

130. J. Kok, P. P. Albertini, J. Leemans, R. Buonsanti*, T. Burdyny* “Overcoming Copper Stability Challenges in CO2 Electrolysis” This article is an invited Perspective.

129. R. Buonsanti, B. Cossairt “The future of colloidal seminconductor nanocrystals” Chem. Mater. 2025 This article is an invited Editorial.

128. J. Leemans, Jennifer Calderon Mora, P. P. Albertini, K. Kumar, C. Boulanger, R. Buonsanti “The chemical nature of the oxide directs the stability and reactivity of copper|oxide interfaces in the electrochemical CO2 reduction reaction”  submitted (link, green open access)

127. C. Boulanger, D. Arenas Esteban, K. Kumar, J. Leemans, P. P. Albertini, H. You, E. Assendjee, D. C. Stoian, S. Bals, R. Buonsanti “A Colloidal Nanofoundry for Catalytically Active Solid-Liquid-Solid Nanoparticles”  submitted (link, green open access here)

126. M. Wang, A. Loiudice, E. Ibanez Ale, K. Kumar, D. Stoian, Z. Lian, P. P. Albertini, L. Zaza, J. Leemans, N. Lopez, R. Buonsanti “Colloidal copper nanospheres boost propanol electrosynthesis from CO” submitted  (link, green open access here)

125. L. Zaza, B. Rankovic, P. Schwaller, R. Buonsanti “A holistic data-driven approach to synthesis predictions of colloidal nanocrystal shapes” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2025 (link, hybrid open access)


124. L. Zaza, D. C.Stoian, N. Bussel, P.P. Albertini, C. Boulanger, J. Leemans, K. Kumar, A. Loiudice, R. Buonsanti “Increasing precursor reactivity enables continuous tunability of copper nanocrystals from single crystalline to twinned and stacking fault-lined” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2024, 146, 32766 (link, green open access)

123. P. B. Green, O. Segura Lecina, P. P. Albertini, M. A. Newton, K. Kumar, C. Boulanger, J. Leemans, P. Thompson, A. Loiudice, R. Buonsanti “Colloidal atomic layer deposition on nanocrystals using ligand-modified precursors” J. Am. Chem. Soc.  2024, 146, 10708-10715  (link, green open access here)

122 V. Lapointe, P. B. Green, A. N. Chen, R. Buonsanti, M. B. Majewski “Long lived CsPbBr3 superlattices: colloidal atomic layer deposition for structural stability” Chem. Sci. 2024, 15, 4510-4518 (link, gold open access)

121. P. P. Albertini, M. A. Newton, M. Wang, O. Segura Lecina, P. B. Green, D. C. Stoian, E. Oveisi, A. Loiudice, R. Buonsanti “Hybrid Oxide Coatings Generate Stable Cu Catalysts for CO2 Electroreduction” Nature Mater. 2024, 23, 680-687 (link, hybrid open access)

120 J. Vavra, G. P. L. Ramona, F. Dattila, A. KormĂĄnyos, T. Priamushko, P. P. Albertini, A. Loiudice, S. Cherevko, N. LopĂ©z, R. Buonsanti “Solution-based Cu+ transient species mediate the reconstruction of copper electrocatalysts for CO2 reduction” Nature Catal. 2024, 7, 89 (link, green open access here)



119. V. Okatenko, C. Boulanger, A. N. Chen, K. Kumar, P. Schouwink, A. Loiudice, R. Buonsanti ” Voltage-driven Chemical Reactions Enable the Synthesis of Tunable Liquid Ga – Metal Nanoparticles” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2023, 145, 25401 (link, green open access)


118. O. Segura Lecina, M. Newton, P. B. Green, P. P. Albertini, J. Leemans, K.P. Marshall, D. Stoian, A. Loiudice, R. Buonsanti “Surface chemistry dictates the enhancement of luminescence and stability of InP QDs upon c-ALD ZnO hybrid shell growth ” JACS Au 2023, 11, 3066 (link, gold open access)


117. P. B. Green, O. Segura Lecina, P. P. Albertini, A. Loiudice, R. Buonsanti “Colloidal-ALD Grown Metal Oxide Shells Enable the Synthesis of Photoactive Ligand/Nanocrystal Composite Materials” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2023, 145, 8189-8197 (link, hybrid open access) 


116. R. Buonsanti “Electronic Lab Notebooks for Materials Synthesis” Chem. Mater. 2023, 35, 805 (link). This article is an invited Editorial.

115. V. Okatenko, A. Loiudice, M. A. Newton, D.C. Stoian, A. Blokhina, A. N. Chen, K. Rossi, R. Buonsanti “Alloying as a Strategy to Boost the Stability of Copper Nanocatalysts during the Electrochemical CO2 Reduction Reaction” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2023, 145, 5370 (link, green open access)

114. M. Wang, A. Loiudice, V. Okatenko, I.D. Sharp, A. Llobet, R. Buonsanti “The spatial distribution of cobalt phtalocyanine and copper nanocubes controls the selectivity towards C2 products in tandem electrocatalytic CO2 reduction”, Chem. Sci. 2023, 14, 1097 (link, gold open access). This article is part of the 2023 Chemical Science HOT Article Collection.


113. M. Wang, V. Nikolaou, A. Loiudice, I.D. Sharp, A. Llobet, R. Buonsanti “Tandem electrocatalytic CO2 reduction with Fe-porphyrins and Cu nanocubes enhances ethylene production”, Chem. Sci. 2022, 13, 12673 (link, gold open access). This article is part of the 2022 Chemical Science HOT Article Collection.

112. L. Castilla-AmorĂłs, P. Schouwink, E. Oveisi, V. Okatenko, R. Buonsanti “Tailoring Morphology and Elemental Distribution of CuIn Nanocrystals via Galvanic Replacement” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2022, 144, 18286 (link, green open access)

111. J. R. Pankhurst, L. Castilla-AmorĂłs, D. Stoian, J. Vavra, V. Mantella, P. P. Albertini, R. Buonsanti “Copper-Phosphonate Lamella Intermediates Control the Shape of Colloidal Copper Nanocrystals” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2022, 144, 12261 (link, hybrid open access)

110. V. Okatenko, L. Castilla-AmorĂłs, D. Stoian, J. VĂĄvra, A. Loiudice, R. Buonsanti “The native oxide skin of liquid metal Ga nanoparticles prevents their rapid coalescence during electrocatalysis” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2022, 144, 1053 (link, green open access pre-print)

109. A. Loiudice, R. Buonsanti* “Reaction Intermediates in the Synthesis of Colloidal Nanocrystals” Nature Synthesis 2022, 1, 344 (link), Editorial (link)

108. L. Zaza, K. Rossi, R. Buonsanti* “Well-Defined Copper-Based Nanocatalysts for Selective Electrochemical Reduction of CO2 to C2 products” ACS Energy Lett 2022, 7, 1284 (link, EC hybrid open access). This article is highlighted in Women Scientists at the Forefront of Energy Research and is among the 2022 top-20 most read of ACS Energy Lett 

107. O. Segura Lecina, M. Hope, A. Venkatesh, S. BjörgvinsdĂłttir, K. Rossi, A. Loiudice,  L. Emsley, R. Buonsanti* “Colloidal-ALD Grown Hybrid Shells Nucleate via a Ligand–Precursor Complex” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2022, 144, 3998 (link, green open access)

106. K. Rossi, R. Buonsanti* “Shaping Copper Nanocatalysts to Steer Selectivity in the Electrochemical CO2 Reduction Reaction” Acc. Chem. Res. 2022, 55, 629  (link, green open access)

105. G.O. LarrazĂĄbal, V. Okatenko, I. Chorkendorff, R. Buonsanti, B. Seger* “An investigation of ethylene and propylene production from CO2 reduction over copper nanocubes in MEA-type electrolyzer” ACS Appl. Mater. Interf. 2022, 14, 779  (link, green open access)

104. L. Castilla-Amoros, T.-C. Chang Chien, J. R. Pankhurst, R. Buonsanti* “Modulating the Reactivity of Liquid Ga Nanoparticle Inks by Modifying their Surface Chemistry” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2022, 144, 1993  (link)

103. A. Loiudice, B.P.G. Niau, R. Buonsanti* “Crystal phase control of ternary metal oxides by solid-state synthesis with nanocrystals” ACS Nanoscale Au 2022, 2, 233 (gold open access, link)


102. S.B. Varandili, D. Stoian, J. Vavra, K. Rossi, J. R. Pankhurst, Y. Guntern, N. Lopez, R. Buonsanti* “Elucidating the structure-dependent selectivity towards methane and ethanol of CuZn in the CO2 electroreduction using tailored Cu/ZnO precatalysts  ” Chem. Sci. 2021, 12, 14484 (gold open access, link)

101. P. Iyengar, M. J. Kolb, J. Pankhurst, F. Calle Vallejo*, R. Buonsanti* “Theory-guided enhancement of CO2 reduction to ethanol on Ag-Cu tandem catalysts via particle-size effects” ACS Catalysis 2021, 11, 13330 (link) 

100. R. Buonsanti “Copper, my precious!” Nature Catalysis 2021, 4, 736  (link) ♩ Retro News & Views♩

99. S.W. Sheehan and R. Buonsanti “Deriving value from CO2: From catalyst design to industrial implementation” Chem. Catalysis 2021, 1, 751 (link)  ♩ Activity♩

98. R. Buonsanti and S.W. Sheehan “Catalyst discovery for electrochemical CO2 conversion” Chem. Catalysis 2021, 1, 754 (link)  ♩ Activity♩

97. A. Loiudice, O. Segura Lecina, A. Bornet, J. Luther, R. Buonsanti* “Ligand locking on quantum dot surfaces via a mild reactive surface treatment” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2021, 143, 13418 (link)

96.  R. Buonsanti  “Developing the Chemistry of Colloidal Cu Nanocrystals to Advance the CO2 Electrochemical Reduction” Chimia 2021, 75, 598 (link)  ♩Special Issue Swiss Chemical Society Major Awards♩

95.  R. Buonsanti and W. Smith “Emerging collaborations at the forefront of growth in electrochemical synthesis” iScience 2021, 24, 102639 (link)  ♩ Editorial ♩

94. R. Buonsanti * and N. Zheng* “The Inorganic Chemistry of Nanoparticles” Inorg. Chem. 2021, 60, 4179 (link) ♩ Editorial ♩

Special Inorganic Chemistry Forum on “Inorganic Chemistry of Nanoparticles”

93. P. Iyengar, M. Kolb, J. Pankhurst, F. Calle Vallejo, R. Buonsanti* “Elucidating the Facet-dependent Selectivity for CO2 Electroreduction to Ethanol of Cu-Ag Tandem Catalysts” ACS Catalysis 2021, 11, 4456 (open access, link)  ♩ ACS Editors’ choice ♩

92. Y. Guntern, J. Vavra, V. Karve, S. Varandili, O. Segura Lecina, C. Gadiyar, R. Buonsanti* “Synthetic Tunability of Colloidal Covalent Organic Framework/Nanocrystal Hybrids”  Chem. Mater. 2021, 33, 2646 (link)


91. J. Pankhurst, P. Iyengar, V. Okatenko, R. Buonsanti* “Copper nanocrystal morphology determines the viability of molecular surface functionalization in tuning electrocatalytic behavior in CO2 reduction”, Inorg. Chem. 2021, 60, 6939 (link, green open access)

Special Inorganic Chemistry Forum on “Heterogeneous Interfaces through the Lens of Inorganic Chemistry”

90.  R.Buonsanti*, A. Loiudice, V. Mantella “Colloidal Nanocrystals as Precursors and Intermediates in Solid State Reactions for Multinary Oxide Nanomaterials” Acc. Chem. Res. 2021, 54, 754 (link)

Special Issue “Transformative Inorganic Nanocrystals” 


89. Y.T. Guntern, V. Okatenko, J. Pankhurst, S.B. Varandili, P. Iyengar, C. Koolen, D. Stoian, J. Vavra, R.Buonsanti* “Colloidal Nanocrystals as Electrocatalysts with Tunable Activity and Selectivity” ACS Catal. 2021, 11, 1248 (link, green open access) ♩ invited ♩


88. R. Buonsanti “Magic clusters are better together” Nature. Mater. 2021, 20, 580  (link) ♩ News & Views♩


87. V. Mantella, S.B. Varandili, J. R. Pankhurst, R. Buonsanti* “Colloidal synthesis of Cu-M-S (M=V, Cr, Mn) nanocrystals by tuning the copper precursor reactivity” Chem. Mater. 2020, 32, 9780 (link)

86. S.B. Varandili, D. Stoian, Jan Vavra, J. R. Pankhurst, R. Buonsanti* “Ligand-mediated formation of Cu/metal oxide hybrid nanocrystals with tunable number of interfaces ” Chem. Sci. 2020, 11, 13094 (gold open access, link)

85. L. Castilla-Amoros, D. Stoian, J. R. Pankhurst, S.B. Varandili, R. Buonsanti* “Exploring the chemical reactivity of gallium liquid metal nanoparticles in galvanic replacement” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 19283 (link, green open access)

V. Mantella, L. Castilla-Amoros, R. Buonsanti* “Shaping non-noble metal nanocrystals via colloidal chemistry” Chem. Sci. 2020, 11, 11394 (gold open access, link) ♩ invited ♩

83. J. Vavra, T.-H Shen, D. Stoian, V. Tileli*, R. Buonsanti* “Real-time monitoring reveals dissolution/redeposition mechanism in Cu nanocatalysts during the initial stages of the CO2 reduction reaction ” Angew. Chemie. Int. Ed. 2021, 60, 1347 (link, green open access Accepted Article) Highlighted in Nature Catalysis (link)

82. C. Gadiyar, A. Loiudice, F. D’Ambra, E. Oveisi, D. Stoian, P, Iyengar, L. Castilla-Amoros, V. Mantella, R. Buonsanti* “Nanocrystals as precursors in solid state reactions for size- and shape- controlled polyelemental nanomaterials” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 15931 (link)

81. J.R. Pankhurst, P. Iyengar, A. Loiudice, M. Mensi, R. Buonsanti* “Metal-ligand bond strength determines the fate of organic ligands on the catalyst surface during the electrochemical CO2 reduction reaction” Chem. Sci. 2020, 11,9296 (gold open access, link) 


80. A. Loiudice+, O. Segura Lecina+, R. Buonsanti* “Atomic Control in Multicomponent Nanomaterials: when Colloidal Chemistry meets Atomic Layer Deposition” ACS Mater. Lett. 2020, 2, 1182 (link) 

R. Buonsanti, J. M. Buriak, L. Cabana, B. M. Cossairt, M. Dasog, S. Dehnen, J. L. Dempsey, A. Nirmala Grace, D. Koziej, L. McElwee-White, C. Thomas, J. Y. Yang “Checking in with Women Materials Scientists during a Global Pandemic: May 2020” Chem. Mater. 2020,32,  4859  (link)


78. V. Mantella+, M. Strach+, K. Frank, J.R. Pankhurst, D. Stoian, C. Gadiyar, B. Nickel, R. Buonsanti* “Polymer Lamellae as Reaction Intermediates of Cu Nanospheres Evidenced by In-situ-X-ray Studies” Angew. Chemie. Int. Ed. 2020, 59, 11627 (link, green open access Accepted Version)


77. S. Sarys, S. Dona, V. Niemann, A. Loiudice, R. Buonsanti* “Optimizing the Atomic Layer Deposition of Alumina on Perovskite Nanocrystals Films by Using O2 as a Molecular Probe” Helv. Chim. Acta 2020, 103, e2000055 (link)


76. A. Loiudice, S. Saris, R. Buonsanti* “A Tunable Metal Oxide Shell as a Spacer to Study Energy Transfer in Semiconductor Nanocrystals” J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2020, 11, 3430 (link)



75. E. Penzo,  A. Loiudice, E.S. Barnard, N.J. Borys, M.J.Jurow, M. Lorenzon, I. Rajzbaum, E.K. Wong, Y. Liu, A.M. Schwartzberg, S. Cabrini, S. Whitelam, R. Buonsanti, A. Weber-Bargioni “Long-range FRET-mediated exciton diffusion in 2D assemblies of CsPbBr3 perovskite nanocrystals”, ACS Nano 2020, just accepted (link)


74. G. De Gregorio,  T. Burdyny, A. Loiudice, P. Iyengar, W. Smith, R. Buonsanti* “Facet-dependent selectivity of Cu catalysts in electrochemical CO2 reduction at commercially viable current densities”, ACS Catalysis 2020, 10, 4854 (gold open access, link) ♩ ACS Editors’ choice ♩


73. S. Popović,  M. , Smiljanić, P. Jovanovic, J. Vavra, R. Buonsanti*, N. Hodnik* “Stability and degradation mechanisms of copper-based catalysts for electrochemical CO2 reduction”, Angew. Chemie. Int. Ed. 2020, 59, 14736 (link)



72. S. Saris,  A. Loiudice, M. Mensi, R. Buonsanti* “Exploring Energy Transfer in a Metal/Perovskite Nanocrystal Antenna to Drive Photocatalysis” J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2019, 10, 7797 (link)


71. S. Sarys+, V. Niemann+, V. Mantella, A. Loiudice, R. Buonsanti* “Understanding the mechanism of metal-induced degradation in perovskite nanocrystals”  Nanoscale 2019, 11, 19543 (link)


70. M. Strach+, V. Mantella+,J.R. Pankhurst+, P. Iyengar, A. Loiudice, S. Das, C. Corminboeuf, W. van Beek, R. Buonsanti* “Insights into reaction intermediates to predict synthetic pathways for shape-controlled metal nanocrystals” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019, 141, 16312 (link)


69. J.R. Pankhurst, Y.T. Guntern, M. Mensi, R. Buonsanti* “Molecular tunability of surface-functionalized metal nanocrystals for selective electrochemical CO2 reduction” Chem. Sci. 2019, 10, 10356 (gold open access, link)



68. R. Buonsanti* “A solid advance in electrolytes” Nature Energy 2019, 4, 728 (link)  ♩ News & Views ♩

67. G. Mangione, J.Huang, R. Buonsanti, C. Corminboeuf* “Dual-facet mechanism in copper nanocubes for electrochemical CO2 reduction to ethylene” J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2019, 10, 4259 (link)

66. Y.T. Guntern, J.R. Pankhurst, J. VĂĄvra, M. Mensi, V. Mantella, P. Schouwink, R. Buonsanti* “Nanocrystal/Metal-organic Framework Hybrids as Electrocatalytic Platforms for CO2 Conversion” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019, 58, 2 (link, green open access Accepted Version)


65. A. Loiudice, M. Strach, S. Saris, D. Chernyshov, R. Buonsanti* “Universal Oxide Shell Growth Enables In-situ Structural Studies of Perovskite Nanocrystals during the Anion Exchange ReactionJ. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019, 141, 8254 (link)


64. P. Iyengar J. Huang, G.L. De Gregorio, C. Gadiyar, R. Buonsanti* “Size-dependent selectivity of Cu nano-octahedra catalysts for the electrochemical CO2 reduction to CH4” Chem. Commun. 2019,55, 8796 (link)  ♩ Emerging Investigators Issue ♩


63. S. B. Varandili, J. Huang, E. Oveisi, G.L. De Gregorio, Mounir, M. Strach, J. Vavra, C. Gadiyar, A. Bhowmik, R. Buonsanti* “Synthesis of Cu/CeO2-x  heterodimers with interfacial active sites to promote CO2 electroreduction” ACS Catalysis 2019, 9, 5035 (link)


62. J. Huang, M. Mounir, E. Oveisi, V. Mantella, R. Buonsanti* “Structural sensitivities in bimetallic catalysts for electrochemical CO2 reduction revealed by Ag-Cu nanodimers” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019, 141, 2490 (link)


61. V. Mantella, S. Ninova, S. Saris, A. Loiudice, U. Aschauer, R. Buonsanti* “Synthesis and size-dependent optical properties of intermediate band gap Cu3VS4 nanocrystals” Chem. Mater. 2019, 31, 532  (link)       


60. J. Huang, R. Buonsanti* “Colloidal nanocrystals as heterogeneous catalysts for electrochemical CO2 conversion” Chem. Mater. 2019, 31, 13 (pdf, ACS Editor Choice, gold open access)   ♩ Up-and-Coming Perspective♩



59. M. Scarongella+, C. Gadyiar+, M. Strach, L. Rimoldi, A. Loiudice, R. Buonsanti* “Assembly of ÎČ-Cu2V2O7/WO3 nanocomposites and the impact of their composition on structure and photoelectrochemical properties ” J. Mater. Chem. C. 2018, 6, 1262 (link)♩ Emerging Investigators Collection ♩



58. J. Wiktor, I. Reshetnyak, M. Strach, M. Scarongella, R. Buonsanti, A. Pasquarello “Sizable excitonic effects undermining the photocatalytic efficiency of ÎČ-Cu2V2O7 ” J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2018, 9, 5698 (link) 

57. J. Huang, N. Hörmann, E. Oveisi, A. Loiudice, G. De Gregorio, O. Andreussi, N. Marzari, R. Buonsanti* “Potential-induced nanoclustering of metallic catalysts during electrochemical CO2 reduction” Nature Commun. 2018, 9, 3117 (pdf, gold open access)


56. C. Gadiyar, M. Strach, P. Schouwink, A. Loiudice, R. Buonsanti*“Chemical transformations at the nanoscale: nanocrystal-seeded synthesis of ÎČ-Cu2V2O7 with enhanced photoconversion efficiencies” Chem. Sci. 2018, 9, 5658 (pdf, gold open access)


55. W. Luo, W. Xie, R. Mutschler, E. Oveisi, G. L. De Gregorio, R. Buonsanti, A. Zuttel “Selective and stable electroreduction of CO2 to CO at the copper/indium interface” ACS Catalysis 2018, 8, 6571.(link)

54. Z. Luo, D. Marson, Q. K. Ong, A. Loiudice, J. Kohlbrecher, A. Radulescu, A. Krause-Heuer, T. Darwish, S. Balog, R. Buonsanti, D. I Svergun, P. Posocco, F. Stellacci “Quantitative 3D determination of self-assembled structures on nanoparticles using small angle neutron scattering” Nature Comm. 2018, 9, 1343.

53. R. Sharma, A. M. Sawvel, B. Barton, A. Dong, R. Buonsanti, A. Llordes, E. Schaible, S. Axnanda, Z. Liu, J. J Urban, D. Nordlund, C. Kisielowski, D. J. Milliron “Modulation of Carrier Type in Nanocrystal-in-Matrix Composites by Interfacial Doping” Chem. Mater. 2018, 30, 2544.


52. A. Loiudice+, S. Saris+, E. Oveisi, D.T.L. Alexander, R. Buonsanti* “CsPbBr3 QD/AlOx inorganic nanocomposites with exceptional stability in water, light and heat” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2017, 56, 10957 (link)

51. L. H. Hess, J.K. Cooper, A. Loiudice, C.-M. Jiang, R. Buonsanti*, I.D. Sharp* “Probing interfacial energetics and charge transfer kinetics in semiconductor nanocomposites: New insights into heterostructured TiO2/BiVO4 photoanodes” Nano Energy 2017, 34, 375 (pdf, open access)

50. C. Gadiyar, A. Loiudice, R. Buonsanti* “Colloidal Nanocrystals for Photoelectrochemical and Photocatalytic Water Splitting” J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 2017, 50, 074006. (TopicalReview_JApplPhysD_RBuonsanti_final, green open access) 

49. I. D. Sharp*, J.K. Cooper. M. F. Toma, R. Buonsanti “Bismuth vanadate as a platform for accellerating discovery and development of complex transition metal oxide photoanodes” ACS Energy Letters 2017, 2, 139. (pdf, open access)


48. R. Buonsanti* “Colloidal Chemistry to Advance Studies in Artificial Photosynthesis” CHIMIA 2016, 70, 780 (pdf).

47. I. Luz+, A. Loiudice+, D.T. Sun. W. L. Queen, R. Buonsanti* “Understanding the formation mechanism of metal nanocrystal@MOF-74 hybrids” Chem. Mater. 2016, 28, 3839. (link)


46. A. Loiudice, P. Lobaccaro, E.A. Kamali, T. Thao, B.H. Hung, J.W. Ager, R. Buonsanti* “Tailoring Cu nanocrystals towards C2 products in electrochemical CO2 reduction” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 55, 5789  (link)


Prior to EPFL


45. A. Loiudice, J.K. Cooper, Lucas H. Hess, T.M. Mattox, I.D. Sharp*, R. Buonsanti* “Assembly and photocarrier dynamics of heterostructured nanocomposite photoanodes from multicomponent colloidal nanocrystals” Nano. Lett.2015, 15, 7347. (link)

pub 45


44. S.M. Meckler, C. Li, W. L. Queen, T. E. Williams, J. R. Long, R. Buonsanti, D. J. Milliron, and B. A. Helms “Sub-micron Polymer–Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework Layered Hybrids via Controlled Chemical Transformation of Naked ZnO Nanocrystal Films” Chem. Mater.2015, 27, 7673.

43. A. Loiudice, J. Ma, W. S. Drisdell, T. M. Mattox, J. K. Cooper, T. Thao, C. Giannini, J. Yano, L.-W. Wang, I. D. Sharp, R. Buonsanti* “Band-gap tunability in Sb-alloyed BiVO4 quaternary oxides as visible light absorbers for solar fuel applications” Adv. Mater.2015, 27, 6733. (link)

pub 43


42. J. Lynch, C. Giannini, J. K. Cooper, A. Loiudice, I. D. Sharp, R. Buonsanti* “Substitutional or interstitial site-selective nitrogen doping in TiO2 nanostructures” J. Phys. Chem. C2015, 119, 7443. (link)

pub 42


41.  B. A. Helms, T.E. Williams, R. Buonsanti, D.J. Milliron “Colloidal Nanocrystal Frameworks” Adv. Mater. 2015, 27, 5820.

40. R. Sharma, A. Sawvel, B. Barton, A. Dong, R. Buonsanti, S. Axnanda, Z. Liu, J. J. Urban, D. Nordlund, C. Kisielowski, D. J. Milliron “Modulation of carrier type by interface doping in ultrathin semiconductor nanocrystal-in-matrix composites”, Chem. Mater. 2015, 27, 2755.

39. Y. Li, J.K. Cooper, R. Buonsanti, C. Giannini, Y. Liu, M. F. Toma, I. D. Sharp “Fabrication of highly efficient planar heterojuction perovskite solar cells by controlled low-pressure vapor annealing” J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2015, 6, 493.

38. C. Kim, P. J. Phillips, L. Xu, A. Dong, R. Buonsanti, R. F. Klie, J. Cabana “Stabilization of Battery Electrode/Electrolyte Interfaces Employing Nanocrystals with Passivating Epitaxial Shells” Chem. Mater. 2015, 27, 394.


37. T. E. Williams, C. M. Chang, E. L. Rosen, G. Garcia, E. L. Runnerstrom, B. L. Williams, B. Koo, R. Buonsanti, D. J. Milliron, B. A. Helms “NIR-selective electrochromic heteromaterial framework: a platform to understand mesoscale transport phenomena in solid-state electrochromical devices” J. Mater. Chem. C 2014, 2, 3328.

36. D. J. Milliron, R. Buonsanti, A. Llordes, B. A. Helms “Constructing Functional Mesostructured Materials from Colloidal Nanocrystal Building Blocks” Acc. Chem. Res. 2014, 47, 236.


35. A. Bergerund, R. Buonsanti, J. L. Jordan-Sweet, D. J. Milliron “Synthesis and Phase Stability of Metastable Bixbyite V2O3 Colloidal Nanocrystals” Chem. Mater. 2013, 25, 3172

34. L. Di Trizio, R. Buonsanti, A. Schimpf, D. R. Gamelin, R. Simonutti, D. J. Milliron “Nb-Doped Colloidal TiO2 Nanocrystals with a Tunable Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance” Chem. Mater. 2013, 25, 3383.

33. I. Gurevitch, R. Buonsanti, A. A. Teran. B. Gludovatz, R. O. Ritchie, J. Cabana, N. P. Balsara,“Nanocomposites of Titanium Dioxide and Polystyrene-Poly(ethylene oxide) Block Copolymer as Solid-State Electrolytes for Lithium Metal Batteries” J. Electrochem. Soc. 2013, 160, A1611-A1617.

32. C. Kim, R. Buonsanti, R. Yaylian, D. J. Miliron, J. Cabana “Carbon-free TiO2 battery electrodes enabled by morphological control at the nanoscale” Adv. Ener. Mater. 2013, 3, 1286.

31. J. B. Rivest, R. Buonsanti, T. E. Pick, L. Zhu, B. A. Helms, D. J. Milliron “Ordered mesoporosity in chalcogenide thin films” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 7446.

30. R. Buonsanti*, D. J. Milliron* “Chemistry of doped colloidal nanocrystals” Chem. Mater. 2013, 25, 1305.

29. G. Garcia, R. Buonsanti, A. Llordes, E. L. Runnerstrom, A. Bergerud, D. J. Milliron “Near Infrared Spectrally Selective Plasmonic Electrochromic Coatings” Adv. Opt. Mater. 2013, 1, 215.


28. A. M. Schimpf, S. T. Ochsenbein, R. Buonsanti, D. J. Milliron, D. R. Gamelin ” Comparison of extra electrons in colloidal n-type Al3+ doped and photochemically reduced ZnO nanocrystals” Chem. Commun. 2012, 48, 9352.

27. R. Buonsanti, T. E. Pick, N. Krins, T. J. Richardson, B. A. Helms, D. J. Milliron “Assembly of Ligand-Stripped Nanocrystals into Precisely Controlled Mesoporous Architectures” Nano Lett. 2012, 12, 3872

26. B. Barton, R. Buonsanti, A. Dong, D. Milliron, L. Hansen, S. Helveg, B. Jiang and C. Kisielowski “The challenge of imaging hard/soft matter interfaces at atomic resolution” Microscopy and Microanalysis 2012, 18, 1606.

25. J. T. Duong, M. J. Bailey, T. E. Pick, P. M. McBride, E. L. Rosen, R. Buonsanti, D. J. Milliron, B.A. Helms “Efficient polymer passivation of ligand-stripped nanocrystal surfaces” J. Polymer Sci. A: Polymer Chemistry 2012, 50, 3719

24. I. E. Rauda, R. Buonsanti, L. C. Saldarriaga-Lopez, K. Benjauthrit, L. T. Schelhas, M. Stefik, V.Augustyn, J. Ko, B. Dunn, U. Wiesner, D. J. Milliron, and S. H. Tolbert “General Method for the Synthesis of Hierarchical Nanocrystal-Based Mesoporous Materials” ACS Nano 2012, 6, 6386

23. M.G. Manera, A. Taurino, M. Catalano, R. Rella, A.P. Caricato, R. Buonsanti, P.D. Cozzoli, M. Martino “Enhancement of the optically activated NO2 gas sensing response of brookite TiO2 nanorods/nanoparticles thin films deposited by matrix-assisted pulsed-laser evaporation” Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2012, 161, 869


22. E. Rosen, R. Buonsanti, A. Llordes, A. Sawverl D. J. Milliron, B. Helms “Exceptionally Mild Reactive Stripping of Native Ligands from Nanocrystal Surfaces Using Meerwein’s Salt” Angew. Chemie. Int. Ed. 2011, 51, 684

21. R. Buonsanti, E. Carlino, C. Giannini, D. Altamura, L. De Marco, R. Giannuzzi, M. Manca, G. Gigli, P. D. Cozzoli “Hyperbranched Anatase TiO2 Nanocrystals: Nonaqueous Synthesis, Growth Mechanism, and Exploitation in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 19216

20. R. Buonsanti, A. Llordes, S. Aloni, B. Helms, D. J. Milliron “Tunable Infrared Absorption and Visible Transparency of Colloidal Aluminum-Doped Zinc Oxide Nanocrystals” Nano Lett. 2011, 11, 4706

19. G. Garcia, R. Buonsanti, E.L. Runnerstrom, R. J. Mendelsberg, A. Llordes, A. Anders, T. J. Richardson, D. J. Milliron “Dynamically Modulating the Surface Plasmon Resonance of Doped Semiconductor Nanocrystals” Nano Lett. 2011, 11, 4415

18. L. De Marco, M. Manca, R. Buonsanti, R. Giannuzzi, F. Malara, P. Pareo, L. Martiradonna, N. M. Giancaspro, P. D. Cozzoli, G. Gigli“High-quality photoelectrodes based on shape-tailored TiO2 nanocrystals for dye-sensitized solar cells” J. Mater. Chem. 2011, 21, 13371

17. M. Levy, A. Quarta, A. Espinosa, A. Figuerola, C. Wilhelm, M. Garcia-Hernandez, A. Genovese, A. Falqui, D. Alloyeau, R. Buonsanti, P. D. Cozzoli, M. A. Garcia, F. Gazeau, T. Pellegrino “Correlating Magneto-Structural Properties to Hyperthermia Performance of Highly Monodisperse Iron Oxide Nanoparticles Prepared by a Seeded-Growth Route” Chem. Mater. 2011, 23, 4170

16. A. P. Caricato, R. Buonsanti, M. Catalano, M. Cesaria, P. D. Cozzoli, A. Luches, M. G. Manera, M. Martino, A. Taurino and R. Rella“Films of brookite TiO2 nanorods/nanoparticles deposited by matrix-assisted pulsed laser evaporation as NO2 gas-sensing layers” J. Appl.Phys. A 2011, 104, 963

15. A. Llordes, A. T. Hammack, R. Buonsanti, R. Tangirala, S. Aloni, B. A. Helms, D. J. Milliron“Polyoxometalates and colloidal nanocrystals as building blocks for metal oxide nanocomposite films” J. Mater. Chem. 2011, 21, 11631

14. I. C. Lekshmi, R. Buonsanti, C. Nobile, R. Rinaldi, P. D. Cozzoli, G. Maruccio “Tunneling Magnetoresistance with Sign Inversion in Junctions Based on Iron Oxide Nanocrystal Superlattices”, ACS Nano 2011, 5, 1731-1738


13. D. Fragouli, B. Torre, G. Bertoni, R. Buonsanti, R. Cingolani, A. Athanassiou “Formation and Microscopic Investigation of Iron Oxide Aligned Nanowires Into Polymeric Nanocomposite Films” Microscopy Research and Tecnique 2010, 73, 952-958

12. R. Buonsanti, E. Carlino, V. Grillo, C. Giannini, F. Gozzo, M.Garcia-Hernandez, M.A. Garcia, R. Cingolani, P.D. Cozzoli “Architectural Control of Seeded Grown Iron Oxide/TiO2 Nanorod Heterostructures: The Role of Seeds in Topology Selection” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2010, 132, 2437–2464

11. D. Fragouli, R. Buonsanti, G. Bertoni, A. Falqui, C. Sangregorio, C. Innocenti, D. Gatteschi, P.D. Cozzoli, A. Athanassiou, R. Cingolani, “Dynamical formation of spatially localized arrays of aligned nanowires in plastic films with magnetic anisotropy.” ACS Nano 2010, 4, 1873


10. V. Petkov, P. D. Cozzoli, R. Buonsanti, R. Cingolani, Y. Ren “Size, shape and internal atomic ordering of nanocrystals by atomic pair distribution functions: a comparative study of Îł-Fe2O3 nanosized spheres and tetrapods” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009, 131, 14264–14266

9. R. Buonsanti, E. Snoeck, C. Giannini, F. Gozzo, M. Garcia-Hernandez, M. A. Garcia, R. Cingolani, P. D. Cozzoli“Colloidal semiconductor-magnetic heterostructures based on iron-oxide-functionalized brookite nanorods” Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2009, 11, 3680-3691

8. R. Di Corato, P. Piacenza, M. MusarĂČ, R. Buonsanti, P.D. Cozzoli, M. Zambianchi, G. Barbarella, R. Cingolani, L.Manna, T. Pellegrino“Magnetic-fluorescent colloidal nano-beads: preparation and exploitation in cell separation experiment” Macromol. Biosci. 2009, 9, 952-958

7. R. Buonsanti, V. Grillo, E. Carlino, C. Giannini, T. Kipp, R. Cingolani and P. D. Cozzoli“Nonhydrolitic synthesis of high quality anisotropically shaped brookite TiO2 nanocrystals” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2008, 130 11223–11233


6. R. Di Corato, A. Quarta, P. Piacenza, A. Ragusa, A. Figuerola, R. Buonsanti, R. Cingolani, L. Manna, T. Pellegrino“Water solubilization of hydrophobic nanocrystals by means of poly(maleic anhydride-alt-1-octadecene)” J. Mater. Chem. 2008, 18, 1991-1996

5. G. Caputo, C. Nobile, R. Buonsanti, T. Kipp, L. Manna, R. Cingolani, P. D. Cozzoli, A. Athanassiou”Determination of surface properties of various substrates using TiO2 nanorod coatings with tuneable characteristics” J. Mater. Sci. 2008, 43, 3474

4. M. Casavola, R. Buonsanti, G. Caputo, P. D. Cozzoli, “Colloidal strategies for preparing oxide-based hybrid nanocrystals”, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2008, 6, 837-854

3. G. Caputo, R. Buonsanti, M. Casavola, P. D. Cozzoli “Synthetic strategies to multi-material hybrid nanocrystals”, Advanced wet-chemical synthetic approaches to inorganic nanostructures, P. D. Cozzoli Ed.; Transworld Research Network, Kerala, India, 2008, chapter 14 (pp. 407-453), ISBN 978-81-7895-361-8


2. R. Buonsanti, M. Casavola, G. Caputo, P. D. Cozzoli, “Advances in the chemical fabrication of complex multimaterial nanocrystals”, Recent Pat. Nanotechnol. 2007, 1 , 224-232


1. R. Buonsanti, V. Grillo, E. Carlino, C. Giannini, M. L. Curri, C. Innocenti, C. Sangregorio, K. Achterhold, F. G. Parak, A. Agostiano, P. D. Cozzoli, ”Seeded Growth of Asymmetric Binary Nanocrystals Made of a Semiconductor TiO2 Rodlike Section and a Magnetic γ-Fe2O3 Spherical Domain” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2006, 128, 16953 – 16970