Fracture across fields: insights from materials science, biology and geophysics will bring together experts from across several disciplines to advance our understanding of fracture. Co-organized with Andrej Košmrlj, Ching-Yao Lai, Reza Moini, and Abigail Plummer, the workshop will be held from 8. May – 10. May 2024. We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Princeton Center for Theoretical Science.
3D cracks and crack stability brought experts from across the globe to the CECAM headquarters in Lausanne for three days of discussion on 3D crack propagation. Co-organized with Mokhtar Adda-Bedia, the workshop was held from 14. June – 16. June 2023. We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the School of Engineering at EPFL, as well as the Swiss National Science Foundation.
Journee des gymnasiens brought local high school students interested in pursuing studies in mechanical engineering to our lab for the day. Kudos to Chenzhuo Li and Xinyue Wei for running the visits! Students had an immersive experience in 2023, including a knot-tying contest to see who could generate the most strength from a knot in a piece of twine. The knot was loaded and tested on our Instron Microtester UTM platform, and the results were tabulated for the 12 groups (over 100 students!) who visited the lab.
Mechanics day 2023 featured an invited plenary talk from Professor Laura De Lorenzis (ETHZ), from the Computational Mechanics Group. Laura’s talk was the highlight of a full day, which included several lab tours of the labs of the EPFL solid mechanics faculty, including Profs. John Kolinski (our lab), Brice Lecampion, Pedro Reis and Guillermo Villanueva.
MechE Colloquium with Prof. Giulia Tagliabue, and with the kind support of the School of Engineering at EPFL, as well as our colleagues in the Institute of Mechanical Engineering, we run a colloquium series that features talks across the pillars in our institute, from Energy to Biomechanics and robotics. The colloquium website features several recorded talks from the outstanding speakers.
MeGa Seminar A ground-up effort to feature topics broadly of interest the student and post-doc community at EPFL, EMSI’s Lebo Molefe helps organize the series as a member of the committee. This series is a shining example of student community at EPFL, and serves the students and post-docs by offering seminars across a spectrum of topics, from mechanics to career development.