Particle distribution and drinking water intake in Lake Biel

This project is a collaboration between APHYS, the Eawag department: Surface Waters – Research and Management and the Geology of University of Bern .
The focus of this research is to understand the spatial structure of the currents and the particle distribution in Lake Biel and to draw conclusions relevant for the location of the drinking water intake for the City of Biel and surroundings.

Råman Vinnå L., D. Bouffard, N. Dubois, M. Hilbe, R. Käser und A. Wüest (2017). Seewasserentnahme im Bielersee – Gibt es eine ideale Position? Aqua & Gas – Fachzeitschrift für Gas, Wasser und Abwasser 97(9): 14 – 20.

Råman Vinnå L (2018). Global and local anthropogenic effects on hydrodynamics of lakes – Applications to Lake Biel drinking water management. PhD thesis EPFL no 7’976.

Råman Vinnå, L., A. Wüest, M. Zappa, G. Fink and D. Bouffard (2018). Tributaries affect the thermal response of lakes to climate change. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 22(1): 31–51;

Råman Vinnå, L., A. Wüest and D. Bouffard (2017). Physical effects of thermal pollution in lakes. Water Resources Research 53(5): 3968–3987, doi: 10.1002/2016WR019686.