Conference Papers


Inexpressibility of fields radiated by Cartesian multipole moments as spherical harmonics in anisotropic media

E. Le Boudec; M. Rubinstein; F. Rachidi-Haeri; F. Vega 

2024. 4th URSI Atlantic Radio Science Meeting, Gran Canria, Spin, 2024-05-19 – 2024-05-24.


Lightning Localization Using Three-Dimensional Time Reversal MUltiple SIgnal Classification (TR-MUSIC) Algorithm

S. Rajabi; H. Karami; M. Rubinstein; F. Rachidi 

2023. XXXVth URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, Sapporo, Japan, August 19-26, 2023. DOI : 10.23919/URSIGASS57860.2023.10265493.

Assessment of the Transient Response of Wind Turbine Grounding Systems to Upward Negative Lightning

R. Alipio; F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein; M. Azadifar 

2023. Joint International Symposium on Lightning Protection (SIPDA) & CIGRE International Colloquium on Lightning and Power Systems, Suzhou, China, October 9-13, 2023.

Open-source FDTD solvers: The applicability of Elecode, gprMax and MEEP for simulations of lightning EM fields

H. Kohlmann; D. Kuklin; W. Schulz; F. Rachidi 

2023. Joint International Symposium on Lightning Protection (SIPDA) & CIGRE International Colloquium on Lightning and Power Systems, Suzhou, China, October 9-13, 2023.

On the Efficiency of MW-FDTD Methods Based on Parallel Computing Using OpenMP, OpenACC, and CUDA Python: Application to Lightning Electromagnetic Fields

S. Mohammadi; H. Karami; M. Rubinstein; F. Rachidi 

2023. Joint International Symposium on Lightning Protection (SIPDA) & CIGRE International Colloquium on Lightning and Power Systems, Suzhou, China, October 9-13, 2023.

Portability of Single-Station ML.Based Lightning Nowcasting Models

E. Mansouri; A. Mostajabi; H. Kohlmann; C. Tong; M. Rubinstein et al. 

2023. Joint International Symposium on Lightning Protection (SIPDA) & CIGRE International Colloquium on Lightning and Power Systems, Suzhou, China, October 9-13, 2023.

Verification of an EMI-compliant monitor and its vulnerabilities from a data security point of view

D. Martinez; A. Alneyadi; I. Yahi; F. Rachidi; C. Kasmi 

2023. XXXVth URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, Sapporo, Japan, August 19-26, 2023.

An Exceptional Lightning Research Facility in the Swiss Alps

F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein 

2023. XXXVth URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, Sapporo, Japan, August 19-26, 2023.

An Overview of the Propagation and Surge Characteristics of Interconnected Wind Turbine Grounding Systems

R. Alipio; K. Yamamoto; F. Rachidi 

2023. International Conference on Grounding and Lightning Physics and Effects, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, May 9-12, 2023.

Pynoza: A Python framework for the time-domain multipole expansion of electromagnetic fields in Cartesian coordinates

E. Le Boudec; N. Mora; F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein; F. Vega 

2023. XXXVth URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, Sapporo, Japan, August 19-26, 2023.

Assessment of the Transmission Line Theory in the Modeling of Multiconductor Underground Cable Systems for Transient Analysis Using a Full-Wave FDTD Method

N. Duarte; A. De Conti; R. Alipio; F. Rachidi 

2023. International Conference on Power Systems Transients, Thessaloniki, Greece, June 11-15, 2023.

On the behavior of Green’s function along the distinguished axis of uniaxial media

E. Le Boudec; N. Mora; F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein; F. Vega 

2023. XXXVth URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, Sapporo, Japan, August 19-26, 2023.

Lightning Incidence Analysis with Special Attention to Wind Turbines

A. Smorgonskii; F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein 

2023. Joint International Symposium on Lightning Protection (SIPDA) & CIGRE International Colloquium on Lightning and Power Systems, Suzhou, China, October 9-13, 2023S.

Laser-guided lightning using kHz filamentation at 1030 nm

A. Houard; P. Walch; T. Produit; V. Moreno; B. Mathieu et al. 

2023. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe (CLEO/Europe 2023) and European Quantum Electronics Conference (EQEC 2023), Munich, Germany, June 26-30, 2023.

An FDTD-Based Formulation for Solving the Transmission Line Equations for a Bare Wire Buried in a Dispersive Soil

N. Duarte; R. Alipio; F. Rachidi 

2023. Joint International Symposium on Lightning Protection (SIPDA) & CIGRE International Colloquium on Lightning and Power Systems, Suzhou, China, October 9-13, 2023.

On the Use the Electromagnetic Time Reversal Theory to Locate Breakpoints in Grounding Electrodes

R. Alipio; N. Duarte; H. Karami; M. Rubinstein; F. Rachidi 

2023. Joint International Symposium on Lightning Protection (SIPDA) & CIGRE International Colloquium on Lightning and Power Systems, Suzhou, China, October 9-13, 2023.

Fundamentals of Coupling of Lightning Fields to Overhead Lines

M. Rubinstein; F. Rachidi; V. Cooray 

2023. Joint International Symposium on Lightning Protection (SIPDA) & CIGRE International Colloquium on Lightning and Power Systems, Suzhou, China, October 9-13, 2023.

On the use of photovoltaic modules as lightning detection sensors

R. Barmak; M. Paolone; H. Kohlmann; Marcos Rubinstein; F. Mondada et al. 

2023. Joint International Symposium on Lightning Protection (SIPDA) & CIGRE International Colloquium on Lightning and Power Systems, Suzhou, China, October 9-13, 2023.

Guiding Lightning with High-Power Lasers: experiments at the Säntis Tower in Switzerland

F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein 

2023. International Conference on Grounding and Lightning Physics and Effects, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, May 9-12, 2023.

Time Reversal to Localise Multiple Partial Discharges in Power Cables

A. Ragusa; H. Sasse; A. Duffy; F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein 

2023. International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Glascow, UK, 28 August – 1 September, 2023.

Comparison of Different Formulations to Compute the Ground Return Parameters in the Analysis of High-Frequency Pulse Propagation Along a Wire Above a Lossy Ground

R. Alipio; N. Duarte; F. Rachidi 

2023. XXXVth URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, Sapporo, Japan, August 19-26, 2023. DOI : 10.23919/URSIGASS57860.2023.10265582.


Representation of slow-front lightning currents using a new channel-base function

D. Mestriner; M. Brignone; R. Procopio; A. Piantini; F. Rachidi et al. 

2022. 36th International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP), Cape Town, South Africa, October 2-7, 2022.

Landmine Detection Using Electromagnetic Time Reversal Based Methods

H. Karami; A. Koch; C. Romero; F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein 

2022. Global Electromagnetics International Conference, Abu Dhabi, UAE, November 13-17, 2022.

Machine Learning Based Lightning Nowcasting using Single-Site Meteorological Observations and Lightning Location Systems Data

A. Mostajabi; E. Mansouri; M. Rubinstein; C. Tong; F. Rachidi 

2022. 36th International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP), Cape Town, South Africa, October 2-7, 2022.

FDTD simulations of lightning strikes to the Gaisberg Tower: Comparison with ALDIS sensor measurements and evaluation of the Gaisberg radiation pattern

H. Kohlmann; W. Schulz; F. Rachidi-Haeri 

2022. 36th International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP), Cape Town, South Africa, October 2-7, 2022.

X-rays associated with stepping of the dart leader in upward negative lightning discharges at the Säntis Tower: Preliminary results

A. Sunjerga; P. Hettiarachchi; M. Stanley; D. Smith; V. Cooray et al. 

2022. 17th International Conference on Atmopheric Electricity (ICAE), Tel Aviv, Israel, June 19-24, 2022.

Mathematical modeling of electromagnetic fields: From classical functions to Schwartz distributions to Colombeau generalized functions

E. Le Boudec; F. Rachidi-Haeri; N. Mora; M. Rubinstein 

2022. 3rd URSI Atlantic / Asia-Pacific Radio Science Meeting, Gran Canaria, Spain, May 29 – June 3, 2022.

Semi-Analytical Gray-Box Modeling of an Impulse Radiating Antenna

E. Le Boudec; F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein; F. Vega; N. Mora 

2022. Global Electromagnetics International Conference, Abu Dhabi, UAE, November 13-17, 2022..

A self-consistent lightning return stroke model capable of predicting the effect of the ground conductivity and the current reflection at the strike point on the generated electromagnetic fields

V. Cooray; M. Rubinstein; F. Rachidi 

2022. 17th International Conference on Atmopheric Electricity (ICAE), Tel Aviv, Israel, June 19-24, 2022.

A Time-Reversal Cavity for Electromagnetic Waves in Transmission Line Networks with Arbitrary Topology

Z. Wang; H. Karami; E. Le Boudec; F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein 

2022. Global Electromagnetics International Conference, Abu Dhabi, UAE, November 13-17, 2022.

Guiding lightning with High-Power Lasers: Experiments at the Säntis Tower in Switzerland

F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein 

2022. Global Electromagnetics International Conference, Abu Dhabi, UAE, November 13-17, 2022.

The Laser Lightning Rod Project

A. Houard; P. Walch; B. Mahieu; M. Lozano; L. Bizet et al. 

2022. 2022 International Conference on Laser Filamentation COFIL’22, Chania Town, Crete Island, Greece, July 11-15, 2022.

Analysis of Lightning Electromagnetic Field Propagation Over Mountainous Terrain using Simultaneous Records of Current and its Electric Field at 380-km Distance

D. Li; M. Azadifar; A. Sunjerga; F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein et al. 

2022. Global Electromagnetics International Conference, Abu Dhabi, UAE, November 13-17, 2022.

An Efficient Computer Code for the Analysis of Grounding Systems Using the Method of Moments

H. Karami; A. Koch; C. Romero; F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein 

2022. Global Electromagnetics International Conference, Abu Dhabi, UAE, November 13-17, 2022.

Influence of Different Types of Strokes and Multiple Strike Points on the Lightning Performance of Overhead Distribution Lines

M. Nicora; D. Mestriner; M. Brignone; R. Procopio; E. Fiori et al. 

2022. 36th International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP), Capte Town, South Africa, October 2-7, 2022..

On the Influence of Luminous-and-Grounded Channel on the Radiated Electric Fields at Close Distance in Rocket-Triggered Lightning

Q. Li; J. He; J. Wang; M. Rubinstein; F. Rachidi 

2022. Global Electromagnetics International Conference, Abu Dhabi, UAE, November 13-17, 2022.

Lightning Electromagnetic Fields Computation: An Approach to Reduce the Computational Effort

D. Mestriner; M. Brignone; R. Procopio; M. Nicoara; M. Rossi et al. 

2022. Global Electromagnetics International Conference, Abu Dhabi, UAE, November 13-17, 2022.

X-rays associated with the stepping of upward negative leaders at the Säntis Tower: Preliminary results

A. Sunjerga; P. Hettiarachchi; M. Stanley; D. Smith; J. Chaffin et al. 

2022. European Geophysical Union (EGU) General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022. DOI : 10.5194/egusphere-egu22-11214.


A data-driven approach for lightning nowcasting with deep learning

A. Mostajabi; E. Mansouri; P. Pad; M. Rubinstein; A. Dunbar et al. 

2021. EGU General Assembly 2021, 19–30 April 2021. DOI : 10.5194/egusphere-egu21-16377.

Incidence of Upward Lightning Triggered by Nearby Lightning: A Monte Carlo Simulation

A. Sunjerga; F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein; V. Cooray 

2021. Joint 35th International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP) and 16th International Symposium on Lightning Protection (SIPDA), Virtual Conference, September 20-26, 2021.

Mountaintop gamma ray observations of two TGFs at the Santis Tower, Switzerland with coincident radio waveforms characteristic of a RREA current pulse

J. M. Chaffin; D. M. Smith; J. Ortberg; J. Lapierre; M. Rubinstein et al. 

2021. American Geoscience Union 2021 (AGU Fall Meeting 2021), New Orleans, LA & Online Everywhere, USA, December 13-17, 2021.

Recent progress in time reversal applied to lightning location

F. Rachidi-Haeri; M. Rubinstein 

2021. Joint 35th International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP) and 16th International Symposium on Lightning Protection (SIPDA), Virtual Conference, September 20-26, 2021.

Säntis Lightning Research Facility Instrumentation

A. Sunjerga; A. Mostajabi; M. Paolone; F. Rachidi; M. Azadifar et al. 

2021. Joint 35th International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP) and 16th International Symposium on Lightning Protection (SIPDA), Virtual Conference, September 20-26, 2021.

A Review of the Modeling Approaches for the Lightning M-Component Mode of Charge Transfer

Q. Li; J. Wang; M. Rubinstein; L. Cai; M. Azadifar et al. 

2021. Joint 35th International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP) and 16th International Symposium on Lightning Protection (SIPDA), Virtual Conference, September 20-26, 2021.

A Current Propagation Type Return Stroke Model Consistent with the Leader Charge Distribution

V. Cooray; M. Rubinstein; F. Rachidi-Haeri 

2021. Joint 35th International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP) and 16th International Symposium on Lightning Protection (SIPDA), Virtual Conference, September 20-26, 2021.

X-rays observations at the Säntis Tower: Preliminary results

A. Sunjerga; P. Hettiarachchi; D. Smith; M. Rubinstein; V. Cooray et al. 

2021. EGU General Assembly 2021, 19–30 April 2021. DOI : 10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9586.


Nowcasting Lightning Occurrence Using Machine Learning Techniques: The Challenge of Identifying Outliers

A. Mostajabi; D. Finney; M. Rubinstein; F. Rachidi 

2020. EGU General Assembly 2020, Vienna, Austria, May 4-8, 2020. DOI : 10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-22302.


Effect of Penetrating Conductors on Shielding Effectiveness of Metallic Enclosures

Z. Wang; N. Mora; C. Romero; M. Nyffeler; F. Rachidi 

2019. Asian Electromagnetic International Conference ASIAEM, Xi’an, China, September 15-20, 2019.

Study of the electromagnetic protection of infrastructures with alternative shielding strategies

N. Mora; Z. Wang; C. Romero; M. Nyffeler; F. Rachidi 

2019. Asian Electromagnetic International Conference ASIAEM, Xi’an, China, September 15-20, 2019.

Effect of Non-Vertical Risers in the Electromagnetic Field Coupling with Overhead Lines

J. Guo; M. Rubinstein; V. Cooray; F. Rachidi; Y. Xie 

2019. Asian Electromagnetic International Conference – ASIAEM 2019, Xi’an, China, September 15-20, 2019.

Two Possible Scenarios for the Formation of Category 1 Bipolar Lightning Flashes

M. Azadifar; Q. Li; M. Rubinstein; F. Rachidi; V. A. Rakov et al. 

2019. 11th Asia-Pacific International Conference on Lightning, Hong Kong, China, June 12-14, 2019. DOI : 10.1109/APL.2019.8815954.

On the Influence of an Elevated Terrain on the Grounding Resistance of a Vertical Rod

A. Sunjerga; F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein; D. Poljak 

2019. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering ICEEE, Genoa, Italy, June 11-14, 2019. DOI : 10.1109/EEEIC.2019.8783741.

Measurement and Analysis of the Breakdown Strength of Different Liquid Dielectric Materials

N. Mora; A. Mostajabi; B. Daout; F. Rachidi 

2019. Asian Electromagnetic International Conference ASIAEM, Xi’an, China, September 15-20, 2019.

Meteorological conditions during self-initiated upward lightning at the Säntis tower (Switzerland)

J. Montanya; N. Pineda; J. Figueras i Ventura; D. Romero; A. Mostajabi et al. 

2019. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, USA, December 9-13, 2019.

Some Optimization Techniques of Lightning Field Calculations

M. Rubinstein; A. Sunjerga; F. Rachidi 

2019. Asian Electromagnetic International Conference ASIAEM, Xi’an, China, September 15-20, 2019.

Polarimetric radar characteristics of lightning initiation and propagating channels

J. Figueras i Ventura; N. Pineda; N. Besic; J. Grazioli; A. Hering et al. 

2019. 39th International Conference on Radar Meteorology, Nara, Japan, September 16-19, 2019.

Pulses in Upward Negative Lightning at the Säntis Tower in Northeastern Switzerland

L. He; M. Azadifar; M. Rubinstein; F. Rachidi; V. Rakov et al. 

2019. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, USA, December 9-13, 2019.


Does the magnetic field from the leader current influence the fine geometrical structure of the lightning channel?

M. Rubinstein; M. Azadifar; A. Sunjerga; F. Rachidi; V. Cooray 

2018. 2018 American Electromagnetics International Symposium AMEREM, Santa Barbara, California, August 27-31, 2018.

An Update on the Characteristics of Positive Flashes Measured at the Säntis Tower

M. Azadifar; M. Rubinstein; F. Rachidi 

2018. International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications ICEAA, Cartagena, Colombia, September 10-14, 2018.

Measurements of lightning currents at Mount Säntis in Switzerland

F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein; M. Paolone 

2018. 2018 High Power Electromagnetics Workshop, Lausanne, Switzerland, February 5, 2018.

An Analysis of Lightning Activity in the Säntis Region through the Big Hiatus in Global Warming

A. Mostajabi; A. Smorgonskii; F. Rachidi; M. Azadifar; M. Rubinstein et al. 

2018. 2018 International Lightning Detection Conference (ILDC), Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA, March 12-15, 2018.

Time Reversal Focusing Property in Mismatched Media

Z. Wang; A. Lowenstein; S. Rahimi; P. Dehkhoda; H. Sadeghi et al. 

2018. 2018 American Electromagnetics International Symposium AMEREM, Santa Barbara, California, August 27-31, 2018.

Extreme Values of Lightning Parameters

A. Smorgonskii; M. Rubinstein; F. Rachidi 

2018. 2018 International Lightning Detection Conference (ILDC), Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA, March 12-15, 2018.

Evaluation of Ionospheric D Region Parameters Using Simultaneously Measured Lightning Current and 380-km Distant Electric Field

D. Li; A. Luque; F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein 

2018. AGU Fall Meeting, Washington DC, USA, December 10-14, 2018.

AKUNU: Open Lightning Detection and Atmospheric Data Collection System

G. Nicora; V. Cooray; M. Rubinstein; F. Rachidi; F. Roman et al. 

2018. International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications ICEAA, Cartagena, Colombia, September 10-14, 2018.

Analysis of Location Accuracy of ToA-Based Lightning Location Systems in Mountainous Terrain

D. Li; M. Rubinstein; F. Rachidi; G. Diendorfer; W. Schulz 

2018. XVI International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, Nara, Japan, June 17-22, 2018.

An Interpretation of Time Reversal Invariant Systems

M. Rubinstein; F. Rachidi 

2018. 2nd URSI Atlantic Radio Science Conference, Gran Canaria, Spain, May 28 – June 1, 2018.

Mitigation of Lightning-Induced Overvoltages Using Shield Wires: Application of the Response Surface Method

M. Brignone; D. Mestriner; R. Procopio; F. Rachidi; A. Piantini 

2018. 34th International Conference on Lightning Protection ICLP, Rzeszov, Poland, September 2-7, 2018. DOI : 10.1109/ICLP.2018.8503388.

On the Similarity of Electric Field Signatures of Upward and Downward Negative Leaders

M. Azadifar; M. Rubinstein; F. Rachidi; V. A. Rakov; D. Pavanello et al. 

2018. 34th International Conference on Lightning Protection ICLP, Rzeszov, Poland, September 2-7, 2018. DOI : 10.1109/ICLP.2018.8503362.

Distant Electric Fields from Lightning Return Strokes: Influence of Soil Stratification and Frequency-Dependent Parameters

Q. Li; M. Rubinstein; J. Wang; L. Cai; M. Zhou et al. 

2018. 34th International Conference on Lightning Protection ICLP, Rzeszov, Poland, September 2-7, 2018. DOI : 10.1109/ICLP.2018.8503336.

On the Classification of Self-Triggered versus Other-Triggered Lightning Flashes

A. Sunjerga; A. Mostajabi; N. Pineda; D. Romero; O. Van der Velde et al. 

2018. 34th International Conference on Lightning Protection ICLP, Rzeszov, Poland, September 2-7, 2018. DOI : 10.1109/ICLP.2018.8503322.

Lightning Measurement Station at the Säntis Tower: An Update on Recent Instrumentation and Data

F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein 

2018. 2018 American Electromagnetics International Symposium AMEREM, Santa Barbara, California, August 27-31, 2018.

LMA Campaign for the Observation of Upward Lightning at the Säntis Tower During Summer 2017: Preliminary Results

A. Mostajabi; N. Pineda; A. Sunjerga; D. Romero; M. Azadifar et al. 

2018. XVI International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, Nara, Japan, June 17-22, 2018.

Application of the Singularity Expansion Method (SEM) for Multiconductor Transmission Lines

S. Tkachenko; F. Middelstaedt; J. Nitsch; F. Rachidi; R. Vick et al. 

2018. 2018 American Electromagnetics International Symposium AMEREM, Santa Barbara, California, August 27-31, 2018.

Time Reversal Applied to Fault Location: A Summary of Experimental Validations

Z. Wang; R. Razzaghi; M. Paolone; F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein et al. 

2018. 2018 American Electromagnetics International Symposium AMEREM, Santa Barbara, California, August 27-31, 2018.

Development of a Lightning Location System Based on Electromagnetic Time Reversal: Technical Challenges and Expected Gain

M. Rubinstein; F. Rachidi; M. Stojilovic 

2018. 2018 International Lightning Detection Conference (ILDC), Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA, March 12-15, 2018.


Time Marching Simulation of Signal Propagation in Power Lines Loaded with Non-Linear devices

J. D. Beccera; F. Vega; F. Rachidi 

2017. 32nd URSI General Assembly, Montreal, Canada, August 19-26, 2017. DOI : 10.23919/URSIGASS.2017.8105249.

Lightning Performance of Distribution Lines due to Positive and Negative Indirect Lightning Flashes

F. Napolitano; F. Tossani; A. Borghetti; C. A. Nucci; F. Rachidi 

2017. 17th International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering, EEEIC’17, Milan, Italy, June 6-9, 2017. DOI : 10.1109/EEEIC.2017.7977777.

A Study of Upward Flashes Initiated at the Säntis Tower

R. Daher; M. Azadifar; A. Smorgonskiy; J. Zuber; M. Rubinstein et al. 

2017. Asia Electromagnetics International Symsposium ASIAEM, Bangalore, India, July 23-27, 2017.

Experimental Characterization of the Grounding Impedance of Wind Turbines

D. Da Silva Gazzana; A. Smorgonskiy; N. Mora; M. Rubinstein; F. Rachidi 

2017. Asia Electromagnetics International Symsposium ASIAEM, Bangalore, India, July 23-27, 2017.

Enforcing Delayed Causality Through Spectrum Extrapolation

J. D. Becerra; F. Vega; F. Rachidi 

2017. Asia Electromagnetics International Symsposium ASIAEM, Bangalore, India, July 23-27, 2017.

On the Use of Magnetic Current Loop Source Model in Lightning Electromagnetics

D. Poljak; D. Cavka; F. Rachidi 

2017. 32nd URSI General Assembly, Montreal, Canada, August 19-26, 2017. DOI : 10.23919/URSIGASS.2017.8105246.

Evaluation of Lightning‐Induced Overvoltages on a Distribution System: Validation of a Dedicated Code using Experimental Results on a Reduced Scale Model

D. Metriner; M. Brignone; R. Procopio; E. Ginnante; I. Ruggi et al. 

2017. 17th International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering, EEEIC’17, Milan, Italy, June 6-9, 2017. DOI : 10.1109/EEEIC.2017.7977636.

Simultaneous Currents and Electric Fields at Two Distances Associated with an Upward Flash to the Säntis Tower

M. Azadifar; F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein; G. Diendorfer; H. Pichler et al. 

2017. 10th Asia-Pacific International Conference on Lightning, APL 2017, Krabi, Thailand, May 16-19, 2017.

A Study of Electrical Current Distribution in Anisotropic Materials with Special Reference to Lightning Interaction with Composite Materials

X. Chen; A. Smorgonskii; A. La Fata; R. Procopio; N. Korovkin et al. 

2017. XIV International Symposium on Lightning Protection SIPDA, Natal, Brazil, October 2-6, 2017.

A Semi-Analytical Simplified Approach to Compute Lightning Radiated Electric Fields at Long Distances Taking into Account Ionospheric Reflection

M. Azadifar; D. Li; M. Rubinstein; F. Rachidi 

2017. 32nd URSI General Assembly, Montreal, Canada, August 19-26, 2017. DOI : 10.23919/URSIGASS.2017.8105183.

The use of a potential lightning index in multi-microphysical cloud-resolving simulations of a V-shape convective system

M. Lagasio; A. Parodi; R. Procopio; F. Rachidi; E. Fiori 

2017. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017, Vienna, Austria, April 23-28, 2017.

On the Measurement of the Grounding Impedance of Tall Wind Turbines

A. Smorgonskiy; D. Gazzana; N. Mora; M. Rubinstein; F. Rachidi 

2017. 12th International Conference of Power Systems Transients (IPST), Seoul, Republic of Korea, June 26-29, 2017.

Locating Lightning-Originated Flashovers in Power Networks using Electromagnetic Time Reversal

R. Razzaghi; M. Scatena; M. Paolone; F. Rachidi; G. Antonini 

2017. 12th International Conference of Power Systems Transients (IPST), Seoul, Republic of Korea, June 26-29, 2017.

A Large Bipolar Event Recorded at the Säntis Tower

M. Azadifar; G. Diendorfer; M. Paolone; D. Pavanello; F. Rachidi et al. 

2017. 4th International Symposium on Winter Lightning (ISWL2017), Joetsu, Japan, April 12-14, 2017.

Prediction of Lightning Incidence to Tall Structures Before Construction

A. Smorgonskiy; M. Rubinstein; F. Rachidi; G. Diendorfer 

2017. 4th International Symposium on Winter Lightning (ISWL2017), Joetsu, Japan, April 12-14, 2017.

A Full-Scale Experimental Test of Electromagnetic Time Reversal Applied to Locate Faults in Power Networks

Z. Wang; S. He; Q. Li; B. Liu; R. Razzaghi et al. 

2017. Asia Electromagnetics International Symsposium ASIAEM, Bangalore, India, July 23-27, 2017.

Revisiting the Calculation of the Early-Time HEMP Conducted Environment

N. Mora; G. Lugrin; J. D. Becerra; P. Bertholet; M. Nyffeler et al. 

2017. Asia Electromagnetics International Symsposium ASIAEM, Bangalore, India, July 23-27, 2017.


Location Accuracy Evaluation of ToA-Based Lightning Location Systems over Mountainous Terrain

D. Li; F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein; G. Diendorfer; Z. Wang 

2016. 24th International Lightning Detection Conference (ILDC), San Diego, California, April 18-21, 2016.

Evaluation of the Lightning Performance of an Overhead Multiconductor Transmission Line System

M. Brignone; F. Delfino; R. Procopio; M. Rossi; I. Bendato et al. 

2016. International Colloquium on Lightning and Power Systems, Bologna, Italy, June 27-30, 2016.

An Overview of Lightning Research in Switzerland

F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein 

2016. World Meeting on Lightning, Cartagena, Colombia, April 6-8, 2016.

Identification of Constraints and Advantages of Vircator Simulations using XOOPIC

E. Neira; F. Vega; F. Rachidi 

2016. European Electromagnetics International Symposium EUROEM 2016, London, UK, July 11-14, 2016.

Analytical Evaluation of the Per-Unit-Length Conductance of a Coated Two-Wire Transmission Line

N. Mora; I. Junqua; F. Rachidi; J-P. Parmantier 

2016. European Electromagnetics International Symposium EUROEM 2016, London, UK, July 11-14, 2016.

On the Estimation of the Number of Upward Flashes From Wind Turbines in Mountainous Areas

A. Smorgonskiy; F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein; G. Diendorfer 

2016. 24th International Lightning Detection Conference (ILDC), San Diego, California, April 18-21, 2016.

Bipolar Lightning Flashes Observed at the Säntis Tower

M. Azadifar; F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein; V. A. Rakov; M. Paolone et al. 

2016. 33rd International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP), Estoril, Portugal, September 25-30, 2016.

Simultaneous Current and Distant Electric Field Waveforms from Upward Lightning: Effect of Ionospheric Reflection

M. Azadifar; D. Li; F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein; G. Diendorfer et al. 

2016. 24th International Lightning Detection Conference (ILDC), San Diego, California, April 18-21, 2016.

Occurrence of Downward and Upward Flashes at the Säntis Tower: Relationship with -10 degrees C Temperature Altitude

M. Azadifar; M. Lagasio; E. Fiori; F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein et al. 

2016. European Electromagnetics International Symposium EUROEM 2016, London, UK, July 11-14, 2016.

An Update on the Measurements of Lightning Currents and Electromagnetic Fields Associated with Flashes to the Säntis Tower in Switzerland

M. Azadifar; D. Li; M. Paolone; D. Pavanello; F. Rachidi et al. 

2016. International Colloquium on Lightning and Power Systems, Bologna, Italy, June 27-30, 2016.


Analysis of the Induced Electromagnetic Field in the Surroundings of a NEMP Simulator

B. Daout; N. Mora; M. Sallin; C. Romero; F. Vega et al. 

2015. Asia Electromagnetics International Symsposium (ASIAEM), Jeju, Republic of Korea, August 2-7, 2015.

On the Use of Electromagnetic Time Reversal for Lightning Location

H. Karami; F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein 

2015. URSI Atlantic Radio Science International Conference, Gran Canaria, May 18-22, 2015. DOI : 10.1109/URSI-AT-RASC.2015.7303059.

Measurements of Transient Grounding Impedance of a Wind Turbine at Mont-Crosin Wind Park

A. Smorgonskiy; N. Mora; F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein; K. Sheshyekani et al. 

2015. 2015 Asia Pacific International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Taipei, Taiwan, May 26-29, 2015.

Effect of the Penetration through a Concrete Wall on the Propagation of Common Mode IEMI Signals

N. Mora; G. Lugrin; F. Rachidi; M. Nyffeler; P. Bertholet et al. 

2015. Asia Electromagnetics International Symsposium (ASIAEM), Jeju, Republic of Korea, August 2-7, 2015.

On the Classification of Tower Flashes as Self-Initiated and Other-Triggered

M. Rubinstein; A. Smorgonskiy; F. Rachidi; J. Zuber 

2015. Asia Electromagnetics International Symsposium (ASIAEM), Jeju, Republic of Korea, August 2-7, 2015.

Test of Surge Protective Devices to Mitigate Intentional Electromagnetic Interferences (IEMI)

G. Lugrin; N. Mora; F. Rachidi; P. Bertholet; M. Nyffeler et al. 

2015. Asia Electromagnetics International Symsposium (ASIAEM), Jeju, Republic of Korea, August 2-7, 2015.

On the Applicability of the Transmission Line Theory for the Analysis of Common-Mode IEMI-Induced Signals

G. Lugrin; N. Mora; F. Rachidi; P. Bertholet; M. Nyffeler et al. 

2015. Asia Electromagnetics International Symsposium (ASIAEM), Jeju, Republic of Korea, August 2-7, 2015.


On Practical Implementation of Electromagnetic Time Reversal to Locate Lightning

H. Karami; F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein 

2014. 23rd International Lightning Detection Conference, Tucson, Arizona, USA, March 18-21, 2014.

High–Frequency Electromagnetic Field Coupling to a Long Finite Line with Vertical Risers

S. Tkachenko; F. Middelstaedt; J. Nitsch; R. Vick; G. Lugrin et al. 

2014. 31st URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, Beijing, China, August 16-23, 2014. DOI : 10.1109/URSIGASS.2014.6929526.

On the Influence of Measuring Instruments Bandwidth Limitations on the Inferred Statistical Parameters for Lightning Currents

M. Azadifar; M. Rubinstein; F. Rachidi; M. Paolone; D. Pavanello 

2014. 31st URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, Beijing, China, August 16-23, 2014. DOI : 10.1109/URSIGASS.2014.6929563.

Solution of the Fields in a Coaxial Switched Oscillator

F. Vega; F. Rachidi 

2014. American Electromagnetics International Symposium (AMEREM), Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, July 27-31, 2014.

Analysis of the Propagation of High Frequency Disturbances along Low-Voltage Test Raceway

N. Mora; C. Kasmi; F. Rachidi; M. Darces; M. Hélier et al. 

2014. American Electromagnetics International Symposium (AMEREM), Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, July 27-31, 2014.

EMC Applications of Electromagnetic Time Reversal (Plenary Speech)

F. Rachidi 

2014. 2014 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility EMC’Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, May 12-16, 2014.

Lightning Detection and Location : From Early Methods to Electromagnetic Time Reversal

M. Rubinstein; F. Rachidi 

2014. 2nd Radio and Antenna Days of the Indian Ocean, Mauritius, April 7-10, 2014.

A Semi-Analytical Formula for the Evaluation of the Indirect Lightning Performance of Overhead Power Lines

M. Brignone; F. Delfino; R. Procopio; M. Rossi; F. Rachidi 

2014. International Symposiumm on Electromagnetic Compatibility – EMC Europe 2014, Gothenburg, Sweden, September 1-4, 2014.

Influence of LLS Detection Efficiency on the Measured Distribution of Interstroke Intervals

M. Azadifar; M. Stojilovic; M. Rubinstein; F. Rachidi 

2014. American Electromagnetics International Symposium (AMEREM), Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, July 27-31, 2014.

Response of an Electrical and Communication Raceway to HPEM Transient Field Illumination

N. Mora; C. Romero; F. Vega; F. Rachidi; P. Bertholet et al. 

2014. American Electromagnetics International Symposium (AMEREM), Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, July 27-31, 2014.

Calculation of Electromagnetic Fields Inside a Building with Layered Reinforcing Bar Struck by Lightning Using the FDTD Method

A. Tatematsu; F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein 

2014. 2014 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Tokyo, Japan, May 12-16, 2014.

Analyse multi-niveaux des effets induits par des interférences électromagnétiques

C. Kasmi; S. Sliman; N. Mora; M. Darces; M. Hélier et al. 

2014. 17e Colloque International et Exposition sur la Compatibilité Electromagnétique, Clermont-Ferrand, France, July 1-3, 2014.

Design and Realization of a High-Voltage Adapter for the Testing of Surge Protective Devices against Intentional Electromagnetic Interferences

P. Bertholet; A. Kaelin; G. Lugrin; N. Mora; M. Nyffeler et al. 

2014. American Electromagnetics International Symposium (AMEREM), Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, July 27-31, 2014.

Electromagnetic Interference Control Techniques for Spacecraft Harness

A. Junge; J. Wolf; P. Pelissou; N. Mora; F. Rachidi 

2014. 2014 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Tokyo, Japan, May 12-16, 2014.

Measurement of Lightning Currents at the Säntis Tower in Switzerland

F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein; M. Paolone; D. Pavanello 

2014. American Electromagnetics International Symposium (AMEREM), Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, July 27-31, 2014.

FDTD Calculation of LEMP Inside a Reinforced Concrete Building

A. Tatematsu; F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein 

2014. American Electromagnetics International Symposium (AMEREM), Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, July 27-31, 2014.

An Update on the Instrumentation of the Säntis Tower in Switzerland for Lightning Current Measurements and Obtained Results

M. Azadifar; M. Paolone; D. Pavanello; F. Rachidi; C. Romero et al. 

2014. CIGRE International Colloquium on Lightning and Power Systems, Lyon, France, May 12-14, 2014.

Application of Singularity Expansion Method (SEM) to Long Transmission Lines

S. Tkachenko; F. Middelstaedt; J. Nitsch; R. Vick; G. Lugrin et al. 

2014. American Electreomagnetics International Symposium, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, July 27-31, 2014.

Lightning Experiments on the Säntis Tower

F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein; M. Paolone; D. Pavanello 

2014. 23rd International Lightning Detection Conference, Tucson, AZ, USA, March 18-21, 2014.

On the Influence of Topography on Lightning Incidence in the Region of Pic du Midi

A. Smorgonskiy; G. Berger; S. Pedeboy; F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein 

2014. 6th International Conference on Lightning Physics and Effects, Manaus, Brazil, May 12-16, 2014.

Numerical Calculation of the Fields on the Aperture Plane of an Impulse Radiation Antenna

F. Vega; N. Mora; F. Rachidi 

2014. American Electromagnetics International Symposium (AMEREM), Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, July 27-31, 2014.

A Comparator-based Technique for Identification of Intentional Electromagnetic Interference Attacks

D. Recordon; M. Rubinstein; M. Stojilovic; N. Mora; G. Lugrin et al. 

2014. International Symposiumm on Electromagnetic Compatibility – EMC Europe 2014, Gothenburg, Sweden, September 1-4, 2014.


Modeling of the propagation along low voltage power networks for IEMI studies

N. Mora; C. Kasmi; F. Rachidi; M. Darces; M. Hélier 

2013. 2013 International
 Conference on 
Electromagnetics in
 Applications ICEAA, Torino, Italy, September 9-13, 2013.

Overview of IEMI Conducted and Radiated Sources: Characteristics and Trends

G. Lugrin; N. Mora; S. Sliman; F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein et al. 

2013. 2013 EMC Europe International Symposium, Brugge, Belgium, September 2-6, 2013.

Singularity Expansion Method for Long Terminated Lines

S. Tkachenko; J. B. Nitsch; R. Vick; F. Rachidi; D. Poljak 

2013. 2013 International
 Conference on
 Electromagnetics in
 Applications ICEAA, Torino, Italy, September 9-13, 2013.

On the Application of Frequency Dependent Soil Models to the Transient Analysis of Grounding Electrodes

D. Cavka; N. Mora; F. Rachidi; D. Poljak 

2013. 2013 EMC Europe International Symposium, Brugge, Belgium, September 2-6, 2013.

On the Feasibility of Low-Power IEMI attacks on Communication and Control Lines

A. Tatematsu; M. Rubinstein; F. Rachidi; N. Mora; S. Sliman 

2013. 34th Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium PIERS, Stockholm, Sweden, August 12-15, 2013.


On the Use of the Time Reversal of Electromagnetic Fields to Locate Lightning Discharges

G. Lugrin; N. Mora Parra; F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein; G. Diendorfer 

2012. 31st International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP), Vienna, Austria, September 3-7, 2012. DOI : 10.1109/ICLP.2012.6344263.

Analysis of Lightning Detection Network Data for Selected Areas in Canada

V. Shostak; O. Bormotov; W. Janischewskyj; D. Pavanello; F. Rachidi 

2012. 31st International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP), Vienna, Austria, September 3-7, 2012. DOI : 10.1109/ICLP.2012.6344395.

Some Characteristics of Positive and Bipolar Lightning Flashes Recorded on the Säntis Tower in 2010 and 2011

C. Romero; M. Rubinstein; F. Rachidi; M. Paolone; V. A. Rakov et al. 

2012. 31st International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP), Vienna, Austria, September 3-7, 2012. DOI : 10.1109/ICLP.2012.6344271.

Cable Crosstalk Analysis and Simulation: A Comparison between Low Frequency Circuit Approach and Transmission Line Theory

N. Mora; F. Rachidi; P. Pelissou; A. Junge 

2012. 2012 ESA Workshop on Aerospace EMC, Venice, Italy, May 21-23, 2012.

On the Possible Variation of the Lightning Striking Distance as Defined in the IEC Lightning Protection Standard as a Function of Structure Height

V. Cooray; C. A. Nucci; F. Rachidi 

2012. 31st International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP), Vienna, Austria, September 3-7, 2012. DOI : 10.1109/ICLP.2012.6344305.

Localisation de la Foudre par Retournement Temporel

G. Lugrin; N. Mora Parra; F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein; G. Diendorfer 

2012. 16e Colloque International sur la Compatibilité Electromagnétique, Rouen, France, April 25-27, 2012.

Electromagnetic Shielding using Nanoparticles Embedded in Polymer Matrix Composites

N. Mora Parra; M. M. Dadras; F. Rachidi 

2012. 4th International Conference “Smart Materials Structures Systems” CIMTEC, Motecatini, Italy, June 10-14, 2012.

A New Set of Electrodes for Coaxial Quarter Wave Switched Oscillators

V. Stavro; J. Felix; F. Rachidi; B. Daout 

2012. European Electromagnetics International Symposium EUROEM 2012, Toulouse, France, July 2-6, 2012.

Field-to-Transmission Line Coupling Models with Special Emphasis to Lightning-Induced Voltages

F. Rachidi 

2012. CIGRE International Colloquium on Power Quality and Lightning, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, May 13-16.

Coupling of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields to Transmission Lines

J. Nitsch; S. Tkachenko; F. Rachidi; D. Poljak; R. Vick 

2012. EMC Europe International Symposium, Rome, Italy, September 17-21, 2012.

The use of the regularization theory for the analysis of the field-to-line coupling problem

M. Brignone; F. Delfino; R. Procopio; M. Rossi; F. Rachidi et al. 

2012. EMC Europe International Symposium, Rome, Italy, September 17-21, 2012.

On the Evaluation of the Effective Height of Towers: the Case of the Gaisberg Tower

A. Smorgonskiy; F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein 

2012. 31st International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP), Vienna, Austria, September 3-7, 2012. DOI : 10.1109/ICLP.2012.6344388.

A Full Wave Analysis of Lightning-Induced Voltages on Distribution Lines Considering the Conductive Coupling between the Lightning Channel and the Grounding System

M. Akbari; K. Sheshyekani; A. Pirayesh; F. Rachidi; M. Paolone et al. 

2012. 31st International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP), Vienna, Austria, September 3-7, 2012. DOI : 10.1109/ICLP.2012.6344381.

High-Frequency Electromagnetic Coupling to Long Loaded Multiconductor Transmission Lines

G. Lugrin; N. Mora Parra; F. Rachidi; S. Tkachenko; M. Rubinstein et al. 

2012. European Electromagnetics International Symposium EUROEM 2012, Toulouse, France, July 2-6, 2012.

On the FEM and TL approaches for the calculation of lightning-Induced voltages on overhead lines

F. Napolitano; A. Borghetti; C. A. Nucci; M. Paolone; F. Rachidi 

2012. 8th Mediterranean Conference on Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Energy (MEDPOWER 2012), Cagliari, Italy, October 1-3, 2012.

Polymer Matrix Composites with Nickel Nanoparticles for Electromagnetic Shielding Applications

M. M. Dadras; Ö. Kocabiyik; N. Mora; F. Rachidi 

2012. 15th European Microscopy Congress, Manchester, UK, September 16-21, 2012.

Influence of the Lightning Triggering Rocket Wire and its Corona on the Electric Field at Ground Level

A. Smorgonskiy; A. E. Egüz; F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein; V. Cooray 

2012. 31st International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP), Vienna, Austria, September 3-7, 2012. DOI : 10.1109/ICLP.2012.6344361.

On the Validity of the Cooray Formula for the Evaluation of the Underground Horizontal Electric Fields of Lightning

M. Khosravi; R. Moini; S. H. H. Sadeghi; F. Rachidi 

2012. 31st International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP), Vienna, Austria, September 3-7, 2012. DOI : 10.1109/ICLP.2012.6344318.

On the vulnerability Analysis against IEMI

N. Mora Parra; G. Lugrin; R. Cherkaoui; F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein 

2012. European Electromagnetics International Symposium EUROEM 2012, Toulouse, France, July 2-6, 2012.

A Study on the Electromagnetic Susceptibility of Improvised Explosive Devices

P. Acosta; J. Jairo; N. Pena; F. Roman; V. Stavro et al. 

2012. European Electromagnetics International Symposium EUROEM 2012, Toulouse, France, July 2-6, 2012.

Close-Range Lightning Electromagnetic Fields in Presence of a Stratified Ground

A. Mimouni; F. Rachidi 

2012. European Electromagnetics International Symposium EUROEM 2012, Toulouse, France, July 2-6, 2012.

A Statistical Analysis on the Risetime of Lightning Current Pulses in Negative Upward Flashes Measured at Säntis Tower

C. Romero; M. Paolone; M. Rubinstein; F. Rachidi; D. Pavanello et al. 

2012. 31st International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP), Vienna, Austria, September 3-7, 2012. DOI : 10.1109/ICLP.2012.6344272.


Simulated NEXT and FEXT in Twisted Wire Pair Bundles

A. Shoory; M. Rubinstein; A. Rubinstein; F. Rachidi 

2011. 2011 EMC Europe International Symposium, York, United Kingdom, September 26-30, 2011.

Remote Activation of Improvised Explosive Devices in Colombia using High Power Electromagnetic Sources

F. Vega; F. Rachidi 

2011. 4th Annual Vehicle Survivability, Berlin, Germany, November 28- December 1, 2011.

Interaction Between Indirect Lightning and Grounding Systems for the Calculation of Overvoltages in Overhead Distribution Lines

A. Borghetti; F. Napolitano; C. A. Nucci; M. Paolone; F. Rachidi et al. 

2011. IEEE Power Tech International Conference, Trondheim, Norway, June 19-23, 2011.

Lightning Return Strokes to Tall Towers: Ability of Engineering Models to Reproduce Nearby Electromagnetic Fields

S. A. Mosaddeghi; A. Shoory; F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein; G. Diendorfer et al. 

2011. 2011 URSI General Assembly, Istanbul, Turkey, August 13-20, 2011.

Improving the Electromagnetic Shielding of Composite Materials using Metallic Nanoparticles

N. Mora Parra; M. Dadras; P. Van der Wal; F. Rachidi 

2011. International Wokshop on Applications Prospects of Nanostructured Metamaterials, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 8, 2011.

A New Method for the Inclusion of Frequency Domain Responses in Time Domain Codes

K. Sheshyekani; H. R. Karami; P. Dehkhoda; R. Kazemi; S. H. H. Sadeghi et al. 

2011. International Conference on Power Systems Transients (IPST 2011), Delft, The Netherlands, June 14-17, 2011.

Electromagnetic Environment in the Vicinity of a Tall Tower Struck by Lightning

F. Rachidi 

2011. 3rd International Symposium on Winter Lightning (ISWL2011), Sapporo, Japan, June 15-16, 2011.

First Direct Lightning Current Measurements on the Newly Instrumented Säntis Tower in Switzerland

C. A. Romero; A. Rubinstein; M. Paolone; F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein et al. 

2011. 29th International PIERS Symposium, Marrakesh, Morocco, March 20-23, 2011.

Rational Approximation for the Time Domain Implementation of Cooray-Rubinstein Formula

F. Delfino; P. Girdinio; R. Procopio; M. Rossi; F. Rachidi 

2011. IEEE Power Tech International Conference, Trondheim, Norway, June 19-23, 2011. DOI : 10.1109/PTC.2011.6019451.

Use of High Power Electromagnetic Radiation for Remote Activation of Improvised Explosive Devices in Colombia

F. Vega; F. Rachidi 

2011. 4th Annual Defeating IEDs Training Workshops, Brussels, Belgium, November 14-15, 2011.

Influence of Ground’s Characteristics on the Electromagnetic Fields Radiated by Lightning Strokes to CN Tower

M. Khosravi; R. Moini; S. S. H. Sadeghi; W. Janischewskyj; R. Iravani et al. 

2011. 29th International PIERS Symposium, Marrakesh, Morocco, March 20-23, 2011.

Modeling of the electromagnetic coupling to electro-explosive devices

N. Mora Parra; F. Rachidi-Haeri; N. Peña; F. Roman 

2011. 2011 URSI General Assembly, Istanbul, Turkey, August 13-20, 2011.

Design Simulation of a Coaxial Exponential Transmission Line for a Half Impulse Radiating Antenna

F. Vega; N. Mora Parra; F. Rachidi; N. Peña; F. Roman 

2011. 2011 URSI General Assembly, Istanbul, Turkey, August 13-20, 2011.

Preliminary Comparison of Data from the Säntis Tower and the EUCLID Lightning Location System

C. Romero; M. Paolone; F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein; A. Rubinstein et al. 

2011. XIth International Symposium on Lightning Protection (SIPDA), Fortaleza, Brazil, October 3-7, 2011. DOI : 10.1109/SIPDA.2011.6088468.


Lightning Horizontal Electric Fields above a Two-Layer Ground

A. Shoory; A. Mimouni; F. Rachidi; V. Cooray; M. Rubinstein 

2010. 30th International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP), Cagliari, Italy, September 13-17, 2010. DOI : 10.1109/ICLP.2010.7845920.

Locating lightning using time reversal of electromagnetic fields

N. Mora; F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein 

2010. 30th International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP), Cagliari, Italy, September 13-17, 2010. DOI : 10.1109/ICLP.2010.7845926.

The Impact of the Grounding System on the Lightning Performance of Transmission Lines: a Sensitivity Analysis

K. Sheshyekani; A. A. Ghadimi; H. R. Karamai; S. H. H. Sadeghi; R. Moini et al. 

2010. 30th International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP), Cagliari, Italy, September 13-17, 2010. DOI : 10.1109/ICLP.2010.7845863.

Electric Field within Lightning protection volume In presence of a downward leader: simulation results

V. Shostak; T. Petrenko; W. Janischewskyj; F. Rachidi 

2010. 30th International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP), Cagliari, Italy, September 13-17, 2010. DOI : 10.1109/ICLP.2010.7845943.

Analysis of Wavelet based denoising methods applied to measured lightning electric fields

C. Cortes; F. Santamaria; F. Roman; F. Rachidi; C. Gomes 

2010. 30th International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP), Cagliari, Italy, September 13-17, 2010. DOI : 10.1109/ICLP.2010.7845950.

Influence of the Height of the Observation Point upon the Observed Vertical Component of the Electric Field due to Lightning to a Tall Structure

I. Boev; W. Janischewskyj; F. Rachidi; V. Shostak 

2010. 2010 American Electromagnetics International Symposium AMEREM, Ottawa, Canada, July 5-9, 2010.

Vertical and radial electric fields from leaders and return strokes associated with lightning strikes to the Gaisberg tower

S. A. Mosaddeghi; A. Shoory; F. Rachidi; G. Diendorfer; H. Pichler et al. 

2010. 30th International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP), Cagliari, Italy, September 13-17, 2010. DOI : 10.1109/ICLP.2010.7845919.

Measurement of lightning currents using a combination of Rogowski coils and B-Dot sensors

C. Romero; A. Mediano; A. Rubinstein; F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein et al. 

2010. 30th International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP), Cagliari, Italy, September 13-17, 2010. DOI : 10.1109/ICLP.2010.7845959.

Benford’s law and lightning data

P. Manoochehrnia; F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein; W. Schulz; G. Diendorfer 

2010. 30th International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP), Cagliari, Italy, September 13-17, 2010. DOI : 10.1109/ICLP.2010.7845921.

Design, Construction and Test of a Half Impulse Radiating Antenna (HIRA)Canada

F. Vega; N. Mora; F. Rachidi; N. Peña; F. Roman 

2010. 2010 American Electromagnetics International Symposium AMEREM, Ottawa, Canada, July 5-9, 2010.

Application of high power electromagnetics to human safety

N. Mora; F. Vega; F. Roman; N. Peña; F. Rachidi 

2010. EPFL – UNESCO Chair International Scientific Conference on Technologies for Development, Lausanne, Switzerland, February 8-10, 2010.

Instrumentation of the Säntis Telecommunication Tower in Switzerland for Lightning Current Measurement

C. Romero; A. Rubinstein; M. Paolone; F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein et al. 

2010. 2010 American Electromagnetics International Symposium AMEREM, Ottawa, Canada, July 5-9, 2010.


Lightning measurement station on Mount Säntis in Switzerland

A. Rubinstein; C. Romero; M. Paolone; F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein et al. 

2009. 10th International Symposium on Lightning Protection, Curitiba, Brazil, November 9-13, 2009.

Lightning Activity Link with Temperature and Precipitation in Switzerland

P. Manoochehrnia; C. Price; F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein; W. Schulz 

2009. 4th International COST Symposium on Lightning Physics and Effects, Vienna, May 2009.

Generalization of the Full-Wave Transmission Line Theory for the Loaded Lines with Distributed Excitation

J. Nitsch; S. Tkachenko; F. Rachidi 

2009. Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium PIERS 2009, Beijing, China, 23-27 March, 2009.

Review of CIGRE Report Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Parameters Derived from Lightning Location Systems – The Effects of System Performance

G. Diendorfer; W. Schulz; C. Cummins; V. Rakov; M. Bernardi et al. 

2009. CIGRE Colloquium on Harmonizing Environment, Power Quality and Power Systems, Kushiro, Japan, June 8-9, 2009.

Instrumentation, Monitoring and Control System for Lightning Measurements on the Säntis Communications Tower

A. Rubinstein; C. Romero; M. Paolone; M. Rubinstein; F. Rachidi et al. 

2009. 4th International COST Symposium on Lightning Physics and Effects, Vienna, May 2009.

A Discussion on the Inversion of Polarity of Lightning Far Electromagnetic Fields

A. Shoory; F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein; R. Moini; S. Sadeghi 

2009. 4th International COST Symposium on Lightning Physics and Effects, Vienna, May 2009.

On the Application of Finite-Element Method for the Analysis of Lightning Protection of Wind Turbines

A. Shoory; M. Paolone; F. Rachidi; A. Borghetti; C. Nucci 

2009. 4th International COST Symposium on Lightning Physics and Effects, Vienna, May 2009.

Instrumentation of the Säntis Tower for Lightning Current Measurement

A. Rubinstein; C. Romero; M. Paolone; M. Rubinstein; F. Rachidi et al. 

2009. 4th International Workshop on Electromagnetic Radiation from Lightning to Tall Structures, Montreal, Canada, July 29, 2009.

Do lightning data obey the Benford’s law?

P. Manoochehrnia; F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein; G. Diendorfer; W. Schulz 

2009. 10th International Symposium on Lightning Protection, Curitiba, Brazil, November 9-13, 2009.

Impact of Grounding Systems Frequency Dependency on Lightning Arresters Transient Response

K. Sheshyekani; F. Rachidi; S. Sadeghi; R. Moini; M. Paolone 

2009. International Symposium on Power Systems Transient (IPST), Kyoto, Japan, June 2-6, 2009.

Close-Range Electromagnetic Fields Associated with Lightning Strikes to the Austrian Gaisberg Tower

A. Mosaddeghi; F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein; G. Diendorfer; H. Pichler et al. 

2009. 4th International Workshop on Electromagnetic Radiation from Lightning to Tall Structures, Montreal, Canada, July 29, 2009.

Calculation of lightning electromagnetic fields in presence of a lossy ground with frequency dependent parameters

F. Delfino; R. Procopio; M. Rossi; F. Rachidi 

2009. 10th International Symposium on Lightning Protection, Curitiba, Brazil, November 9-13, 2009.

On the effect of possible reflections at the return stroke wavefront on radiated fields from lightning strikes to tall structures

A. Mosaddeghi; F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein; D. Pavanello; V. Shostak et al. 

2009. 10th International Symposium on Lightning Protection, Curitiba, Brazil, November 9-13, 2009.

Lightning Location by Relative Radiation Field Peak Attenuation

M. Rubinstein; C. Romero; F. Rachidi; F. Vega 

2009. 10th International Symposium on Lightning Protection, Curitiba, Brazil, November 9-13, 2009.

Lightning Location Information From Field Peak Amplitude Attenuation

M. Rubinstein; C. Romero; F. Rachidi 

2009. 4th International COST Symposium on Lightning Physics and Effects, Vienna, May 2009.

Vertical and Horizontal Components of the Electric Field Associated with Lightning Strikes to the Gaisberg Tower

A. Mosaddeghi; A. Mimouni; F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein; W. G. Diendorfer et al. 

2009. 4th International COST Symposium on Lightning Physics and Effects, Vienna, May 2009.

On simplified approaches for the evaluation of lightning electromagnetic fields above a stratified ground

A. Shoory; F. Rachidi; V. Cooray; R. Moini; S. Sadeghi 

2009. 10th International Symposium on Lightning Protection, Curitiba, Brazil, November 9-13, 2009.

Corona Charged subnanosecond impulse generator

N. Mora; F. Vega; F. Roman; N. Peña; F. Rachidi 

2009. Proceedings of the 20th International Zurich Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Zurich, Switzerland, January 12-16, 2009.

On the Measurement and Calculation Methods of Lightning Horizontal Electric Fields

F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein; A. Shoory; R. Thottappillil 

2009. Joint Assembly MOCA-09, Symposium M17: Lightning: Characteristics, Physics, and Hazard Mitigation, Montreal, Canada, July 19-29, 2009.


A Link Between the LIOV Code and the EMTP-RV for the Calculation of Lightning-Induced Voltages on Distribution Lines

F. Napolitano; A. Borghetti; C. Nucci; M. Paolone; F. Rachidi 

2008. 29th International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP), Uppsala, Sweden, June 2008.

Evaluation of Lightning-Induced Disturbances in Buried Cables

F. Delfino; M. Paolone; R. Procopio; F. Rachidi; M. Rossi 

2008. European Electromagnetics International Symposium EUROEM 2008, Lausanne, Switzerland, July 21-25, 2008.

Electromagnetic Fields Very Near to a Tall Tower Struck by Lightning: Influence of the Ground Conductivity

A. Mimouni; A. Mosaddeghi; F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein 

2008. European Electromagnetics International Symposium EUROEM 2008, Lausanne, Switzerland, July 21-25, 2008.

Correlation of Lightning Events and Faults in Distribution Power Networks: A Joint Research Project

A. Borghetti; F. Napolitano; C. Nucci; M. Paolone; M. Bernardi et al. 

2008. CIGRE 2008, Paris, France, August 2008.

The Use of Special Tools for Emergency Control in the Russian Far East Power Grid

E. Kosterina; A. Arestova; M. Balabin; A. Grobovoy; R. Cherkaoui et al. 

2008. Joint International Conference on Power System Technology and IEEE Power India Conference, 2008. POWERCON 2008, India, 12-15 Oct. 2008. DOI : 10.1109/ICPST.2008.4745362.

Performance of Lightning Arresters Considering the Frequency-Dependence of the Grounding System: A MoM-AOM Approach

K. Sheshyekani; M. Paolone; R. Moini; H. Sadeghi; F. Rachidi 

2008. 3rd International COST Symposium on Lightning Physics and Effects, Vienna, April 2008.

Electric and Magnetic Field Measurements at Very Close Range Associated with Lightning Strikes to the Austrian Gaisberg Tower

G. Diendorfer; A. Mosaddeghi; D. Pavanello; H. Pichler; F. Rachidi et al. 

2008. 2008 URSI General Assembly, Chicago, USA, August 2008.

Protection of Large Wind Turbine Blades against Lightning

J. Montanya; F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein; J. Bermudez; G. Sola et al. 

2008. 29th International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP), Uppsala, Sweden, June 2008.

A Design of a Mesoband High Power Electromagnetic Radiator Using a Switched Oscillator and a Corona Current Generator

F. Vega; F. Rachidi; N. Pena; F. Roman 

2008. 2008 URSI General Assembly, Chicago, USA, August 2008.

Electromagnetic Fields from Lightning Strikes to the Gaisberg Tower

G. Diendorfer; A. Mosaddeghi; D. Pavanello; H. Pichler; F. Rachidi et al. 

2008. 3rd International COST Symposium on Lightning Physics and Effects, Vienna, April 2008.

Correction of the Current Peak Estimates Provided by Lightning Detection Networks for Lightning Return Strokes to Tall Towers

D. Pavanello; F. Rachidi; W. Janischewskyj; M. Rubinstein; V. Shostak et al. 

2008. 3rd International Conference on Lightning Physics and Effects (LPE) & Interational Conference on Grounding & Earthing, Florianopolis, Brazil, November 2008.

An experimental Analysis of the Effect of Nearby Buildings on Electromagnetic Fields from Lightning

A. Mosaddeghi; D. Pavanello; F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein; P. Zweiacker 

2008. 29th International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP), Uppsala, Sweden, June 2008.

Multi-Period Bidding Behavior of Power Producers in an Electricty Spot Market

E. Beck V.; R. Cherkaoui; A. Germond 

2008. Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC’08), Glasgow, Scotland, July 14-18, 2008.

Calculation of Lightning-Induced Voltages on Distribution Networks: a New Interface Between the LIOV code and EMTP-RV

A. Borghetti; C. Nucci; F. Napolitano; M. Paolone; F. Rachidi 

2008. European Electromagnetics International Symposium EUROEM 2008, Lausanne, Switzerland, July 21-25, 2008.

Response of an Extended Underground Structure to a Lightning Surge Taking Into Account the Skin Effect

V. SHostak; I. Shapirko; W. Janischewskyj; F. Rachidi; D. Pavanello 

2008. 29th International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP), Uppsala, Sweden, June 2008.

Link between Lightning Activity and Temperature: A Regional Study in Switzerland

P. Manoochehrnia; C. Price; F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein; W. Schulz 

2008. European Electromagnetics International Symposium EUROEM 2008, Lausanne, Switzerland, July 21-25, 2008.

On the Bipolar Waveform of Electric Field at Very Close Range from a Tower Struck by Lightning

A. Mosaddeghi; D. Pavanello; F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein 

2008. 29th International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP), Uppsala, Sweden, June 2008.

Decentrilized Unit Commitment and Dispatch for the Distribution Systems Using Intelligent Agents Approach

E. Kaegi; R. Cherkaoui; A. Germond 

2008. 16th Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC’08), Glasgow, Scotland., July 14-18, 2008.

Instrumentation, Monitoring and Control System for Lightning Measurements on the Säntis Communications Tower

A. Rubinstein; F. Rachidi; D. Pavanello; M. Rubinstein; G. Diendorfer et al. 

2008. 3rd International COST Symposium on Lightning Physics and Effects, Vienna, April 2008.

Lightning Statistics in the Regions of Säntis and St. Chrischona Towers in Switzerland

P. Manoochehrnia; W. Schulz; F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein 

2008. 29th International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP), Uppsala, Sweden, June 2008.

Analysis of Angle Phase Differences to Improve the SPS Complex Performance

E. Kosterina; N. Bondareva; R. Cherkaoui; A. Germond; A. Grobovoy 

2008. 16th Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC’08), Glasgow, Scotland, July 14-18, 2008.

Current Peak Estimates Provided by Lightning Location Systems for Lightning Return Strokes to Tall Towers

D. Pavanello; F. Rachidi; W. Janischewskyj; M. Rubinstein; V. Shostak et al. 

2008. 3rd International COST Symposium on Lightning Physics and Effects, Vienna, April 2008.

Electromagnetic Fields in the Immediate Vicinity of a Tower Struck by Lightning

A. Mimouni; F. Rachidi; Z. Azzouz 

2008. 29th International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP), Uppsala, Sweden, June 2008.

A Regional Study on the Link between Lightning Activity and Temperature

P. Manoochehrnia; C. Price; F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein; W. Schulz 

2008. 3rd International COST Symposium on Lightning Physics and Effects, Vienna, April 2008.


Field Enhancement Effects for Lightning Strikes to a Tall Structure: Theoretical Prediction and Validation using NLDN Data

D. Pavanello; F. Rachidi; V. Shostak; W. Janischewskyj; M. Rubinstein et al. 

2007. 2nd International COST Symposium on Lightning Physics and Effects, Vienna, April 2007.

Electromagnetic Environment at Very Close Range from a Tower Struck by Lightning

A. Mosaddeghi; D. Pavanello; F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein 

2007. 2nd International COST Symposium on Lightning Physics and Effects, Vienna, April 2007.

Impact of the Symmetry of Coupling-Decoupling Networks on the Conducted Immunity Testing of PLC Modems

M. Rubinstein; A. Vukicevic; F. Rachidi; J. Bermudez 

2007. 18th Zurich International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, EMC ZURICH, Munich, 24-28 Sept. 2007.

On the determination of the spatial-temporal ebhavior of the lightning return stroke current by multiple field measurements

D. Pavanello; M. Rubinstein; F. Rachidi 

2007. Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium PIERS 2007, Beijing, 26-30 March 2007.

On the need for the guidelines for the reporting of electromagnetic field measurements from lightning

M. Rubinstein; D. Pavanello; F. Rachidi 

2007. Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium PIERS 2007, Beijing, 26-30 March 2007.

Effect of Nearby Buildings on Electric and Magnetic Fields from Lightning

A. Mosaddeghi; D. Pavanello; F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein; P. Zweiacker 

2007. 2nd International COST Symposium on Lightning Physics and Effects, vienna, April 2007.

Discussion on the influence of the time derivative of the current and the charge acceleration on the radiation fields from lightning channels

M. Rubinstein; R. Thottappillil; F. Rachidi 

2007. Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium PIERS 2007, Beijing, 26-30 March 2007.

Lightning statistics in Switzerland

P. Manoochehrnia; F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein; W. Schulz 

2007. 9th International Symposium on Lightning Protection, SIPDA, Foz do Iguaçu, Nov. 2007.

On the Effect of an Excitation Source on the Current Distribution along a Tall Tower

D. Poljak; V. Doric; F. Rachidi; L. Grcev; V. Murko 

2007. XVth International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Ljubljana, 27-31 Aug. 2007.


Voltages Induced by Cloud Discharges on Overhead Power Lines

F. Napolitano; M. Bernardi; A. Borghetti; C. Nucci; M. Paolone et al. 

2006. International Symposium on Lightning Physics and Effects, Vienna, 3-4 April 2006.

Evaluation of underground lightning electromagnetic fields

F. Delfino; R. Procopio; M. Rossi; F. Rachidi; C. Nucci 

2006. International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility EMC Europe 2006, 4-8 Sept. 2006, Barcelona.

Three-Station EM Field Measurements of CN Tower Lightning Strikes

D. Pavanello; F. Rachidi; W. Janischewskyj; M. Rubinstein; A. Hussein et al. 

2006. International Symposium on Lightning Physics and Effects, Vienna, April 3-4 2006.

Effect of Traveling-Waves of Current on The Electromagnetic Response of A Tall Franklin Rod Considering Various Lightning Return Stroke Models

E. P. Krider; S. Guerrieri; F. Napolitano; C. A. Nucci; M. Paolone et al. 

2006. 28th International Conference on Lightning Protection ICLP, Kanazawa, 18-22 Sept. 2006.

Estimation of Lightning-Caused Stresses in A MV Distribution Line Using A Three-Wire Approach

V. Shostak; W. Janischewskyj; F. Rachidi; A. M. Hussein; J. S. Chang et al. 

2006. 28th International Conference on Lightning Protection ICLP, Kanazawa, 18-22 Sept. 2006.

Lightning Electromagnetic Disturbances in Large Electric Power Systems

F. Rachidi 

2006. International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Tehran, May 16-18 2006.

Simultaneous Measurements of Return Stroke Current, Electric and Magnetic Fields at Three Distance Ranges Associated with Lightning Strikes to The CN Tower

D. Pavanello; F. Rachidi; W. Janischewskyj; M. Rubinstein; A. M. Hussein et al. 

2006. 28th International Conference on Lightning Protection ICLP, Kanazawa, 18-22 Sept. 2006.

Some Unresolved Issues Concerning EMC in Powerline Communications

M. Rubinstein; A. Vukicevic; J. Bermudez; F. Rachidi; P. Favre et al. 

2006. 18th International Wroclaw Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Wroclaw, 28-30 June 2006.

Suggestion on Experimental Estimation of Current Portion Measured by Rogowski Coil at the 474 m Level of the CN Tower

V. Shostak; W. Janischewskyj; F. Rachidi; A. Hussein; J. Chang et al. 

2006. International Symposium on Lightning Physics and Effects, Vienna, 3-4 April 2006.

Lightning multiplicity at the CN Tower in Toronto as recorded by six different instruments

W. Janischewskyj; J. S. Chang; A. M. Hussein; V. Shostak; F. Rachidi et al. 

2006. International Conference on Grounding and Earthing, Maceio, Nov. 2006.

Comparison of Different Approaches for The Evaluation of Lightning-Induced Overvoltages in Light-Rail DC Traction Power Systems

F. Delfino; R. Procopio; M. Rossi; C. A. Nucci; F. Rachidi et al. 

2006. 28th International Conference on Lightning Protection ICLP, Kanazawa, 18-22 Sept. 2006.

On The Effect of The Finite Ground Conductivity on Electromagnetic Field Radiated by Lightning to Tall Towers

V. Cooray; G. Diendorfer; C. A. Nucci; D. Pavanello; F. Rachidi et al. 

2006. 28th International Conference on Lightning Protection ICLP, Kanazawa, 18-22 Sept. 2006.

Measuring System Specially Designed for Lightning Electromagnetic Fields

M. Rubinstein; D. Pavanello; V. Muehauser; F. Rachidi; J. L. Bermudez et al. 

2006. 28th International Conference on Lightning Protection ICLP, Kanazawa, 18-22 Sept. 2006.


Propagation effects on the electromagnetic field radiated by lightning to tall towers

D. Pavanello; V. Cooray; F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein; A. Negodyaev et al. 

2005. VIII International Symposium on Lightning Protection SIPDA, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 21-25 November.

High frequency wave propagation along non-niform transmission lines: a direct iteration approach

S. Tkachenko; F. Rachidi; J. Nitsch 

2005. 28th General Assembly of International Union of Radio Science (URSI), New Delhi, India, October 23-29.

Congestion Management Using Coordinated Control of FACTS Devices and Load Shedding

P. Etingov; N. Voropai; A. Oudalov; R. Cherkaoui; A. Germond 

2005. 15th Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC’05), Liege, Belgium, August 22-26 2005.

Modeling of the lightning current propagation within the CN Tower using the PSCAD simulation code

I. Boev; W. Janischewskyj; M. Iravani; V. Shostak; A. Hussein et al. 

2005. VIII International Symposium on Lightning Protection SIPDA, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 21-25 November.

On the need for unified criteria describing the quality of lightning data and the design of a lightning field measurement system

D. Pavanello; M. Rubinstein; F. Rachidi; J. Bermudez; D. Bommottet et al. 

2005. VIII International Symposium on Lightning Protection SIPDA, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 21-25 November.

Lightning return stroke to a farm: measurements and simulations using a reduced scale model

J. L. Bermudez; H. Sauvain; F. Rachidi; M. Jolliet; B. Daout 

2005. 14th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering ISH, Beijing, China, August 25-29.

Tall structure lightning return stroke velocity measurements for 553 m AGL CN telecommunication tower

J. Chang; A. Asakawa; S. Wada; W. Janischewskyj; K. Yamamoto et al. 

2005. VIII International Symposium on Lightning Protection SIPDA, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 21-25 November.

On the mitigation of radiation from PLC networks

M. Rubinstein; J. Bermudez; A. Vukicevic; F. Rachidi; M. Schneider 

2005. 28th General Assembly of International Union of Radio Science (URSI), New Delhi, India, October 23-29.

On the comparison between experimental results and calculations of lightning-induced voltages on distribution systems – Effect of the distribution network topology

E. Perez; M. Paolone; A. Borghetti; C. A. Nucci; H. Torres et al. 

2005. VIII International Symposium on Lightning Protection SIPDA, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 21-25 November.

Lightning protection of Medium Voltage networks

A. Borghetti; T. Henriksen; P. Muñoz Rojas; C. Nucci; M. Paolone et al. 

2005. VIII International Symposium on Lightning Protection SIPDA, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 21-25 November.

Influence of the finite ground conductivity on the transient response to lightning of a tower and its grounding

E. Petrache; F. Rachidi; D. Pavanello; W. Janischewskyj; M. Rubinstein et al. 

2005. 28th General Assembly of International Union of Radio Science (URSI), New Delhi, India, October 23-29.

Comparison of Two Computational Programs for the Calculation of Lightning-Induced Voltages on Distribution Systems

M. Paolone; E. Perez; A. Borghetti; C. Nucci; F. Rachidi et al. 

2005. 6th International Conference on Power Systems Transients (IPST), Montreal, June.

An efficient method for the computation of antenna mode currents along transmission lines

A. Vukicevic; F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein; S. Tkachenko 

2005. 28th General Assembly of International Union of Radio Science (URSI), New Delhi, India, October 23-29.


Analytical characterization of a line bend

S. Tkachenko; F. Rachidi; J. Nitsch 

2004. 7th International Conference on Computational and Experimental Methods in Electrical Engineering and Electromagnetics, Orlando, 2004.

On the enhancement of electric and magnetic fields from lightning due to close-by metallic structures

J. Bermudez; T. Gazizov; A. Negodyaev; D. Pavanello; F. Rachidi et al. 

2004. EUROEM’2004, Magdeburg, July.

Optimal location and coordinated control of facts devices in the Swiss power system

S. Gerbex; A. Oudalov; R. Cherkaoui; D. Orzan; A. Germond et al. 

2004. 2004 CIGRE Session, B4-205, Paris, France, 29 August – 3 September.

A technique to reduce electromagnetic field radiated by indoor PLC systems

E. Marthe; N. Korovkin; F. Rachidi; A. Vukicevic; F. Issa 

2004. 17th International Wroclaw Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Wroclaw, 29 June-1 July.

Engineering lightning return stroke models including an elevated strike object: far field-current relationship

D. Pavanello; F. Rachidi; J. Bermudez; M. Rubinstein 

2004. International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, EMC EUROPE 2004, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, September 2004.

Experimental Analysis of Lightning-Induced Currents in Buried Cables

E. Petrache; M. Paolone; F. Rachidi; C. Nucci; V. A. Rakov et al. 

2004. International Conference on Lightning Protection, ICLP 2004, Avignon, September 2004.

Methods for the Evaluation of Possible Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields

E. Comino; J. Zryd; E. Alasonati; Y. Saidi; P. Zweiacker et al. 

2004. Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, PIERS’04, Pisa, March 28-31 2004.

Tackling the problem of thermal versus non thermal biological effects of high frequency electromagnetic radiations

J. Zryd; E. Alasonati; P. Goloubinoff; Y. Saidi; P. Zweiacker et al. 

2004. Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, PIERS’04, Pisa, March 28-31.

Return Stroke Current Profiles and Electromagnetic Fields Associated with Lightning Strikes to Tall Towers: Comparison of Engineering Models

D. Pavanello; F. Rachidi; V. A. Rakov; C. A. Nucci; J. L. Bermudez 

2004. International Conference on Lightning Protection, ICLP 2004, Avignon, September 2004.

Correlation between Distribution Systems Faults and Indirect Lightning-Induced Voltages

C. Nucci; M. Paolone; A. Borghetti; M. Bernardi; S. Malgarotti et al. 

2004. IEEE International Symposium on Power Systems Technology POWERCON 2004, Singapore, November, 2004.

Comparison of the results of full-scale experiment and long term dynamics simulation in the Siberian Interconnected Power System

N. Bondareva; D. Kolotovkin; R. Cherkaoui; A. Germond; A. Grobovoy et al. 

2004. IREP Symposium, Bulk Power System Dynamics and Control – VI, Cortina d’Ampezzo, Italy, August 22-27, 2004.

On the constraints imposed by the close electric field signature on the return stroke models

V. Cooray; C. Nucci; F. Rachidi 

2004. International Conference on Lightning Protection, ICLP 2004, Avignon, September 2004.

Analytical Representation of Lightning Current Waveforms using Genetic Algorithms

J. Bermudez; C. A. Peña; F. Rachidi; F. Heidler; V. A. Rakov 

2004. International Conference on Lightning Protection, ICLP 2004, Avignon, September 2004.

On the calculation of Electromagnetic Fields Radiated by Lightning to Tall Structures

D. Pavanello; F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein; J. Bermudez; C. Nucci 

2004. International Conference on Lightning Protection, ICLP 2004, Avignon, September 2004.

Estimation of lightning-related stresses coming from a MV distribution line

V. Shostak; W. Janischewskyj; F. Rachidi; A. Hussein; J. Bermudez et al. 

2004. International Conference on Lightning Protection, ICLP 2004, Avignon, September 2004.

The Effect of the Measurement Time Constant of Analog Integrators on the Resulting Modeling and Simulation of Lightning

M. Rubinstein; D. Pavanello; J. Bermúdez; F. Rachidi; W. Janischewskyj et al. 

2004. EUROEM’2004, Magdeburg, July.

Experimental characterization of lightning return stroke currents

J. Bermudez; F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein 

2004. 17th International Wroclaw Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Wroclaw, 29 June-1 July.

Testing of the LIOV-EMTP96 Code for Computing Lightning-Induced Currents on Real Distribution Lines: Triggered-Lightning Experiments

M. Paolone; J. Schoene; M. Uman; V. A. Rakov; D. Jordan et al. 

2004. International Conference on Lightning Protection, ICLP 2004, Avignon, September 2004.

Electromagnetic environment in the immediate vicinity of a tower struck by lightning

D. Pavanello; F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein; N. Theethayi; R. Thottappillil 

2004. EUROEM’2004, Magdeburg, July.

Analysis and mitigation of low frequency disturbances in power supply lines of submarine optic links

N. Korovkin; E. Selina; E. Petrache; F. Rachidi; M. Ianoz et al. 

2004. International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, EMC EUROPE 2004, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, September 2004.


High frequency electromagnetic radiations induce a heat shock-like response in Physcomitrella Patens

Y. Saidi; E. Alasonati; P. Zweiacker; F. Rachidi; P. Goloubinoff et al. 

2003. The Annual International Meeting for Moss Experimental Research, St. Louis, Sept. 2003.

Modeling of lightning return strokes at a complex tall structure

V. Shostak; W. Janischewsky; A. Hussein; J. Chang; F. Rachidi et al. 

2003. XIIIth International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH), Delft, Netherlands, 2003.

Influence of Channel Inclination upon Lightning Electromagnetic Field at Two Distances from a Stricken Tall Structure

V. Shostak; W. Janischewsky; F. Rachidi; J. Bermudez; A. Hussein 

2003. International Workshop on EM Radiation from Lightning to Tall Structures, Bologna, Italy, 2003.

The EU Framework V Project GEMCAR: CEM Techniques Investigated

S. Alestra; X. Ferrières; J. Parmantier; R. Perraud; F. Rachidi et al. 

2003. 15th International Zurich Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Zurich, Feb. 2003.

Electromagnetic field coupling to nonuniform transmission lines: Treatment of nonuniformities

S. Tkachenko; F. Rachidi; J. Nitsch; T. Steinmetz 

2003. 15th International Zurich Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Zurich, Feb. 2003.

The EU Framework V Project GEMCAR: Model Validation

N. Whyman; C. Thomas; S. Alestra; X. Ferrières; J. Parmantier et al. 

2003. 15th International Zurich Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Zurich, Feb. 2003.

Fractal dimension: a method for the analysis of the biological effects of electromagnetic fields

E. Alasonati; E. Comino; M. Ianoz; N. Korovkin; F. Rachidi et al. 

2003. 5th International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility and Electromagnetic Ecology, St. PEtersbourg, Sept. 2003.

Use of the photosynthesis performance index to assess the Effects of high frequency Electromagnetic Fields on the membrane integrity of the Moss P. Patens

E. Alasonati; E. Comino; A. Giudice; M. Ianoz; F. Rachidi et al. 

2003. 15th International Zurich Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Zurich, Feb. 2003.

Tall Elevated Objects Struck by Lightning: Analysis of the Spatial-Temporal Distribution of the Lightning Current

E. Garavini; C. Nucci; J. Bermudez; F. Rachidi 

2003. International Workshop on EM Radiation from Lightning to Tall Structures, Bologna, Italy, 2003.

Comparison of electromagnetic models of lightning return strokes using current and voltage sources

L. Grcev; F. Rachidi; V. A. Rakov 

2003. International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, ICAE’03, Versailles, France, June 2003.

Electromagnetic Disturbances Generated by a Tall Structure Lightning Under Severe Weather Conditions

J. Chang; W. Janischewsky; A. Hussein; V. Shostak; J. Mizeraczyk et al. 

2003. XIII International Conference on Electromagnetic Disturbances (EMD), Bialystok, Poland, 2003.

Contribution of the “Turn-On Term” to the Electromagnetic Field Radiated by Lightning to Tall Structures

D. Pavanello; F. Rachidi; J. Bermudez; M. Rubinstein; C. Nucci 

2003. International Workshop on EM Radiation from Lightning to Tall Structures, Bologna, Italy, 2003.


Modeling of the Electromagnetic Field Associated with Lightning Return Strokes to a Complex Tall Tower

V. Shostak; W. Janischewskyj; A. Hussein; J. Chang; F. Rachidi et al. 

2002. International Conference on Lightning Protection, Cracow, Poland, September 2-6, 2002.

Use of Fractal Dimension for the Analysis of Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields on the Moss P. Patens and the Nematode C. Elegans

E. Alasonati; E. Comino; M. Ianoz; N. Korovkin; F. Rachidi et al. 

2002. International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility EMC Europe, Sorrento, Sept., 2002.

On the theory of high frequency electromagnetic field coupling to nonuniform terminated lines

S. Tkatchenko; F. Rachidi; M. Ianoz; T. Steinmetz; J. Nitsch 

2002. Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium PIERS 2002, Boston, July 1-5, 2002.

An efficient technique to compute high frequency electromagnetic field to long terminated lines

S. Tkatchenko; F. Rachidi; M. Ianoz 

2002. Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium PIERS 2002, Boston, July 1-5, 2002.

Transformer State Assessment : Self-Organizing Maps as an Intelligent Online Data Processor

A. Schenk; S. Natale; A. Germond 

2002. CIGRE, Paris, Août, 2002.

Influence of HF electromagnetic fields on the development and the molecular biology of the moss Physcomittrella patens and the nematode Caernorhabditis elegans

J-P. Zryd; F. Rachidi; P. Zweiacker 

2002. 14th International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Proc., Février 2002.

Statistical Evaluation of Lightning Current Parameters from Remote Electromagnetic Field Measurements

F. Rachidi; J. Bermudez; M. Rubinstein 

2002. International Conference on Lightning Protection, Cracow, Poland, September 2-6, 2002.

Modélisation de l’interaction d’un champ électromagnétique et le cablâge d’automobile : simulation et validation expérimentale

A. Rubinstein; F. Rachidi; J-P. Parmentier; X. Ferrières; S. Alestra et al. 

2002. 11e Colloque International de Compatibilité Electromagnétique, Grenoble, France, Mars, 2002.

Transformer Monitoring : Statistical Simulation Techniques as an Intelligent Online Data Procesor

S. Natale; A. Schenk; A. Germond 

2002. PSCC, Séville, juin, 2002.

Modélisation de la pénétration d’un champ électromagnétique à l’intérieur d’une automobile:  simulation et validation expérimentale

A. Rubinstein; F. Rachidi; J. Parmantier; X. Ferrieres; S. Alestra et al. 

2002. Colloque International sur la Compatibilité Electromagnétique, Grenoble, Mars 2002.

Modeling of the penetration of an electromagnetic field inside an automaobileuding a parallel version of NEC: simulation and experimental validation

A. Rubinstein; F. Rachidi; B. Reusser 

2002. URSI General Assembly, Maastricht, the Netherlands, August, 2002.

Software Tools for the Calculation of Lightning-Induced Voltages on Complex Distribution Systems

A. Borghetti; A. Gutierrez; C. Nucci; M. Paolone; E. Petrache et al. 

2002. International Conference on Lightning Protection ICLP, Cracow, Sept., 2002.

An experiment to validate a theory for the calculation of transients induced by external electromagnetic fields on overhead transmission line networks

E. Petrache; F. Rachidi; M. Paolone; C. Nucci; B. Reusser 

2002. International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility EMC Europe 2002, Sorrento, Sept. 2002.

Lightning Return Stroke Modelling and Experimental Validation for Engineering Applications

F. Rachidi 

2002. 17th International Power Systems Conference, Tehran, 28-30 Oct. 2002.

Simultaneous Measurements of Electromagnetic Fields at two Distances and of Current Associated with Lightning Return Strokes to the CN Tower

J. Bermudez; F. Rachidi; W. Janischewskyj; A. Hussein; V. Shostak et al. 

2002. International Conference on Lightning Protection, Cracow, Poland, September 2-6, 2002.

Development of an Optimized Parallel Numerical Electromagnetics Code (NEC) and its Implementation of the Swiss-T1 and Eridan Parallel Supercomputers

A. Rubinstein; F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein 

2002. Annual Review of Progress in Computational Electromagnetics, Monterey, USA, March 2002.

On the Electromagnetic Field Radiation Associated with PLC Systems

E. Marthe; F. Rachidi; M. Ianoz; W. Baeschlin 

2002. International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, EMC Europe, Sorrento, September 2-6 2002.

A Reduced-Scale Model to Evaluate the Response of Nonuniform Towers to a Lightning Strike

J. A. Gutiérrez; J. L. Bermudez; F. Rachidi; M. Paolone; C. A. Nucci et al. 

2002. International Conference on Lightning Protection, Cracow, Poland, September 2-6, 2002.


Lightning-Induced Overvoltage Calculation in Matlab Environment

J. Gutierrez; R. M. Paolone; A. Borghetti; C. Nucci; E. Petrache et al. 

2001. International Symposium on Power Quality, Colombia, November, 2001.

Influence of HP electromagnetic fields on the development and the molecular biology of the moss physcomitrella patens and the nematode caenorhabditis elegans

J-P. Zryd; M. Ianoz; F. Rachidi; P. Zweiacker 

2001. 14th International Zurich Symposium on Electr omagnetic Compatibility, Zürich, Switzerland, February 2001.

A New Interface for Lightning Induced Overvoltages Calculation Between EMTP and LIOV code

M. Paolone; C. A. Nucci; A. Borghetti; E. Petrache; F. Rachidi-Haeri 

2001. IEEE PES Summer Meeting (EMTP user group meeting), Vancouver, Canada, July 15-19, 2001.

A new finite difference time domain scheme for the evaluation of lightning induced overvoltage on multiconductor overhead lines

M. Paolone; C. Nucci; F. Rachidi 

2001. International Conference on Power System Transients IPST’01, Rio de Janeiro, June 2001.

Sur la théorie de l’influence du champs électromagnétique sur des lignes de transmission chargées et non uniformes.

C. Tkatchenko; F. Rachidi; M. Ianoz; T. Steinmetz 

2001. International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility and E lectromagnetic Ecology, St. Petersburg, Russia, June 2001.

On the theory of electromagnetic field coupling to nonuniform loaded transmission lines

S. Tkatchenko; F. Rachidi; M. Ianoz; T. Steinmetz 

2001. International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, St. Petersbourg, June 2001.

The GEMCAR project : Preliminary experimental results on a simple test case using an EMP simulator

A. Rubinstein; D. Pavanello; F. Rachidi; M. Ianoz; B. Reusser et al. 

2001. International Workshop on EMC Measurement Techniques for Complex and Distributed Systems, Lille, France, June 2001.

Modeling an inclined lightning return stroke channel using the Antenna Theory model

B. Kordi; R. Moini; F. Rachidi 

2001. 14th International Zurich Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Zurich, February 2001.

Measurement of disturbances due to the use of low voltage power networks for data transmission. Procedures and results

M. Ianoz; E. Marthe; F. Rachidi 

2001. International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility and Electromagnetic Ecology, St . Petersburg, Russia, June 2001.

Valutazione del numero annuale di scariche a terra dovute a sovratensioni indotte da fulminazioni indirette su una tipica linea aerea di media tensione

A. Borghetti; C. Nucci; M. Paolone; F. Rachidi 

2001. Riunione generale AEI, Padova, 3-5 Oct. 2001.

Interference suppression in power supply sysrem of submarin optical communication lines

N. Korovkin; E. Selina; P. Zweiacker; F. Rachidi; M. Ianoz et al. 

2001. International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility and Electromagnetic Ecology, St. Petersburg, Russia, June 2001.

A method to find reflection coefficients at the top and bottom of elevated strike objects from measured lightning currents

J. Bermudez; M. Rubinstein; F. Rachidi; M. Paolone 

2001. 14th International Zurich Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Zurich, February 2001.

A Reduced-Scale Model to Evaluate the Response of Tall Towers Hit by Lightning

J. L. Bermudez; J. A. Gutiérrez; W. A. Chisholm; F. Rachidi; M. Paolone 

2001. International Symposium on Power Quality (SICEL), Bogota, Colombia, November 28-30, 2001.


Characterization of the Response of an Overhead Line to Lightning Electromagnetic Fields

A. Borghetti; C. Nucci; M. Paolone; F. Rachidi 

2000. 25th International Conference on Lightning Protection, ICLP’2000, Rhodos, Sept. 2000.

Lightning Deleterious Effectws : Moderator’s repor

Z. Flisowski; F. Rachidi 

2000. 25th International Conference on Lightning Protection, ICLP’2000, Rhodos, Sept. 2000.

Sur un problème de singularité dans l’expression de la résistance du sol des lignes aériennes en régime transitoire

S. Loyka; F. Rachidi; C. Nucci; M. Ianoz 

2000. 10e Colloque International sur la Compatibilite; Electromagnétique, Clermont-Ferrand, 14-16 Mars 2000.

Lightning-induced effects and EMC

M. Ianoz; C. Mazzetti; C. Nucci; F. Rachidi 

2000. International Symposium on Electric Power Engineering at the beginning of the Third Millenium, Capri, May 2000.

Mitigation of Lightning-Induced Overvoltages by means of Periodical Grounding of Shielding Wires and of Surge Arresters

C. Nucci; M. Paolone; F. Rachidi 

2000. 4th European Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, EMC Europe 2000, Brugge, Sept. 2000.

An efficient solution for high-frequency electromagnetic field coupling to long terminated lines

S. Tkatchenko; F. Rachidi; M. Ianoz; L. Martynov; G. Vodopianov 

2000. 4th European Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, EMC Europe 2000, Brugge, Sept. 2000.

Lightning performance of distribution lines

A. Borghetti; S. Guerrieri; C. Nucci; M. Paolone; F. Rachidi 

2000. International Symposium on Electric Power Engineering at the beginning of the Third Millenium, Capri, May 2000.

On the Singularity of the Ground Transient Resistance of Overhead Transmission Lines

F. Rachidi; S. Loyka; C. Nucci; M. Ianoz 

2000. 25th International Conference on Lightning Protection, ICLP’2000, Rhodos, Sept. 2000.


On the theory of high-frequency wave propagation along nonuniform transmission lines

S. Tkatchenko; F. Rachidi; M. Ianoz 

1999. International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Magdebourg, Oct. 1999.

Induced Overvoltages

C. Nucci; F. Rachidi 

1999. IEEE Transmission and Distribution Conference, New Orleans, April 1999.

TL models for overhead lines excited by external electromagnetic fields

C. Nucci; F. Rachidi; M. Ianoz; C. Mazzetti 

1999. International Conference on Electromagnetics in Aerospace applications, Torino, Sept. 1999.

On the determination of lightning current parameters from remote electromagnetic field data

F. Rachidi; W. Janischewskyj; V. Shostak; A. Hussein; C. Nucci et al. 

1999. CIGRE International Colloquium on Insulation Coordination, Lucerne, Sept. 1999.

On the determination of lightning current parameters from remote electromagnetic field data

F. Rachidi; W. Janischewskyj; V. Shostak; A. Hussein; C. Nucci et al. 

1999. URSI General Assembly, Toronto, Aug. 1999.

On the Theory of Electromagnetic Field Coupling to Long Terminated Lines

S. Tkatechenko; F. Rachidi; M. Ianoz; L. Martynov 

1999. URSI General Assembly, Toronto, Aug. 1999.


Electromagnetic fields radiated by lightning return strokes to high towers

F. Rachidi; W. Janischewskyj; A. Hussein; C. Nucci; S. Guerrieri et al. 

1998. International Conference on Lightning protection ICLP, Stafordshire, Sept. 1998.

An asymptotic approach for the calculation of electromagnetic field coupling to long terminated lines

S. Tkatchenko; F. Rachidi; M. Ianoz; L. Martynov 

1998. International Conference on Electromagnetic Compatibility ROMA’98, Roma, Sept. 1998.

Statistical analysis of magnetic fields due to CN Tower multistroke flashes

M. Abdel-Rahman; W. Janischewskyj; A. Hussein; F. Rachidi; J. Chang 

1998. International Conference on Lightning protection ICLP, Staffordshire, 1998.

Indirect lightning effects on short overhead lines

F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein; P. Zweiacker; M. Ianoz; B. Braendli et al. 

1998. International Conference on Electromagnetic Compatibility ROMA’98, Roma, Sept. 1998.

Experimental measurements and calculations of lightning-induced currents on short overhead lines

F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein; P. Zweiacker; M. Ianoz; B. Braendli et al. 

1998. 11th International Conference on High-Power Electrmagnetics EUROEM’98, Tel Aviv, June 1998.

A hybrid method for field-to-transmission line coupling calculations

S. Tkatchenko; F. Rachidi; M. Ianoz; L. Martynov 

1998. 11th International Conference on High-Power Electrmagnetics EUROEM’98, Tel Aviv, 1998.


Recent observation of lightning electromagnetic fields at very close range: Implications to lightning-induced voltages on overhead lines

F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein; S. Guerrieri; C. Nucci 

1997. CIGRÉ International Colloquium on Insulation Coordination, Toronto, Sept. 1997.

Decision Aid Function For Restoration of Transmission Power Systems: Conceptual Design and Real Time Considerations

T. Kostic; R. Cherkaoui; P. Pruvot; A. Germond 

1997. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Power Industry Computer Applications (PICA’97), Columbus, May 11-16 1997.

A combined analytical and numerical approach for the calculation of electromagnetic field coupling to terminated lines

S. Tkatchenko; F. Rachidi; M. Ianoz; L. M. Martynov 

1997. Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Cambridge, MA, July 1997.

Link of field-to-transmission line coupling codes to the Electromagnetic Transient Program

A. Borghetti; S. Guerrieri; M. Ianoz; C. Nucci; D. Orzan et al. 

1997. International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, St-Petersburg, June 1997.

Influence of the ground resistivity on the polarity and intensity of lightning induced voltages

S. Guerrieri; C. Nucci; F. Rachidi 

1997. International Symposium on High Voltage, Montreal, Aug. 1997.


Electromagnetic field coupling to shielded cables: methodology and experimnetal validation

D. Orzan; F. Rachidi; M. Ianoz; P. Baraton; F. Audran 

1996. International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Roma, 17-20 Sept. 1996.

Lightning-induced voltages on an overhead line above a lossy ground: a sensitivity analysis

S. Guerrieri; M. Ianoz; C. Nucci; C. Mazzetti; F. Rachidi 

1996. 23rd International Conference on Lightning Protection, Florence, 23-27 Sept. 1996.

Comparaison entre deux approches pour traiter le couplage entre un champ EM et des réseaux de lignes

D. Orzan; P. Baraton; M. Ianoz; F. Rachidi 

1996. 8ème Colloque International sur la Compatibilité Electromagnétique, Lille, 2-5 Sept 1996.

Experimental validation of field-to-transmission line coupling models

J. Bermudez; M. Ianoz; F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein; B. Nicoara et al. 

1996. International Union of Radio Science General Assembly, Lille, 28 Aug. – 5 Sept. 1996.

Observed electromagnetic environment close to the lightning channel

V. A. Rakov; M. A. Uman; R. Thottappillil; J. P. Berlendis; A. Eybert-Bérard et al. 

1996. 23rd International Conference on Lightning Protection, Florence, 23-27 Sept. 1996.


A time-domain approach to evaluate induced voltages on tree-shaped electrical networks by external electromagnetic fields

S. Guerrieri; M. Ianoz; F. Rachidi; P. Zweiacker; C. Nucci 

1995. 11th International Zurich Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Zurich, 7-9 March 1995.


Influence of the leader electric field change on voltages induced by very close lightning on overhead lines

F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein; C. A. Nucci; S. Guerrieri 

1994. 22nd International Conference on Lightning Protection, Budapest, Sept 1994.

On field-to-transmisison line coupling models

C. Nucci; F. Rachidi 

1994. Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium, Noordwijk, 11-15 July 1994.

Utilisation de la méthode TLM pour le calcul de la propagation sur des lignes de transmission à plusieurs branches

G. Costache; M. Ianoz; F. Rachidi 

1994. 7ème Colloque International sur la Compatibilité Électromagnétique, Toulouse, 2-4 March 1994.

A time-domain iterative approach to correct the transmisison line approximation for lines of finite length

S. Tkatchenko; F. Rachidi; M. Ianoz 

1994. International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Rome, Sept. 1994.

Effet d’une impulsion électromagnétique sur des réseaux électriques à plusieurs branches. Modélisation et validation expérimentale

S. Guerrieri; F. Rachidi; M. Ianoz; P. Zweiacker; A. Borghetti et al. 

1994. 7ème Colloque International sur la Compatibilité Électromagnétique, Toulouse, 2-4 March 1994.

On the influence of elevated strike objects on the lightning return stroke current and the distant electric field peaks

S. Guerrieri; C. Nucci; F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein 

1994. International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Rome, Sept. 1994.

Modèles de calcul des surtensions induites par la foudre: analyse comparative

A. Borghetti; S. Guerrieri; C. Nucci; F. Rachidi 

1994. 7ème Colloque International sur la Compatibilité Électromagnétique, Toulouse, 2-4 March 1994.

Coupling models for lightning-induced overvoltage calculations: a comparison and consolidation

C. A. Nucci; F. Rachidi; M. Ianoz; V. Cooray; C. Mazzetti 

1994. 22nd International Conference on Lightning Protection, Budapest, Sept 1994.

Some observations on the effect of mountainous terrain on the wave shapes and amplitudes of vertical electric field from lightning

M. Rubinstein; E. Montandon; M. Ianoz; F. Rachidi 

1994. International Conference on Lightning and Mountains, Chamonix, 6-9 June 1994.

Heuristic methods applied to the restoration of ditribution networks

A. Bart; R. Cherkaoui; A. Germond 

1994. International Conference on Intelligent System Application to Power Systems (ISAP), Montpellier, France, Sep. 5-9 1994.

Electromagnetic field coupling to imperfect shielded cables

M. Ianoz; F. Rachidi; P. Zweiacker 

1994. International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Sao Paolo, 5-9 Dec. 1994.


Coupling of external electromagnetic fields to transmission lines: theory, numerical simulation and experimental validation

F. Rachidi; M. Ianoz; C. A. Nucci; C. Mazzetti 

1993. International Conference on Electrical Engineering ICEE, Tehran, May 1993.

An experimental test for the validation of time domain codes for the analysis of transient field coupling to transmission line networks

E. Petrache; F. Rachidi; M. Ianoz; J. Bermudez; A. Rubinstein et al. 

1993. International Workshop on EMC Measurement Techniques for Complex and Di stributed Systems, Lille, France, June 2001.

Lightning-Induced Overvoltages on Distribution Overhead Lines in Presence of Distribution Transformers or Short Cables

R. Iorio; C-A. Nucci; A. Porrino; F. Rachidi 

1993. International CIGRE Symposium on Power System Electromagnetic Compatibility, Lausanne, Oct. 1993.

Response of Multiconductor Power Lines to Close Indirect Lightning Strokes

M. Ianoz; C. Mazzetti; C-A. Nucci; F. Rachidi 

1993. International CIGRE Symposium on Power System Electromagnetic Compatibility, Lausanne, Oct. 1993.

On the representation of source terms in field-to-transmission line coupling equations

F. Rachidi; C. A. Nucci 

1993. XXIVth General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI), Kyoto, 25 Aug – 3 Sept. 1993.

Optimal Configuration of Electrical Distribution Networks Using Heuristics Methods

R. Cherkaoui; A. Bart; A. Germond 

1993. 11 th Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC), Avignon, France, aug 30 – sep 3, 1993.


Modified Transmission Line model for LEMP calculations. Effect of the return stroke velocity decreasing and elevated strike object on close fields

F. Rachidi; M. Ianoz; C. A. Nucci; C. Mazzetti 

1992. 9th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, St. Petersbourg, June 15-19 1992.

Measurements and Characterization of Ground Level Vertical Electric Fields 500 m and 30 m from Triggered Lightning

M. Rubinstein; M. Uman; E. Thomson; P. Medelius; F. Rachidi 

1992. 9th Int. Conf. on Atm. Elec., St. Petersburg, June 15-19 1992.

Une comparaison entre les méthodes de calcul temporel et fréquentiel appliquées au problème de couplage IEM-ligne aérienne

F. Arreghini; M. Ianoz; F. Rachidi; C. Nucci 

1992. 6ème Colloque Int. en langue francaise sur la CEM, Lyon, 2-4 juin 1992.

Calculation Methods of the Horizontal Component of Lightning Return Stroke Electric Fields

F. Rachidi; M. Ianoz; C-A. Nucci; C. Mazzetti 

1992. 11th Int. Wroclaw Symp. on EMC, Wroclaw, 1-3 Sept. 1992.

Simulation numérique et expérimentale du couplage d’une IEMN sur les lignes aériennes. Étude de la mise à la terre périodique d’un câble de garde

F. Arreghini; M. Ianoz; F. Rachidi; G. Riquel 

1992. 6e Colloque Int. en langue française sur la CEM, Lyon, 2-4 juin 1992.

Lightning EMP effects on data transmission lines in a HV substation

M. Ianoz; C. Mazzetti; C. A. Nucci; F. Rachidi 

1992. International Wroclaw Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Wroclaw, 1-3 Sept. 1992.


La foudre, un danger pour les réseaux de transport d’information et d’énergie

M. Ianoz; F. Rachidi; C. Nucci 

1991. Journée d’information de l’ITG et de l’ETG sur la CEM, Lausanne, Novembre 1991.

Correlated close vertical electric fields, close horizontal electric fields, and channel-base currents from artificially initiated lightning

M. Rubinstein; F. Rachidi; M. A. Uman; A. Aka; A. Eybert-Bérard et al. 

1991. Fall Meeting of American Geophysical Union, San Fransisco, Dec. 1991.

Correlated clon vertical electric fields, clon horizontal electric fields, and channel-base cuments from artificially initiated lightning

M. Rubinstein; F. Rachidi; M. Uman; A. Aka; A. Eybert-Bérard et al. 

1991. Fall Meeting of American Crophysical Union, San Francisco, 1991.


On the inclusion of loss in time-domain solutions of field-to-transmission line coupling

F. Rachidi; M. Ianoz; C. A. Nucci 

1990. Nuclear Electromagnetic Meeting, Albuquerque, 21-24 May 1990.

Induced Overvoltages on Overhead Transmission Lines by Indirect Lightning Return Strokes: a Sensitivity Analysis

M. Ianoz; C. Mazzetti; C. Nucci; F. Rachidi 

1990. 20th Int. Conf. Lightning Protection, Interlaken, September 24-28 1990.


Experimental validation of a modification to the Transmission Line model for LEMP calculation

C. A. Nucci; F. Rachidi 

1989. 8th Symposium and Technical Exhibition on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Zurich, March 1989.

Tension induite par une décharge de foudre sur une ligne aérienne. Modélisation et validation expérimentale

M. Ianoz; C. Mazzetti; C. A. Nucci; F. Rachidi 

1989. Colloque International sur la Compatibilité Electromagnétique, Evian, Sept. 1989.

Transient phenomena associated with the current interruption by a superconducting circuit-breaker

P. Zweiacker; F. Rachidi; P-A. Chamorel 

1989. Sixth International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, New Orleans, Sept. 1989.


On lightning return stroke models for LEMP calculations

C. A. Nucci; C. Mazzetti; F. Rachidi; M. Ianoz 

1988. 19th International Conference on Lightning Protection, Graz, April 1988.

Optimal Distribution System Structure

R. Cherkaoui; A. Germond 

1988. 11th International Colloquium on Energy System Modeling, Martigny, Switzerland, 30 June – 2 July, 1988.


Influence des paramètres du courant de foudre sur le spectre de son champ électromagnétique

C. A. Nucci; C. Mazzetti; F. Rachidi; M. Ianoz 

1987. Colloque International sur la Compatibilité Electromagnétique, Limoges, sept. 1987.