QSE Postdoctoral Fellowship

QSE Postdoctoral Fellowship
Call for fellows
The EPFL Center for Quantum Science and Engineering is opening a call for QSE postdoctoral Fellows.
The QSE Fellowship gives outstanding and highly motivated young researchers the opportunity to carry out research in collaboration with the thriving EPFL QSE community on frontier topics in quantum science and quantum engineering. The Fellowship aims at establishing cutting-edge interdisciplinary research. Fellows will have the opportunity to work in collaboration with several laboratories and will be granted ample freedom to develop their own research agenda.
Initial appointments will be made for one year, with the expectation of renewal for at least a second year, upon agreement of the QSE scientific committee. The salary is in line with the one for EPFL post-doctoral researchers. Starting date is flexible, but we do encourage an early start.
Applicants must hold a PhD in a field relevant to the broad area of quantum science and engineering (e.g., Physics, Engineering, Computer Science, …). Applications from underrepresented groups are encouraged.
Application process
Applications must be submitted online at the following address:
Documents required
- CV including publication list,
- research statement on past achievements (up to 3 pages),
- research project on quantum science and engineering (up to 3 pages),
- names and contact information of 3 to 5 referees.
Evaluation criteria
- Scientific excellence of the applicant
- Scientific excellence and potential impact of the research project
- Potential for collaboration with research groups at EPFL
Application deadline: May 31st 2023
Acceptance notifications: End of June 2023
For more information, contact us.