Forever Young: A Critical History of Student Accommodation
Marson Korbi — This research investigates the history of student accommodation from its origins to today, with a particular focus on the relationship between student life and the history of education, the Welfare State, and the family.

Poverty and Architecture: Domestic Space and the Making of the Poor
Theodora Giovanazzi – The research focuses on the various legal, economic, and socio-moral attitudes towards the poor subject and their relationship with the project of domesticity.

A Society of Mattresses: On Queer Domesticity and the Architecture of the Bedroom
Constantinos Marcou – The doctoral proposal titled ‘A society of Mattresses’ investigates the architecture and emergence of the bedroom as on the one hand a political project within queer culture and on the other as a fragmented and neglected part of the historiography of domestic architecture.

Guilty Pleasures: The Project of Seaside ‘Villamania’ in Postwar Italy (1958-1973)
Michela Bonomo – The research examines the villa typology and, more specifically, the construction of seaside holiday villas in postwar Italy as a social, political, and environmental phenomenon.

Never Innocent: Architecture, Anthropology and Domestic Space
Jolanda Devalle – This research investigates the relationship between architecture, anthropology and domestic space.

History as a Project. The translation of Selected Essay and Interviews by Manfredo Tafuri 1964-1994
Pier Vittorio Aureli, Jolanda Devalle, Theodora Giovanazzi, Marson Korbi – Manfredo Tafuri is the most important modern historian of architecture. The magnitude of his work and impact can be measured by his unparalleled scholarship on a wide range of topics that included different periods and themes, from Jacopo Sansovino to architecture in Soviet Russia.

The Fifth Typology. On Architecture and Type
TPOD – A research work on the issue of type and its use in the study, critique and practice of architecture.

John Hejduk: Houses
Pier Vittorio Aureli, Michael Robinson Cohen, Constantinos Marcou – The research analyzes the series of theoretical projects by John Hejduk on domestic space, such as the Texas Houses, the Wall Houses, The England Masks and the built housing projects in Berlin and Groningen.