Online Summer School on Optimization, Interpolation and Modular Forms

August 24 to 28, 2020

This summer school will explore basic concepts as well as recent developments in optimization, interpolation, and modular forms. There will be short courses as well as several standalone lectures by invited researchers. The school is aimed toward master’s and PhD students as well as early-stage postdocs.

Main lectures:

  • Henry Cohn (MIT): Packing, coding, and ground states
  • David de Laat (TU Delft): Semidefinite programming hierarchies for packing and energy minimization
  • Danylo Radchenko (ETH Zürich) : Modular forms and their applications
  • Frank Vallentin (Universität zu Köln): Optimization for lattices, packings, and coverings

Research talks:

The program will be held online. Please register here
to get access to the talks.


The confirmation of participation for the students can be obtained after the submission of solutions to the exercises. Please submit the solutions to the most interesting (according to your taste) 1 to 3 exercises in the form of a written report. The  length of the report  normally should be 2 to 5 pages. Send your solutions to [email protected]
The deadline for the submission is 6.09.2020.

Organized by
Maryna Viazovska (EPFL),
Maria Dostert (EPFL),
Matthew de Courcy-Ireland (EPFL).

The summer school is funded by EPFL and SNSF.