Monday 8 May 2023, 6.30pm
Discussion and aperitive
Ido Avissar, founder of the architecture office LIST in Paris, and Mio Tsuneyama, co-founder of the architecture office mnm studio in Toyko and London and visiting professor at EPFL, will discuss the operative perspectives of troubled times, or how to invent ways of acting in which the project becomes a trajectory of open and multiple potentialities, capable of being updated according to the turbulence. In the context of the exhibition Sympoietic. Arts de faire de la ville écologique.
The discussion is also web cast live on Zoom.
Meeting ID: 646 5060 5823
Ido Avissar (1972) is an architect-urban planner working in Paris. From 2003 to 2009 he was project manager at l’AUC, then from 2009 to 2012 he was founding partner of the GRAU agency. In 2012, Ido created the LIST agency where he develops an approach that reconciles professional practice and research, and aims to position himself between disciplines – architecture, urbanism, landscape and planning – rather than within a fixed disciplinary framework. In 2018 he defended his doctoral thesis in architecture: “The Intensities of the Neutral, in Search of a Neutral Posture in the Face of Chaos” under the direction of Philippe Potié. Ido has taught in several schools of architecture such as the Berlage Institute in the Netherlands and the École d’Architecture de Versailles. Today he is the director of the “Fragments” master’s programme at the École d’architecture de la ville & des territoires Paris-Est and teaches in the urban planning cycle at Sciences-Po Paris.
Mio Tsuneyama is a Japanese architect (Kanagawa 1983) and founder of Studio mnm. She began her study of architecture at Tokyo University of Science (TUS), Japan and completed at École Polytechnique Fédéral de Lausanne(EPFL) in 2008 as Swiss Government International Scholarships student. She served as an intern at Bonhôte Zapata Architectes Genève, from 2005 to 2006 and worked as an architect at HHF Architects in Basel from 2008 to 2012. She founded Studio mnm the architectural studio based in Tokyo. She has built her career in academic field after she had been back to Japan as she taught at TUS as from assistant professor to lecturer since 2013. She also teaches at several private universities in Japan and has begun to teach as a guest professor at EPFL in 2022.