Group for Functionalized Biomaterials
The Group for Functionalized Biomaterials is interested in the development of polymeric materials and multifunctional nanoparticles for biomedical applications.
• Polymeric hydrogels for cell transplantation
• Surface functionalization for the engineering of viral biosensors
• Polymeric nano-assemblies for gene delivery
• Theranostic nanoparticles
• Polymeric hydrogels for cell transplantation
• Surface functionalization for the engineering of viral biosensors
• Polymeric nano-assemblies for gene delivery
• Theranostic nanoparticles

The research activities of our group are devoted to the development of new chemical entities for bio-applications. We are mainly interested in the design, synthesis and evaluation of functionalized nanomaterials, thin surfaces and biomaterials for therapeutic applications as imaging probes, theranostics nanoparticles, cell transplantation devices and viral biosensors.