EMC Laboratory
Our equipment allows to perform immunity tests in conformity with the 61000-4 series tests.
Main Equipment:
- 1 semi-anechoic chamber (7 x 7 x 2.1 m).
- 2 shielded cells (9 x 5 x 2.4 m and 5 x 4.5 x 2.4 m).
- EMP Simulator, working volume 3 x 1 x 1 m, <10 ns risetime, 150 ns FWHM, field uniformity <±2 dB.
Anechoic room for radiated emissions testing
- 2 Thomson Mélopée Chain equipment including E-field and H-field sensors, fiberoptic links, frequency bandwidth 1 kHz – 150 MHz.
- 1 Thomson Mélopée Chain equipment including E-field sensor and fiberoptic link, frequency bandwidth 10 kHz – 1 GHz.
- Set-up for transfer impedance measurements up to 100 MHz.
- Various Lecroy digital oscilloscopes (up to 1.5 GHz bandwidth, 10 Gsamples/Sec, 11 bits of vertical resolution, segmented memory for multiple lightning strokes).
- HP Impedance analyser (100 Hz – 40 MHz), HP Spectrum analyser (100 Hz – 1.5 GHz).
- Network analyzer
- Broadband amplifiers
- Equipment for the 61000-4 series tests.
- 4 PCs with IEEE interface board and LabView data acquisition programs.
Wideband Electric Field Sensor
High Voltage Laboratory
The High Voltage laboratory of the LRE (12.8 x 12 x 7.9 m) allows to perform tests under AC high voltage (partial discharge, up to 300 kV and dielectric loss factor), tests under standard lightning pulses and standard switching flashovers (up to 1 MV).
Main Equipment:
- Impulse generator (1.2 MV, standard lightning pulse and switching flashover).
- Equipment for dielectric loss and partial discharge measurements, voltage divider, etc.
1.2 MV Impulse generator (lightning and switching)
Radiating systems for IEMI testing
(1) A sub-hyperband radiator consisting of a coaxial pulse forming (PFL) generator and a half impulse radiating antenna (HIRA). The measured system’s Vfar value (defined as the product of the electric field peak and the distance) is 27 kV. The radiated electric field rise time is about 400 ps in the far range.
(2) A mesoband radiating system consisting of a 433-MHz coaxial switched oscillator (SWO).