With the ambition to maintain the attractiveness and competitiveness of European Research Infrastructures and to enable Europe’s Green Deal, the iSAS project propose to Innovate for Sustainable Accelerating Systems by establishing enhanced collaboration in the field to broaden, expedite and amplify the development and impact of novel energy-saving technologies to accelerate particles. For many frontier accelerators Superconducting Radio Frequency systems are the enabling technology. The objective of iSAS is to innovate those technologies that have been identified as being a common core of accelerating systems and that have the largest leverage for energy savings with a view to minimizing the intrinsic energy consumption in all phases of operation. This will contribute to the vital transition to sustain the tremendous 20th century applications of the accelerator technology in a green and energy conscious 21st century.
The Laboratory for Particle Accelerator Physics at the EPFL(the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne ) is partner of the innovate SAS project (iSAS) and for this we are looking for a motivated PhD student that will be involved in Advancing the beam dynamic studies linked to the development of this sustainable accelerating technology.
The selected candidate will engage in cutting-edge research in the development of sustainable accelerating technology for the next generation accelerator based European research infrastructures. The PhD student will focus on the modelling and understanding of the particle beam dynamics in the presence of collective effects while travelling through the accelerating cavities that are under design. The simulation results will give fundamental inputs to the engineers identifying intensity limitations and/or define tolerances at the design stage of the system. In addition the student will study the deceleration of beams with deteriorated parameters from an interaction with an opposing beam like in colliders, or for example a beam that was used to generate an FEL X-ray pulse to identify possible limitations of the technology and/or feedback improvements to the design of such system. The candidate will be part of an interdisciplinary team.
Your tasks
- Model the dynamics of electron beams including collective effects while travelling into the radio frequency cavities. Define the intensity limitations and feedback to the cavity designers possible improvements to the design.
- Carry out simulation studies of a possible use of such technology for colliders operation evaluating the efficiency of such system for decelerating spent beams after collisions in the presence of beam-beam interactions.
- Develop strategies for possible applications of such technology
- Presentation of results at conferences and publication in relevant journal
Your profile
- Master’s degree in physics or engineering.
- A solid understanding of electromagnetism and physics. Experience in accelerator physics would be a plus.
- Experience with Python scripting language and/or C programming language.
- Excellent written and spoken English language skills
- You should be able to communicate well, work in a team and possess good presentation skill
We look forward to receiving your online application with the following documents:
- CV
- Cover Letter
- Transcripts
- (Optional) Reference Letters
Please note that we exclusively accept applications submitted via email one PDF file with all the requested documentation to [email protected] before the deadline of 31st May 2024.
Further information about LPAP research activities can be found on our website. Questions regarding the position should be directed to Prof. Mike Seidel ([email protected]) and Dr Tatiana Pieloni ([email protected]). No applications to these emails.
The EPFL Laboratory of Particle Accelerator Physics (LPAP) is looking for a motivated PhD student to contribute to the Optimization of the Electron Beam Transport and Compression in the SwissFEL
The PhD will take place at Paul Scherrer Institute in Villigen and details of the application procedure are available in the PhD description. For any further information, please contact Dr Sven Reiche, phone +41 56 310 51 19.
The EPFL Laboratory of Particle Accelerator Physics (LPAP) is looking for a motivated PhD student to contribute to the Caracterization and correction of the beam dynamics in SLS 2.0
The PhD will take place at Paul Scherrer Institute in Villigen and details of the application procedure are available in the PhD description. For further information, please contact Dr Jonas Kallestrup, e-mail [email protected], phone +41 56 310 42 13.
Useful links for openings in
Accelerator Physics