Olaf Blanke

Olaf Blanke is founding director of the Center for Neuroprosthetics and holds the Bertarelli Foundation Chair in Cognitive Neuroprosthetics at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). He directs the Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience at EPFL and is Professor of Neurology at the University Hospital of Geneva.

Olaf Blanke, Prof., M.D., Ph.D.

Olaf Blanke, Prof., M.D., Ph.D.

Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience
Brain-Mind Institute
Center for Neuroprosthetics
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)

Campus Biotech
Chemin des Mines 9,
1202 Geneva

Geneva University Hospital
Department of Neurology

Rue Micheli-du-Crest 24,
1211 Geneva

Selected Publications

  • Park H, Blanke O (2019) Coupling inner and outer body for self-consciousness. Trends in Cognitive Science 3:5.
  • Park HD, Bernasconi F, Salomon R, Tallon-Baudry C, Spinelli L, Seeck M, Schaller K, Blanke O (2017) Neural sources and underlying mechanisms of neural responses to heartbeats, and their role in bodily selfconsciousness: An intracranial EEG study. Cerebral Cortex 7: 1-14.
  • Blanke O, Slater M, Serino A (2015) Behavioral, Neural, and Computational Principles of Bodily Self-Consciousness. Neuron 88: 145-66.
  • Blanke O, Pozeg P, Hara M, Heydrich L, Serino A, Yamamoto A, Higuchi T, Salomon R, Seeck M, Landis T, Arzy S, Herbelin B, Bleuler H, Rognini G (2014) Neurological- and robot-controlled induction of an apparition. Current Biology 24: 2681-2686.
  • Aspell, JE, Heydrich L, Blanke O (2013) Turning body and self-inside out: Visualized heartbeats alter bodily self-consciousness and tactile perception. Psychological Science 24: 2445-2453.
  • Ionta S, Heydrich L, Lenggenhager B, Mouthon M, Gassert R, Blanke O (2011) Temporo-parietal cortex encodes self-location and first-person perspective. Neuron 70:363-374.
  • Blanke O (2012) Multisensory brain mechanisms of bodily self-consciousness. Nature Reviews Neuroscience: 13: 556-571.
  • Ionta S, Heydrich L, Lenggenhager B, Mouthon M, Gassert R, Blanke O (2011) Temporo-parietal cortex encodes self-location and first-person perspective. Neuron 70:363-374.
  • Blanke O, Metzinger T (2009) Full-body illusions and minimal phenomenal selfhood. Trends in Cognitive Science 13: 7-13.
  • Lenggenhager B, Tadi T, Metzinger T, Blanke O. (2007) Video ergo sum. Manipulating bodily self-consciousness. Science 317: 1096-1099.
  • Arzy S, Seeck M, Spinelli L, Ortigue S, Blanke O. (2006) Induction of an illusory shadow person. Nature 443: 287.
  • Blanke O, Spinelli L, Landis T, Seeck M (2004) Out-of-body experience and autoscopy of neurological origin. Brain 127: 243-258.
  • Blanke O, Ortigue S, Landis T, Seeck M. (2002) Stimulating illusory own-body perceptions. Nature 419: 269-270.