Transport and Mobility Laboratory Directed by Michel Bierlaire, the Transport and Mobility Laboratory is active in modeling, optimization and simulation of transportation systems, with a specific emphasis on the mobility of individuals. Best paper award for Negar Rezvany21.06.24EPFLNegar Rezvany is a PhD student at the Transport and Mobility Laboratory. She has received yesterday the Best Paper Award at the 12th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART).New model better predicts our daily travel choices10.04.24ResearchAn EPFL engineer has developed a forecasting model that factors in not just our commuting habits, but also our activities during the day. Her flexible approach incorporates the idea of trade-offs in order to deliver more realistic predictions.Best Paper Award for Janody Pougala20.09.23EPFLJanody Pougala, PhD student at the Transport and Mobility Laboratory has received the Best Paper Award at the 11thSymposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART).All news