Monday 4 December 2023 6.30pm
Toward a Domestic City -Superonda talk n°4
The last event of the Superonda lecture series, organised by Professor Sophie Delhay, will focus on the theme of desassignation. Looking for a habitat that breaks away from the standards based on the nuclear family model and the synchronization of rhythms, a habitat that makes possible a multitude of lifestyles.
Addressing the climate and housing crises, the approach interweaves environmental, economic and social factors to find efficient solutions. The goal is not isolated, but integrated strategies: merging social and environmental aspects to increase the spaces in between; combining environmental and economic elements to reduce materials and CO2; and linking economic and social factors to achieve shared spaces with social benefit.

Axonometry of the project: 85 social housing units in Cornellà.
Jose Toral is a partner, along with Marta Peris, at the architecture firm PERIS+TORAL ARQUITECTES, based in Barcelona. The firm focuses on researching new ways of living and building to address the challenges posed by the climate and housing emergency. Since 2016, José Toral has been an associate professor at the Department of Architectural Projects at ETSAB UPC, specializing in the study of public space and urban projects.
The innovative work of PERIS+TORAL ARQUITECTES has been recognized with awards such as the CSCAE SPANISH ARCHITECTURE AWARD 2022, international accolades like the MATILDE BAFFA UGO RIVOLTA EUROPEAN ARCHITECTURE AWARD 2021 and 2022, the Platinium Winner GRAND PRIX DU DESIGN 2022, timber construction awards such as the WOOD DESIGN & BUILDING AWARD 2022 Honor Award, and as a finalist in the EU MIES AWARD 22 with the 85 social housing units project in Cornellà, in 2022