- Peptide Therapeutics Forum 2025, Basel (5-6.6.2025)
- Drug Discovery Chemistry, Protein-protein interactions, San Diego, USA (14-17.4.2025)
- Drug Discovery Chemistry, GLP-1 and Oral peptides, San Diego, USA (Talk by Manuel Merz) (14-17.4.2025)
- Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry, Erlangen, Germany (1-4.4.2025)
- ACS Spring 2025 Global Virtual Symposium: Targeting Proteins, virtual (23-27.3.2025)
- 20th EFMC-YSN MedChemBioOnline, Emerging Strategies in Peptide Drug Discovery (4.3.2025)
- Indian Peptide Symposium, Pune, India (26-27.2.2025)
- University of Geneva, Department of Organic Chemistry (13.2.2025)
- University of Bern, Department of Chemistry (6.12.2024)
- TIDES Europe, Hamburg, Germany (12.11-14.11.2024)
- 12th International Symposium on DNA-Encoded Chemical Libraries, Shanghai, China (12.10-13.10.2024)
- EFMC-ISMC, Rome, Italy (1.9-5.9.2024)
- University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada (14.8.2024)
- 18th Chinese International Peptide Symposium, Hongkong, China (Talk by Xinjian Ji) (30.6-2.7.2024)
- Janssen Pharmaceutica R&D Symposium on Therapeutic Peptides, Beerse, Belgium (27.6.2024)
- 15th Global Drug Delivery & Formulation Summit, Berlin, Germany (21-23.5.2024)
- 4th Edelris Symposium on AS-MS in Drug Discovery, Virtual (15-16.5.2024)
- Max Planck Institute for Medical Research, Heidelberg, Germany (7.5.2024)
- European Peptide Synthesis Conference (EPSC), Prague, Czech Republic (29.4-1.5.2024)
- 36. Irsee Natural Product Symposium, Irsee, Germany (15-16.2.2024)
- Seminars in Translational Immunology (STIMM), University of Zurich (14.2.2024)
- TIDES Europe, Amsterdam, Netherlands (30.10-1.11.2023)
- Institut Pasteur-EPFL Symposium: New Therapeutics and Vaccine Approaches, Lausanne (13.11.2023)
- Early Stage Research Meeting at the Royal Society of Chemistry, London, UK (Talk by Alexander Nielsen) (20.10.2023)
- 1st Danish Peptide Symposium, Copenhagen, Denmark (Talk by Alexander Nielsen) (31.8.2023)
- Peptide Therapeutics Forum 2023, Basel, Switzerland (Talk by Xinjian Ji) (4-5.9.2023)
- 28th American Peptide Symposium, Scottsdale, USA (Talk by Alexander Nielsen) (24-29.6.2023)
- 18th annual Drug Discovery Chemistry, San Diego, USA (Talk by Ed Will) (10-13.4.2023)
- ETN Magic Bullet: Reloaded, Budapest, Hungary (2.3.2023)
- DMCCB Basel Symposium 2023: «Chemical Space Beyond Small Molecules», Basel, Switzerland (3.2.2023)
- CEM Webinar “Synthetic Peptide Libraries” (Talks by A. Nielsen, M. Schüttel and E. Will) (26.1.2023)
- Leiden University, Leiden, Holland (26.1.2023)
- Swiss Snow Symposium, Saas Almagell “Purification-free synthesis and screening of thousands of
cyclic peptides ” (Talk by Alexander Nielsen) (22.1.2023)
- 59th Japanese Peptide Symposium, Sendai, Japan (Talk by Mischa Schüttel) (26-28.10.2022)
- 7th Halle Conference on Recombinant Proteins, Halle, Germany (13-14.10.2022)
- 15th SynPepBio Symposium, Berlin, Germany (22-23.9.2022)
- Spiez CONVERGENCE, Spiez, Switzerland (11-14.9.2022)
- SCS Fall Meeting, Zurich, Switzerland (Talk by Mischa Schüttel) (8.9.2022)
- 36th European Peptide Symposium, Sitges, Barcelona, Spain (28.8-2.9.2022)
- 18th European Meeting on Complement in Human Disease, EMCHD, Bern, Switzerland (25-29.8.2022)
- Max Planck Frontiers Symposium, Berlin, Germany (11-13.7.2022)
- 29th Young Research Fellows Meeting, Nantes, France (Talk by Edward Will) (4-6.7.2022)
- 17th Naples Workshop on Bioactive Peptides, Naples, Italy (16-18.6.2022)
- 27th American Peptide Symposium, Whistler, Canada (talk by Alexander Nielsen) (11-16.6.2022)
- EPFL Initiative for Cancer Science and Engineering, Lausanne (31.5.2022)
- ETH Zurich, Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences, Zurich (11.5.2022)
- Novo Nordisk Chemist of the Future Symposium, Hillerod, Denmark (talk by Alexander Nielsen) (28.4.2022)
- Drug Discovery Chemistry, Chemical Space bRo5, San Diego, USA (21-22.4.2022)
- Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry, FIMC, GDCh, online (14-16.3.2022)
- New Perspectives on Macrocycles for Drug Discovery, Darmstadt, Germany (28.2.2022)
- Bactivax meeting, Bilbao, Spain (24.11.2021)
- TIDES Europe, Brussels, Belgium (15-17.11.2021)
- Nuvisan, NUVISAN – Building a new Pharma Ecosystem, Berlin, Germany (29-30.9.2021)
- 7th EOC, Nankai University, China (9-10.7.2021)
- ELRIG – Translating Ideas into Therapies 2021 (1.7.2021)
- Technical University (TU) of Darmstadt (29.6.2021)
- Imperial College London, UK (26.5.2001)
- GHI Drug Discovery Chemistry Virtual (18-20.5.2021)
- Chemical Biology Mini-Symposium, Nagoya University (24.3.2021)
- Institute for Pharmacy and Food Chemistry, University of Würzburg (2.3.2021)
- BioE Talks Series, EPFL (1.3.2021)
- Boulder Peptide Virtual Symposium (19.1.2021)
- Festival of Biologics, Basel (2-4.11.2020)
- TIDES: Oligonucleotide and Peptide Therapeutics, Boston, USA (talk by Vanessa Carle) (11-14.5.2020)
- Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussel, Belgium (talk by Vanessa Carle) (21.11.2019)
- Boulder Peptide Symposium, Boulder, USA (talk by Vanessa Carle) (25.9.2019)
- 9th Intl. Symposium on DNA-Encoded Chemical Libraries, ETH Zurich (5-6.9.2019)
- HES-SO Valais, Sion (11.5.2019)
- Technical University of Munich, Germany (9.5.2019)
- University of Padua, Italy (11.4.2019)
- 14th German Peptide Symposium, University of Cologne, Germany (18-21.3.2019)
- Life Sciences Switzerland, Chemical Biology session, Zurich (short talk by Gontran Sangouard) (15.2.2019)
- University of Zurich (19.2.2019)
- Roche, Basel (22.11.2018)
- University of Olso, Norway (15.11.2018)
- PEGS Europe, Lisbon, Portugal (13.11.2018)
- Symposium on Foldamers, Bordeaux, France (24-26.9.2018)
- Institut de Biologie Structurale, Grenoble, France (14.9.2018)
- Basel Life, Forum Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Discovery, Basel (12.9.2018)
- University of Southampton, Chemistry and Biology of Peptides Seminar, Southampton England (19.7.2018)
- 43rd FEBS Congress 2018, Prague, Czech Republic (talk by Xudong Kong) (11.7.2018)
- University of Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela, Spain (6.7.2018)
- University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany (2.7.2018)
- AstraZeneca, Gothenburg, Sweden (18.4.2018)
- University of Basel, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Basel (13.12.2017)
- EuroPeptides, Vienna, Austria (talk by Sangram Kale) (7.11.2017)
- Benzon Symposium, Copenhagen, Denmark (talk by Alessandro Zorzi) (24.8.2017)
- Gordon Research Conference, Andover, USA (talk by Camille Villequey) (24.6.2017)
- American Peptide Symposium, Whistler, USA (talk by Jonas Wilbs) (19.6.2017)
- Annual Meeting Swiss Society of Hematology, Lausanne (talk by Jonas Wilbs and Raja Prince) (4.5.2017)
- Groupe Francais des Peptides et Proteines, Bordeaux, France (talk by Alessandro Zorzi) (27.3.2017)
- PepCon, Protein and Peptide Conference, Fukuoka, Japan (talk by Xudong Kong) (23.3.2017)
- Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry LS2 Satellite Meeting, Bern (talk by Jonas Wilbs) (12.2.2017)
- Novo Nordisk Protein Engineering Mini-Symposium, Copenhagen, Denmark (24.1.2017)
- 6th Annual Austrian Peptide Symposium, Vienna, Austria (1.12.2016)
- Advances in Drug Discovery Summer School, Prague, Czech Republic (9.9.2016)
- University of Geneva, 30th Pharmaceutical Sciences Seminar, Zermatt (6.9.2016)
- Chemical Biology EMBO Conference, Heidelberg, Germany (31.8-3.9.2016)
- XXIV EFMC International Symposium on Medicinal Chemistry, Manchester, UK (28.8-1.9.2016)
- University of Berne, Department of Clinical Research, Bern, Switzerland (6.6.2016)
- ETH Zurich, Institute of Microbiology, Zurich, Switzerland (4.5.2016)
- University of Konstanz, Konstanz, Germany (26.4.2016)
- Gordon Conference, Plasminogen activation and extracellular proteolysis, Ventura, USA (14-19.2.2016)
- Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry IOCB, Prague, Czech Republic (9.2.2016)
- Sanofi Peptide Therapeutics Symposium, Paris, France (4-5.2.2016)
- International Colloquium ‘New frontiers in membrane biology’, ITN, Amsterdam, Holland (28.1.2016)
- Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), Villigen, Switzerland (23.11.2015)
- PEGS Europe, Lisbon, Portugal (2-3.11.2015)
- 10th Peptide Therapeutics Symposium, The Salk Institute, La Jolla, USA (23.10.2015)
- Basel Life Science Week, Peptide Therapeutics, Basel, Switzerland (22.9.2015)
- ELRIG Annual Drug Discovery 2015, Telford, UK (2.9.2015)
- GDCh-Wissenschaftsforum, Chemie 2015, Dresden, Germany (1.9.2015)
- Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark (8.7.2015)
- Imperial College London, Chemical Biology CDT Conference, London, UK (23.6.2015)
- Osaka University, Institute for Protein Research (IPR), Osaka, Japan (18.5.2015)
- PEGS, Therapeutics Stream, Boston, MA, USA (6.5.2015)
- PEGS, Engineering Stream, Boston, MA, USA (4.5.2015)
- 9th SCI-RSC Symposium on Proteinase Inhibitor Design, Proteinase 2015, Basel, Switzerland (13,14.4.2015)
- Leibniz Institute for Molecular Pharmacology, FMP, Berlin, Germany (27.3.2015)
- German Peptide Symposium, Damstadt, Germany (21.3.2015)
- HES-SO, Sion, Switzerland (3.2.2015)
- LS2 meeting, Light and the 3Rs, Zurich, Switzerland (29.1.2015)
- ITN course, Optimization of Therapeutic Peptides, Volendam, Holland (26.1.2015)
- EMBO Workshop: Advances in Protein-Protein Interaction Analysis and Modulation, Hyeres-Les-Palmiers, France (9-12.9.2014)
- EFMC International Symposium on Medicinal Chemistry (MedChemComm Lectureship), Lisbon, Portugal (7-11.9.2014)
- 4th Symposium on Encoded Chemical Libraries, ETH Zurich, Switzerland (1.9.2014)
- Gordon Research Conference, Intrinsically Disordered Proteins, Easton, USA (6-11.7.2014)
- 15th Tetrahedron Symposium, Challenges in Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry, London, UK (24-27.6.2014)
- 14th Naples Workshop, The renaissance era of peptides in drug discovery, Naples, Italy (12-14.6.2014) (presented by Inmaculada Rentero Rebollo)
- IBC 9th Next Generation Protein Therapeutics Summit, San Francisco, USA (4-6.6.2014)
- Stanford University, Palo Alto, USA (4.6.2014)
- Dutch Peptide Symposium, Utrecht, Netherlands (13.5.2014)
- Scipps, La Jolla, USA (28.2.2014)
- Gordon Research Conference, Peptide Science in the Era of Synthetic Biology, Ventura, USA (23-28.2.2014)
- Osaka University-EPFL International Symposium, Osaka, Japan (1-4.12.2013)
- Max-Bergmann-Kreis, Badenweiler, Germany (6-9.10.2013)
- SCS Fall Meeting, Lausanne (6.9.2013)
- ISACS11, Challenges in Chemical Biology, Boston (23-26.7.2013)
- Universität Tübingen (9.7.2013)
- 23rd American Peptide Symposium, Hawaii (22-27.6.2013)
- ECCLS, Chemistry for life sciences, Barcelona (10-12.6.2013)
- TU Dortmund / Max Planck Institute für Molekulare Physiologie, Dortmund (4.6.2013)
- ESBOC, Chemical probes for cellular processes, Gregynog (17-19.5.2013)
- University of Berne, Mini-Symposium Chemical Biology, Berne (26.4.2013)
- KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm (8.3.2013)
- 11th Status Seminar Chemical Biology, Frankfurt (14-15.2.2013)
- EuroPeptides, Berlin (29.11.2012)
- PEGS Europe, Vienna (4-8.11.2012)
- University of Freiburg, BIOSS Centre for Biological Signalling Studies, Freiburg (16.10.2012)
- Chemical Biology, EMBL, Heidelberg (26-29.9.2012) (presented by Lisa Pollaro)
- Protein Engineering for Biocatalysis, Greifswald (29-31.8.2012)
- RICT 2012 International Conference on Medicinal Chemistry, Poitiers (4.7.2012)
- Biotherapeutics, London (27-28.6.2012) (presented by Dr. Vanessa Baeriswyl)
- Engineered Antibodies, Berlin (13-14.6.2012) (presented by Dr. Vanessa Baeriswyl)
- Workshop Molecular Determinants of Bacterial Diseases, Naples (4.6.2012)
- PEGS Summit, Boston (30.4.2012)
- Gordon Research Conference, Ventura (12.2.2012)
- University of Zurich, Institute of Molecular Cancer Research, Zurich (16.1.2012)
- Peptide Drug Discovering & Manufacturing Conference, Berlin (15.11.2011)
- Natural Product to Drug (NP2D) Conference, Zermatt (5.12.2011)
- XIIIth International Workshop on Molecular & Cellular Biology of Plasminogen Activation, Cambridge (9-13.10.2011) (presented by Dr. Alessandro Angelini)
- R&D Novel Protein Therapeutics, Berlin (27.9.2011)
- ASMC, Saint Petersburg (23.8.2011)
- BBBC Edinburgh, Edinburgh (20.7.2011)
- Institute of Biotechnology, Vilnius University, Vilnius (21.6.2011)
- Japanes-Swiss Symposium Chemical Biology, EPFL, Lausanne ( 9.6.2011)
- Drug Discovery Leaders, Zurich ( 8.6.2011)
- TIDES, Boston (25.5.2011)
- PepTalk, San Diego (12.1.2011)
- Next Generation Protein Therapeutics Conference, Brussels (28.9.2010)
- PEGS Europe, Hannover (6.10.2010)
- Miptec, Basel, Switzerland (24.9.2010)
- 31st European Peptide Symposium, Copenhagen (6.9.2010)
- 2nd International Symposium on DNA-Encoded Chemical Libraries, Zurich (20.8.2010)
- Young Faculty Meeting (YFM), University of Berne, Berne (25.6.2010)
- IBC Next Generation Protein Therapeutics Conference, San Francisco (21.6.2010)
- School of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Geneva, Geneva ( 17.6.2010)
- Advances in Antibody and Peptide Therapeutics, Berlin (8.6.2010)
- Pharmaceutical Sciences, Career Day, University of Geneva, Geneva (8.6.2010)
- PEGS Summit, Boston (18.5.2010)
- Advancing Protein Therapeutics Conference, Frankfurt (21.4.2010)
- University of Basel, Pharmazentrum, Basel ( 14.4.2010)
- University of Berne, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, Berne (26.2.2010)
- Novartis, Protease Platform, Basel (3.12.2009)
- TU Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany (23.11.2009)
- NovImmune, Plan-les-Ouates, Geneva (12.11.2009)
- Proteins Congress, Berlin (30.10.2009)
- BioMed Conference, Peptide engineering: therapeutic peptides, Barcelona (27.10.2009)
- Nachwuchswissenschaftler Symposium, Hannover (29.9.2009)
- Peptides Europe Conference, Berlin (18.9.2009)
- 3rd European Conference on Chemistry for Life Sciences (ECCLS), Frankfurt (4.9.2009)
- Swiss-Japanese Symposium, Tokyo (12.9.2009)
- Frontiers in drug discovery and development, Workshop, Zermatt,(7-11.9.2009) (presented by Dr. Alessandro Angelini)
- Institute of Bioengineering (IBI) cross-interdisciplinary seminar, EPFL, Lausanne (30.4.2009)
- Pepscan, Lelystad, Netherlands (10.2.2009)