QSE Collaborative Research Fellowship

QSE Collaborative Research Fellowships
Call for proposals
The EPFL Center for Quantum Science and Engineering fosters outstanding scientific research in the QSE domain. Producing groundbreaking scientific discoveries in quantum science, and developing cutting-edge quantum technologies requires the combined efforts of scientists from computer science, engineering, and basic sciences. The QSE Center encourages and supports these collaborations, with the goal of creating cross-disciplinary research initiatives that will move boundaries in the QSE domain.
To pursue this goal, the QSE Center is funding QSE Collaborative Research Fellowships to support outstanding young researchers to be hired as incoming postdoctoral fellows.
The fellows will work on research projects that explicitly need a cross-expertise approach and that are high risk/high gain in nature.
Applications can be received from the three EPFL Schools IC, STI, and SB.
The QSE Collaborative Research Fellowships offers up to CHF 200’000 per project, for two-year projects. Applicants must jointly provide an additional matching fund, amounting to 25% of the requested amount, to fund the project.
- Applications must involve at least two principal investigators (PIs) from two EPFL research groups affiliated with two of the three EPFL Schools IC, STI, and SB. One of the PIs is designated as “responsible applicant”, the other one(s) as “co-applicant(s)”. The postdoctoral researcher will be affiliated to the laboratory of the responsible applicant.
- Applicants must be employed as Professors or senior scientists (i.e. maîtres d’enseignement et de recherche – MERs). Eccellenza or PRIMA grantees or ERC Starting Grant holders who are employed by EPFL for the full duration of the project (2 years) can also apply.
- Applicants who are not financially independent must include a letter of commitment from the head of unit.
- Applicants may only submit one application as either responsible applicants or co-applicants, and they may only apply once per call for the QSE Collaborative Research Fellowships.
For more details, please visit the programme webpage and review the application guidelines of the QSE Collaborative Research Fellowships.