In order to optimize academic travel bookings, members of the EPFL community in possession of a validated Travel Request have access to the “Online Booking Tool” (OBT), enabling them to book “simple” air travel, hotel accommodation, or car rental. The OBT is set up in accordance with the EPFL Travel Directives.
Below are a few instructions on how to use the OBT.
For step-by-step explanations, please refer to the User Guide → User Guide OBT (PDF, 700 kB)
Join our one-hour training sessions on the following dates below via Teams:
- Tuesday, March 4th: 1:30 PM – 2:30 PM
- Thursday, April 10th: 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM
- Tuesday, May 6th: 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM
- Wednesday, June 4th: 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM
Before booking any travel by air or including at least one night’s hotel accommodation, you need to create a travel request and an expense report using the expense report tool. This must then be validated by your manager (or by self-validation).
You cannot book a flight with
either OBT or the travel agency
if you do not have a VALIDATED travel request.
The connection is made via the sesame.epfl.ch platform using the dedicated tile in the “Travel & Expense” menu.
You can only access the online booking tool if:
- You have a validated Travel Request (TR), or
- You are a “travel arranger”
In the menu at the top right of the page, under your name, click on “My user profile”. Fill in at least the information requested under:
- Personal preferences: Among other things, you can change the language of the tool (FR / EN). English is selected by default on first connection.
- Personal data: Enter your first and last name (as written in your passport). These details will be used to issue travel documents and must therefore be identical to the identity document.
- Fill in the rest of the requested information.
In order to make a reservation for another person, you must first have received “Expense account – travel arranger” accreditation in EPFL’s ACCRED system.
You will then receive “travel arranger” status in OBT.
OBT allows you to book online “simple” air travel, hotel accommodation and car rentals .
From the OBT main page, Swiss (SBB Webshop) and International (“Trainline” website) train links are available.
For trips requiring exceptions to LEX or trips with several transfers and/or stops, it is necessary to contact the travel agency directly.
The OBT cannot be used to book travel for external persons (person outside EPFL),please contact the travel agency directly.
In the event of changes or cancellation of a trip booked via the online booking tool, you must contact the travel agency directly. This cannot be done online.
Only “simple” trips can be booked with OBT. For trips requiring exceptions to LEX, additions of persons from outside EPFL, or trips with several transfers and/or stops, it will be necessary to contact the travel agency directly.
Then follow the procedure in chapter 4 of the User Guide OBT (PDF, 700 kB).
As a reminder :
- Booking air travel through the EPFL Travel Agency or OBT is mandatory.
- Economy class or economy + is mandatory for flights of less than 6 hours.
- Flights between Swiss cities are not permitted, including stopovers on long-haul flights.
- Air travel cannot be booked for train journeys lasting less than 6 hours. The list of destinations is identified in the appendix to LEX 5.6.2.
- For any trip to an extreme-risk region (levels 4 and 5), the traveler must first request validation from the EPFL Travel Commission.
The EPFL AirPlus card is, by default, inserted into the system. The booked trip will be charged to EPFL via the travel request number.