EPFL-Stanford Exchange Programme, funded by Firmenich

EPFL 2019 – Alain Herzog
EPFL researchers can now apply for a short-term research exchange at Stanford University. The EPFL-Stanford Exchange Programme seeks to foster long-term collaborations between researchers of the two institutions in a variety of life science fields, with a particular emphasis on chemical biology and neuroscience.
The EPFL-Stanford Exchange Programme is made possible through the generous support of Firmenich, the world’s largest privately-owned company in the fragrance and flavour business.
To facilitate the programme, EPFL has partnered with two of Stanford new interdisciplinary bioscience institutes: Stanford ChEM-H (Chemistry, Engineering & Medicine for Human Health) and the Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute. Stanford ChEM-H brings together chemists, engineers, biologist and clinicians to foster interdisciplinary research that deeply probes the molecules of life and explores practical solutions to the most complex issues in human health by exploiting the interactions of these molecules. The Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute aims to understand how the brain gives rise to mental life and behaviour, both in health and in disease. Together, these two institutes provide complementary expertise and cross-institute opportunities for innovation and collaboration.
The exchange period is minimum 10 weeks and up to 3 months and needs to be completed before 1 November 2022. The selected candidates will receive a grant of up to CHF 11’000 which can be used to cover costs associated with the short-term exchange, namely, travel and lodging costs and (for PhD students only) university fees.
The call is currently closed.

The EPFL-Stanford Exchange Programme seeks to foster long-term collaborations between researchers of the two institutions in a variety of life science fields, with a particular emphasis on chemical biology and neuroscience.
The EPFL-Stanford Exchange Programme is made possible through the generous support of Firmenich, the world’s largest privately-owned company in the fragrance and flavour business.
The exchange period is minimum 10 weeks and up to 3 months and needs to be completed before 1 November 2022.

Eligibility criteria
Researchers at any stage of their career (PhD students, postdocs and faculty) in life science fields employed at EPFL.

Available funding
- Applicants may be granted up to CHF 11’000 maximum.
- Expenses are reimbursed on presentation of original bills up to a maximum of CHF 11’000 and only for eligible categories of costs.
- Eligible categories of costs are:
- Travel (i.e., economy airfare, ground transportation to and from airport)
- Visa costs
- Lodging
- For PhD students: Stanford University fees (VSR and Campus Health Service fee).

How to apply
Please read carefully the application instructions.
In order to apply please submit the following documents:
- Motivation and research plan – use this template.
- CV
- PI letter of support (PhD supervisor, head of lab/institute)
- Host letter of support.
Please submit your application in one pdf document to [email protected]
All documents must be submitted in English.

Application deadline
The call is currently closed.

Selection process
- Each application will be evaluated by an ad-hoc evaluation committee (EPFL professors).
- Awarded applications are then confirmed by Stanford counterparts.
- The candidates will be notified in the period end of February – beginning of March 2022.
- The exchange period must be minimum 10 weeks and can be maximum up to 3 months to be completed before 1 November 2022.