Ski day 2023 – Anzère

Conference Luzern 2022
Workshop Delft 2018

The symposium focuses on reversible solid-oxide cell (rSOC), bidirectional power plants & energy storage. Dr. Jan Van herle and Dr.-Ing. Ligang Wang gave a joint talk on GEM’s recent activities and outcomes on rSOC, its potential applications for commodity chemical production and power balancing, and the necessity of combining process system engineering for cost-effective system development. The talk was well recognized and presented GEM’s increasing impact in this field.
Ski day 2018 – Chandolin

Bio-gas installation Vétroz 2017

GEM members visiting on Nov 17th the waste-to-biogas installation (2 million m3/yr of biogas) located in Vétroz a few minutes outside Sion.
The biogas is cleaned from contaminants by an active carbon filter and washed in an amine column to separate out the CO2, injecting biomethane CH4 into the local gas grid at 5 bar.
GEM investigates the conversion of biogas (i) into electricity (60% efficiency) with solid oxide fuel cells and (ii) into biomethane with solid oxide electrolysis, which are alternative biogas valorisation routes and would improve the efficiency of an installation like the one in Vétroz.
BBQ 2017

Ski day 2017

Luzern 2016