Quantum Algorithms MATH-644

Teacher: Johannes Buchmann

Credits: 3

Duration: May 1st to May 25th, only in 2023

Language: English

News and Updates:

The first lecture is Monday 01.05.2023, 09:15-11:00  in  MAA331


The course is given by Prof. Johannes Buchmann, TU Darmstadt, and covers fundamental quantum algorithms and the theory behind them. It is rigorous from a mathematics, physics, and computer science perspective and requires only basic knowledge from mathematics such as calculus and linear algebra


Quantum computers and algorithms for such computers are among the most important, interesting, and promising innovations in information and communication technology today. This course is an introduction to quantum algorithms which
(1) covers fundamental and the theory behind them,
(2) is rigorous from a mathematics, physics, and computer science perspective,
(3) is self-contained, i.e., requires only basic knowledge from mathematics such as calculus and linear algebra.
The syllabus of the course is as follows.
(1) Introduction
(2) Classical computability and complexity theory with a focus on reversible computation
(3) Finite-dimensional Hilbert spaces
(4) Quantum Postulates and quantum computation
(5) The algorithms of Deutsch-Josza and Simon
(6) Shors’s algorithm I: the quantum Fourier transform
(7) Shor’s algorithm II: factoring and computing discrete logarithms
(8) Grover’s algorithm and outlook


In the lectures, I will present the important concepts and results and selected proofs. All proofs are explained in detail in my lecture notes of which all participants will receive a copy and which will appear as a textbook later this year. The participants will also receive a copy of the slides that I use in the course. After each lecture I will propose exercises which the participants are invited to solve. Solutions for the exercises are discussed in the exercise session. The participants are encouraged to present their solutions. The grade for the course will depend on these presentations and a final exam that depending on the number of participants may be written or oral.
You can find details and the (preliminary) schedule here. To indicate your interest in this course and note possible schedule conflicts, please fill out this form

Please refer to your doctoral program regulations for registration.