
Chapter 1. Name, Headquarters, Duration and Purpose

Art. 1: Name and logo
The Romaian Students Association at EPFL A/RO (hereinafter “Association”), it is a non-profit organization in accordance with these Statutes and Articles 60 and following of the Swiss Civil Code. Acts and documents of the Association for third parties, including letters, announcements and publications, must indicate the name. The logo of the association cannot be changed more than once per year.
Art. 2: Headquarters
The headquarters of the Association is located in Ecublens.
Art. 3: Duration
The Association functions indefinitely.
Art. 4: Purpose
The purpose of the Association is to:
  • take action to facilitate the welcoming and integration of Romanian students at EPFL;
  • facilitate bounds and improve communication within the Romanian community at EPFL;
  • organize meetings, symposions, conferences, seminars, concerts, outings, tours etc .;
  • promote Romanian culture and language;
  • encourage cultural exchanges between Romania and other countries;

The Association has no economic purpose. It is not linked to any other association, political or religious movement.


Chapter 2. Members

Art. 5 Acquisition of membership
Membership in the Association:
  1. The Romanian people who are, or have been part of the university community Swiss;
  2. Members of the university community EPFL interested in the activities of the Association;
Art. 6 Loss of Membership
  1. Any member has the right to resign from the Association a notice of one month. The resignation must be in writing to the Executive Committee.
  2. House reserved immediate exit for just reasons, including health reasons, departure abroad, dropout or any other reason deemed valid by the committee of management.
Art. 7 Exclusion
  1. Any member may be excluded by decision of the Executive Committee:
    1. if he acts contrary to the purpose or the interests of the Association;
    2. if it violates these statutes and / or internal regulations of the Association;
    3. if it does not submit to the decisions of the general meeting or of the management committee.
  2. Any decision of exclusion is motivated and directed in writing by the Management Committee the member concerned.
  3. Any excluded member has the right to be heard by the Management Board on the grounds of its exclusion.
  4. The excluded member may use in writing to the General Assembly against the decision exclusion within thirty days of its notification.
Art. 8 Effects of loss of membership or exclusion
  1. Resigning or excluded members have no right to be social. The contributions accounting year remain due to the Association.
  2. Members who resign or excluded are responsible, when they start, transmit to their successors, as appropriate to the Executive Committee, documents and records relating to the function they assumed in the Association.


Chapter 3. Structure

Art. 9 Governing bodies
The governing bodies of the Association are:
  1. the General Assembly;
  2. the Executive Committee;
  3. the supervisory body.


Art. 10 Composition and Representation
  1. The General Assembly is the supreme organ of the Association. It brings together members Association.
  2. The membership is acquired immediately after the payment of the annual fee.
  3. Any member unable to attend a General Meeting may be represented by another member by written proxy, signed and delivered to the member responsible for the represent. Each member can represent other two at most.
Art. 11 Duties
  1. The general meeting including rules on the following:
    1. approval of annual activity and management reports prepared by the Executive Committee and discharge for its management;
    2. approval of business organizational committees;
    3. approval of the balance sheet and annual accounts of the Association, together with the notice the accounts auditors;
    4. approval of the work programs of the Steering Committee and Organizing Committees for the next fiscal year;
    5. approval of the budget proposed by the Executive Committee for the next fiscal year especially regarding the use of the Association of funds and the amount of extra-budgetary expenditure;
    6. election / dismissal of the president, vice president, director and other Member of the Events Committee;
    7. election and dismissal of the account auditors;
    8. creation / deletion of organizing committees for annual events and appointment of members;
    9. Decisions on the level of the annual fee;
    10. adoption and amendment of the articles in accordance with the majority of Article 25;
    11. adoption and amendment of internal regulations of the Association submitted by the Committeem direction;
    12. decisions on appeals by members exclusion area;
    13. dissolution of the Association in accordance with the quorum and majority of article 26. 
    14. change the logo
  2. The general meeting also decides on other issues previously brought to the order of the day.
Art. 12 Meeting and Convocation
  1. 1 The ordinary general assembly meets at least once a year and this is essential in 3 months after the end of the financial year.
  2. An extraordinary general meeting is convened whenever the Executive Committee or account monitoring body deem it necessary or when the fifth Member on written and signed request to the Executive Committee.
  3. The general meetings (ordinary or extraordinary) are convened by the Committee direction by sending to members and display, at least thirty days before the date of the assembly. Passive members may attend general meetings.
  4. Sending and viewing mention the agenda, date, place and time of the meeting and the indication of where the documents covered by the decisions can be consulted.
  5. Individual proposals points to bring to the agenda should normally reach in writing to the EventsCommittee at least fifteen days before the date of the general meeting.
  6. The display and documentation available must be completed accordingly.
Art. 13 Proceedings of the general assemblee meeting
  1. No decision can be taken outside of the points mentioned in the agenda.
  2. The General Assembly is headed by the president or vice president of the Association.
  3. It is held Minutes of each meeting of the general assembly, in which the decisions are recorded. This record must be signed by its editor, as well as the Association President or designate. It is available to members of the Association for consultation
Art. 14 Voting, majority and quorum
1 All members gathered at the General Assembly have an equal vote.
2 Voting and elections show of hands, unless a fifth of the members
present or represented request a secret ballot.
3 In the event of a secret ballot, the General Assembly appoints three members, non-members
the management committee, responsible for analyzing the ballots. The invalid ballots are not
took into consideration.
4 The decisions of the general meeting are taken by a relative majority of the members present
or represented, except decisions on the adoption or amendment of the bylaws (art. 25)
and the dissolution of the association (art. 26).


Art. 15 Structure and organization
  1. The Events Committee is the executive body of the Association. It is composed of 3 to 5 members 2/3 of which at least are students regularly registered at EPFL. It is headed by a Chairman, registered at EPFL, and further comprises a vice president and treasurer.
  2. All members of the Executive Committee are elected for one year by the General Assembly and be reelected.
  3. The steering committee organizes itself.
  4. If, for lack of candidates, less than 3 members are elected members whose position has not been provided remain interim basis until the next general meeting and the steering committee organizes new elections for vacancies.
  5. If the function of a member of the Executive Committee becomes vacant during the year, the President is authorized to designate another member of the steering committee that will occupy the function in acting capacity issue until the next meeting.
  6. Any member of the management committee who loses membership of the Association shall resign from the committee with immediate effect.
Art. 16 Duties of the Events Committee
  1. The duties of the Events Committee include the following:
    1. day management and administration of the Association in accordance with its purpose and the decisions of the general meeting;
    2. maintenance of accounting and accounting documents of the Association;
    3. establishment of the balance sheet and annual accounts;
    4. management of funds of the Association;
    5. convene and prepare the general meeting;
    6. budgeting and the annual management report and presentation of these documents at the general meeting;
    7. presentation of the balance sheet and annual accounts, as well as notice of the controlling body at the general meeting;
    8. implementation of decisions of the general meeting; 
    9. decisions on the admission and exclusion of members of the Association;
    10. representation of the Association towards third parties.
  2. The association can in principle be validly bound by the joint signature two of its president and treasurer. Cases of signing authority are decided by the steering committee.
  3. The Executive Committee is authorized to engage in extra-budgetary expenditures required to organizing events in an amount approved by the General Assembly. It must keep the receipts to ensure that these expenses are included in balance sheet and the financial statements. For any expenditure exceeding that ceiling, the committee
  4. Management is required to convene an extraordinary general meeting.
Art. 17 Meeting and Convocation
  1. The Executive Committee shall meet as often as convened by the President or at the request of third of its members.
  2. The Events Committee may validly deliberate only in presence majority of its members. A member may, however, be represented by another member of the committee Administrative upon a signed proxy.
  3. Decisions of the Executive Committee are taken by a majority of members present. They are normally recorded in a report signed by its editor. The original Minutes are kept by the management committee. A copy is available Members of the Association’s premises.
Art. 18 Organizing Committee
  1. At the management committee deputy is a steering committee, whose functions are related to organizing annual events.
  2. The organizing committee is composed of members of the Association and is elected for one year the general Assembly.
  3. The organizing committee is under the overall responsibility of the steering committee delegate their members with skills related to relevant events. a report annual activity is presented for approval at the general meeting by each committee organization.
Art. 19 Internal Regulations
  1. The internal regulations set the organization, tasks and relationships of the management committee and Executive Comittee
  2. The internal rules may be amended by vote of the two committees together.
Art. 20 Meetings and internal committees votings
  1. The members of the Executive Comittee and the organizing committee express their opinion

     consultation or vote online (eg Doodle) or at a meeting.

  2. Votes shall be taken by a majority of members present and voting participants.
  3. The meetings are announced at least 3 working days in advance.
  4. A consultation lasts or online voting at least 5 working days from the announcement of the vote participants by email. Unless information, consultation or voting ends after 5 working days.


Art. 21 Composition and function
  1. The auditors appointed by the general assembly for a period of one year. It is re-elected. It consists of three members of the Association (one alternate), excluding members of the Executive Committee.
  2. The auditors check at the end of each financial year, the balance sheet and accounts established by the management committee. It expresses a notice for the general meeting.
  3. The auditors may request all supporting documents to the Organisation Committee. if considers it necessary, it may request the convening of an extraordinary general meeting.

Chapter 4. Financial Assets

Art. 22 Resources
The resources of the Association come from:
  1. annual membership fees, established by the General Assembly;
  2. or the proceeds of events organized by the Association;
  3. the proceeds of any sale or lease by the Association;
  4. sponsorship;
  5. any other sources of income.
Art. 23 Financial Responsibility
The responsibilities of financial data of the Association are:
  1. The personal liability of members is limited to the payment of the annual fee, the Association meet its commitments exclusively on its assets.
  2. The members have no right to have this social assets of the Association are its exclusive property.
  3. The Association may be held financially by the mere signature of a member of the organizing committee up to an amount fixed by the Steering Committee. Beyond this amount, the Association is engaged by two signatures, one at least of the President or Treasurer of the Association.
Art. 24 Bank Accounts
The bank accounts of the Association is maintained by the management committee. Rooms
accounting and other supporting documents are kept. The financial year is the year


Chapter 5. The Responsibility of the Association and Its Members

Art. 25 Liability insurance
The Association agrees to take out liability insurance covering property damage and / or injury caused by its members as part of their activities within the Association.
Art. 26 Personal liability of a Member of the Association
Any member of the Association personally liable if caused intentionally or negligently damage at EPFL or any other third party in violating the most elementary requirements of prudence, when he could get that he would harm that party.


Chapter 6. Adoption and Modification of the Statutes, Dissolution and Liquidation

Art. 27 Adoption and amendment of the articles
The adoption and amendment of these Statutes require a majority of the members present or represented at the general meeting.
Art. 28 Dissolution
  1. Subject to a court order, the dissolution of the Association may be decided by the general meeting by a majority of two thirds of members present or represented at the meeting, provided that more than half of the members are present or represented.
  2. If this quorum is not reached, a second extraordinary general meeting, to be convened within four weeks from the date of the first meeting, decide on the dissolution by a majority of two thirds of members present o represented the meeting, regardless of their number.
Art. 29 Liquidation
  1. The liquidation mandate back to the Executive Committee in office.
  2. Members of the Association can not claim any rights to the assets. The net assets shall be transferred to another association or a charitable institution designated by the general meeting decides to dissolve the Association.

Chapter 7. Final Dispositions

 Art. 30 Entry into force
These statutes, amended and adopted by the general meeting of 2 March 2010, supersede all previously approved statutes. They come into force on the date of their approval.
Art. 31 Display and communication
These statutes, signed one copy kept in the archives of the Association are posted in the premises of the Association and published on its website.