Solar Fuels

via Photoelectrochemical devices

To enable a sustainable society based primarily on solar energy, methods to store sunlight as chemical fuels are needed. Photoelectrochemical (PEC) devices offer the promise of solar fuel production through artificial photosynthesis. While the idea of carbon-neutral energy economy powered by the “artificial leaf” is intriguing, viable PEC energy conversion on a global scale requires the development of a device with simplicity, stability, and high efficiency. LIMNO works to advance the field of PEC solar fuel production by developing specific classes of promising semiconducting materials (e.g. transition metal dichalcogenides, organic semiconductors, and metal oxide semiconductors). In addition, LIMNO’s research focuses on understanding and improving the operation of overall PEC devices via interface engineering and advanced photoelectrochemical strategies/techniques. See specific examples of our research reports below.

A) Schematic of a ‘wired’-type tandem cell for water splitting with incident solar illumination striking the photoanode and transmitting to the photocathode. B) The working principle of the tandem cell for water splitting is shown in detail.

Representative publications:

Alternative Oxidation Reactions for Solar-Driven Fuel Production

C. R. Lhermitte; K. Sivula 

ACS Catalysis. 2019. Vol. 9, p. 2007-2017. DOI : 10.1021/acscatal.8b04565.

Potential-sensing electrochemical atomic force microscopy for in operando analysis of water-splitting catalysts and interfaces

M. R. Nellist; F. A. L. Laskowski; J. Qiu; H. Hajibabaei; K. Sivula et al. 

Nature Energy. 2018. Vol. 3, p. 46-52. DOI : 10.1038/s41560-017-0048-1.

Semiconducting materials for photoelectrochemical energy conversion

K. Sivula; R. Van De Krol 

Nature Reviews Materials. 2016. Vol. 1, num. 2, p. 15010. DOI : 10.1038/natrevmats.2015.10.

Surface modification of semiconductor photoelectrodes

N. Guijarro; M. S. Prevot; K. Sivula 

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2015. Vol. 17, num. 24, p. 15655-15674. DOI : 10.1039/c5cp01992c.

A Bismuth Vanadate-Cuprous Oxide Tandem Cell for Overall Solar Water Splitting

P. Bornoz; F. F. Abdi; S. D. Tilley; B. Dam; R. Van De Krol et al. 

Journal Of Physical Chemistry C. 2014. Vol. 118, num. 30, p. 16959-16966. DOI : 10.1021/jp500441h.

Photoelectrochemical Tandem Cells for Solar Water Splitting

M. S. PrĂ©vot; K. Sivula 

Journal Of Physical Chemistry C. 2013. Vol. 117, num. 35, p. 17879-17893. DOI : 10.1021/jp405291g.