Category: News

Article in Nature
Elias’ four years of work is now published in Nature. The press release from Mediacom can be found here, and the one from Heriot-Watt University can be found here. Also interesting is this news item in ChemistryWorld.

3rd Edition of Understanding Molecular Simulation
D. Frenkel and B. Smit, Understanding Molecular Simulations: from Algorithms to Applications, 3rd ed. (Academic Press, San Diego, 2023) A copy can be obtained from the Elsevier website, and with the promo code “CHEM30” one can get a 30% reduction.

Cover of Digital Discovery
M. V. Gil, K. M. Jablonka, S. García, C. Pevida, and B. Smit, Biomass to energy: A machine learning model for optimum gasification pathways Digital Discovery 2, 929 (2023)

Cover of ACS Central Science
K. M. Jablonka, A. S. Rosen, A. S. Krishnapriyan, and B. Smit, An Ecosystem for Digital Reticular Chemistry ACS Cent Sci 9 (4), 563 (2023)

Publication in Nature Materials
A subtitle of this work: Machine learning without data! S. M. Moosavi, B. Á. Novotny, D. Ongari, E. Moubarak, M. Asgari, Ö. Kadioglu, C. Charalambous, A. Ortega-Guerrero, A. H. Farmahini, L. Sarkisov, S. Garcia, F. Noé, and B. Smit, A data-science approach to predict the heat capacity of nanoporous materials Nat Mater (2022) (…)

Perspective in Nature Chemistry: Pancakes and Chemical Data
See the press release: Kevin and Luc have written their vision on Open Science and Chemical Data in: K. M. Jablonka, L. Patiny, and B. Smit, Making the collective knowledge of chemistry open and machine actionable Nat Chem 14 (4), 365 (2022)

Publication in Nature Chemistry
Kevin, Daniele and Mohamad inspired by one of the life lines of “How to become a millionaire” for a model to predict oxidation states of MOFs. Interested: K. M. Jablonka, D. Ongari, S. M. Moosavi, and B. Smit, Using collective knowledge to assign oxidation states of metal cations in metal–organic frameworks Nat Chem (2021)

Cover of JACS
The perspective of Mohamad and Kevin on a cover of JACS. S. M. Moosavi, K. M. Jablonka, and B. Smit, The Role of Machine Learning in the Understanding and Design of Materials J Am Chem Soc (2020)

Cover of ACS Central Science
The perspective of Daniele and Leopold on the cover of ACS Central Science. D. Ongari, L. Talirz, and B. Smit, Too Many Materials and Too Many Applications: An Experimental Problem Waiting for a Computational Solution ACS Cent. Sci. (2020)

Sauradeep wins the world finals of FameLab
Here is his winning presentation: