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- Semidefinite programming bounds for the average kissing number Maria Dostert, Alexander Kolpakov, Fernando Mário de Oliveira Filho.
- Exact semidefinite programming bounds for packing problems
Maria Dostert, David de Laat, Philippe Moustrou.
- Kissing number in non-Euclidean space
Maria Dostert, Alexander Kolpakov.
- New dense superball packings in three dimensions
Maria Dostert, Frank Vallentin, to appear in Advances in Geometry.
- Universal optimality of the E8 and Leech lattices and interpolation formulas
Henry Cohn, Abhinav Kumar, Stephen D. Miller, Danylo Radchenko, Maryna Viazovska
- Sharp sphere packings
Maryna Viazovska
Proc. Int. Cong. of Math. – 2018 Rio de Janeiro, Vol. 1 (453–464)
- Fourier interpolation on the real line
Danylo Radchenko, Maryna Viazovska
M. Publ.math.IHES (2018)
arXiv version
- The sphere packing problem in dimension 24
Henry Cohn, Abhinav Kumar, Stephen D. Miller, Danylo Radchenko, Maryna Viazovska
Annals of mathematics 185 (3), 1017-1033 (2017)
arXiv version
- The sphere packing problem in dimension 8arXiv versionMaryna Viazovska
Annals of mathematics 185 (3), 991-1015 (2017)
arXiv version