Demetri Psaltis
Demetri Psaltis is Professor of Optics and the Director of the Optics Laboratory at the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL). He was a Professor at the California Institute of Technology from 1980 to 2006. He moved to EPFL in 2007. His research interests are imaging, holography, biophotonics, machine learning, nonlinear optics, electrolysis for hydrogen production and optofluidics. Dr.Pslatis is a fellow of the IEEE, the Optical Society of America, the European Optical Society and the Society for Photo-optical Systems Engineering. He received the International Commission of Optics Prize, the Humboldt Award, the Leith Medal, the Gabor Prize and the Joseph Fraunhofer Award/Robert M. Burley Prize.

Prof. Demetri Psaltis
BM 4107 (Bâtiment BM)
Station 17
CH-1015 Lausanne
[email protected]
+41 21 693 77 95
Local: BM 4107