SuNMILÂ started as a research group in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at MIT, in 2010 the group moved to the Institute of Materials at EPFL. In these years many undergraduate, master, and PhD students as well as many post-docs have gone through the laboratory. Follows a list of some of them, mainly focusing on the ones that are still in academia. In italics the ones that were at MIT. The list is roughly in chronological order.
Teacher. Allon Hochbaum (UG, now at UC Irvine)
Dr. Arum ‘Amy’ Yu (PhD, now at Samsung research)
Teacher. Xiaogang Liu (PD, now at NUS)
Dr. Benjamin Wunsch (PhD, now at IBM research)
Dr. Cedric Dubois (PD, now at Nestlé)
Teacher. Kazuya Nakata (PD now at Tokyo University of Science)
Teacher. Osman Bakr (PhD, now at KAUST)
Dr, Andrea Centrone (PD, now at NIST)
Dr. Oktay Uzun (PD, now at Harvard)
Dr. Jin-Young Kim (PhD, now at KIST)
Teacher. Ozge Akbulut (PhD, now at Sabanci University)
Teacher. Eun Seon Cho (PhD, now at KAIST)
Prof Miao Yu (PD, now at Harbin)
Teacher. Yun Tang (PD, now at Fudan)
Teacher. Randy Carney (PhD, now at UC Davis)
Teacher. Kislon Voitchovsky (PD, now at Durham University)
Teacher. Stefan Guldin (PD, now at UCL)
Dr. Benjamin Le Ouay (PD, now at University of Tokyo)
Teacher. Zhi Luo (PhD, now at Southern University of Science and Technology)
Dr. Veerabhadrarao Kaliginedi (PD, now at Indian Institute of Science)
Teacher. Sam Jones (PD, now at Manchester University)
Teacher. Alejandro La Presta (PD, now at Universidad de Granada)