May 7th 2020

The startup Flowbone on the home page of EPFL website for the development of a gel that can help prevent bone fractures caused by osteoporosis !
December 18th 2019
Congratulations to Professors Dominique Pioletti and Nikolaos Stergiopulos and Dr. Kishore Sandu for winning a major Sinergia grant of the Swiss National Science Foundation to develop a new hydrogel-based stent for treating tracheomalacia in small children.
December 17th 2019
Congratulations to Peyman Karami who won the top prize at the 2019 Innovation Business Concept, powered by EPFL Innovation Park !
October 2019
Congratulations to Professor Dominique Pioletti who won the Credit Suisse Award for Best Teaching 2019 !
September 2019
Oriane Poupart was interviewed for EPFL magazine regarding PhD daily life !
27-31 May 2019
The LBO group attended Termis European 2019 in Rhodes, Greece.
Peyman Karami: “Enhanced tissue integartion of a composite hydrogel for load-bearing applications”
Naser Nasrollazadeh: “A customized in vitro platform for cartilage thermo-mechanobiology”
Oriane Poupart: “Swelling of hydrogels for intracranial aneurysmy treatment”
March 28th 2019

Mission accomplished ! Congratulations Dr. Naser Nasrollazadeh !
March 7th 2019
Oriane Poupart participated to the EPFL finale of my Thesis in 180 seconds !
February 27th 2019
LBO, in collaboration with several surgeons, made the EPFL front page healine !
January 22nd 2019
Officially Herr Doktor ! Congratulations Dr. Jens Antons !
6-7 December 2018

Oriane Poupart attended the Second Edition of “La Folle Journée de l’Anévrisme” in Nantes, France and presented her work entitled “Luminoseal: a photosensitive hydrogel-based technology to treat cerebral aneurysms”.
22-23 November 2018
The LBO group welcomed high-school students during “La journée des Gymnasiens” and showed the ongoing research !
November 22nd 2018
Professor Dominique Pioletti was interviewed at CQFD on RTS radio !
November 21st 2018
Peyman Karami and Céline Wyss on the home page of EPFL website for their research about composite double-network hydrogels for adhesion improvement !
October 2018

Congratulations to Peyman Karami and Céline Wyss for publishing “Composite Double-network Hydrogels To Improve Adhesion on Biological Surfaces” in ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces.
The article was listed among the journal Top Most Read Articles of the month!
12-13 August 2018

Yasmine Boulanaache attended the 12th Conference of International Shoulder Group (ISG) in Rochester, USA and presented her work entitled “Overcorrected Implants to Avoid Shoulder Subluxation: a Patient-Specific Finite Element Study”.
8-12 July 2018
The LBO group attended the 8th World Congress of Biomechanics (WCB) in Dublin, Ireland.
Yasmine Boulanaache: “Effect of Rotator Cuff Muscle Degeneration on Glenohumeral Force”
Oriane Poupart: “Stability study of hydrogels to prevent cerebral aneurysm rupture”
Ehsan Sarshari: “EMG-based vs optimization-based prediction of muscles forces in human upper-extremity”
June 29th 2018

Mission accomplished ! Congratulations Dr. Ehsan Sarshari !
June 29th 2018

LBO and LMAM (EPFL) and DAL and UTR (CHUV) gathered together during the 16th EPFL-CHUV Research Day on Translational Musculoskeletal Biomechanics !
June 1st 2018

Congratulations to Oriane Poupart who was accepted to International Core Research Center for Phototheranostics (C2CPT) Summer Internship Program ! Professor Ishihara from University of Tokyo welcomed her to his lab for 2 months.
26-29 March 2018
Yasmine Boulanaache attended the 15th International Symposium Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering (CMBBE) in Lisbon, Portugal and presented her work entitled “Sensitivity Analysis of a Patient-Specific Finite Element Model of Shoulder Arthroplasty”.
February 28th 2018
Congratulations to Oriane Poupart for succeeding in her candidacy exam !
November 3rd 2017

Congratulations to Valérie Malfroy Camine who received the first prize of thesis of Biometrics at the 42nd Congress of the Society of Biomechanics in Reims, France !
August 31st 2017

Happy birthday to Dominique Pioletti !
2-5 July 2017

The LBO group attended the 23rd Congress of European Society of Biomechanics (ESB) in Sevilla, Spain.
Yasmine Boulanaache: “A parametric musculoskeletal model based on MRI and in-vivo measurements”
Oriane Poupart: “Photopolymerizable bone cements for vertebroplasty”
Ehsan Sarshari: “Application of forward-dynamics simulation to estimate humeral-head translations”
July 2017

Congratulations to Andreas Schmocker who won the first prize at the Venture Trophy !