The DBLab and SC Projects

Project Overview

The goal of this project is to create a toolkit for quickly building highly efficient database systems in a high-level language (Scala) using SC, our easily extensible DSL compiler framework.

SC is publicly available in binary form at (It will be open-sourced in the coming months, as soon as published).

Our first database system implemented as part of DBLAB, LegoBase (an analytical query engine), is  available open-source at


  • Christoph Koch
  • Amir Shaikhha
  • Yannis Klonatos
  • Lionel Parreaux
  • Mohammad Dashti


  • Florian Chlan
  • Nikos Kokolakis
  • Lewis Brown


This project is supported by ERC grant 279804 ALGILE and by NCCR MARVEL.


Field Guide to Northern Tree-related Microhabitats: Descriptions and size limits for their inventory in boreal and hemiboreal forests of Europe and North America

R. Bütler Sauvain; L. Larrieu; L. F. Lunde; M. Maxence; B. Nordén et al. 

Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL, Switzerland, 2024.

Data Champions Lunch Talks – Green Bytes: Data-Driven Approaches to EPFL Sustainability

M. S. P. Cubero-Castan; M. Peon Quiros; C. Gabella; F. Varrato; Loïc Lannelongue 

Data Champions Lunch Talks – Green Bytes: Data-Driven Approaches to EPFL Sustainability, EPFL, CM 1 221, April 18, 2024.

Timelapse: Geneva Lake, in front of Chexbres – 2019

V. Kindschi 


German Democratic Radio

A. Thiermann 

Gesellschaft bauen. Architektur als Medium der Demokratie in der frühen Bundesrepublik, Berlin, Germany, March 24-25, 2022.

Aesthetics of Conservation; Aesthetics of Extinction. The Chilean Pavilion at the 59th Art Biennale

A. Thiermann 

Keynote Lecture at Villa Massimo, German Academy in Rome, Rome, Italy, October 10, 2022.

Type and History

A. Thiermann 

Tackle The Type: Filling Stations, Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland, March 27, 2023.

The Broadcasting House: Architecture, Type, and the Culture Industry

A. Thiermann 

The Fifth Typology, Lausanne, Switzerland, April 4-5, 2023.

Infrastructures of Solidarity, Infrastructures of Totalitarism

A. Thiermann 

Listening to the World – 100 Years of Radio organised by the Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW), Berlin, Germany, 21-22.10.2023.

Notes on Los Angeles

A. Thiermann 

Translational Histories of Architecture. A London symposium in honour of Jean-Louis Cohen (1949–2023), London, Great Britain, 2023-11-27.

Comparison of Three Viral Nucleic Acid Preamplification Pipelines for Sewage Viral Metagenomics

X. Fernandez Cassi; T. Kohn 

Food and Environmental Virology. 2024. DOI : 10.1007/s12560-024-09594-3.