Description of the internship
Tuberculosis (TB) Case Detection and Genexpert MTB/RIF
Molecular testing
- Case screening and detection
- Identify patients with TB
- Collection of sputum
- How to prepare sputum samples for Genexpert Testing
- Treatment advice and guidance
How to make entries into the various TB registers.
Investigate TB contacts.
Qualities and skills required
- Should be above 18 years of age
- Should be able to speak and write basic English language
- A student understudying TB or HIV-related program
- Must be willing to live and adapt to new working environments
Section(s) concerned: SV
Duration of internship: 2 months minimum
Location: Hohoe-Volta Region, Ghana
Accommodation provided: Yes
Meals provided: On-demand
Description of the organisation
CarePal Foundation (CPF) is a non-profit, non-governmental, non-racial, and humanitarian and development organization driven by young and passionate health professionals, educationists and lovable volunteers who seek to provide meaningful interventions in areas of Health and Education through outreach and advocacy programs. It became legally registered in 2017 with registration number CG032312017.
Mission: To bring love and care to the impoverished and underprivileged communities through our Health and Educational outreach and advocacy programs.
- To promote the general well-being and development of communities through humanitarian works ;
- To promote and make resources available to communities to access to improve their lives ;
- To provide meaningful interventions in areas of Health and Education ;
- To promote the spirit of volunteering among people ;
- To provide opportunities for volunteers to live and share in the activities of other countries or communities in accordance with CarePal programs.
- Will You Be There (WYBeT) project
- Will You Be There Health and School Project