November 2022
Le Yu passed the public defense of his PhD thesis at EPFL on November 10 2022. Before him, Simon Philipp and Giulio Romagnoli (both U Basel) as well as Anna Kukolova, P. Che (both EPFL) had passed their PhD defenses within the sinergia project. The public defense of the PhD thesis by P. Baral (EPFL) will take place in December 2022.

September 2022
The final sinergia project meeting on September 23 2022 at EPFL took place in the hybrid mode. More than 20 project members participated and reviewed together the research performed during the last five years. At the same time, ongoing cooperative project work was coordinated.

June 2022
After a series of zoom meetings until January 2022, the sinergia project enjoys a retreat meeting at University of Basel on June 16th 2022 hosted by Prof. Martino Poggio. Dr. Ping Che and Dr. Victor Ukleev continue their cooperation, being now located at Thales/CNRS in Paris and Bessy in Berlin, respectively. Active sinergia project members like Jonathan White, Peter Derlet, Oleg Yazyev, Fabrizio Carbone, Anna Fontcuberta i Morral, Boris Gross, Thomas La Grange, Henrik Ronnow, Thomas Schönenberger and Ivica Zivkovic are missing on the photo. We welcome Dr. Mingran Xu as a postdoctoral researcher.

Spring 2022
Meeting of postdoctoral researchers and PhD students of the sinergia project with a farewell for Dr. Ping Che.

Spring 2022
From April 2022 on, Dr. Victor Ukleev has moved to the BESSY-II synchrotron in Berlin, Germany, working on the VEKMAG beamline for resonant soft x-ray scattering, spectroscopy and imaging. Dr. Ping Che has moved to Thales/Paris Sud in Paris, France.
March 2021
Still -after extended project zoom meetings in Sept. and Oct. 2020- the members of the sinergia network Nanoskyrmionics meet on zoom and discuss recent research results and future plans on March 09 2021. Via this screenshot we welcome Cagri Oezdilek as a PhD student at LMGN.

Fabrizio Carbone, Anna Fontcuberta i Morral, Henrik Roennow and Ivica Zivkovic who contributed to the work presented are missing on the screenshot.
June 2020
The network members meet on zoom for a series of videoconferencing sessions to discuss recent work in the sinergia project and plan for the future period when confinement rules due to the covid-19 pandemic become relaxed. On this screenshot we welcome EPFL Master student Richa Agrawal, PhD students Veronica Leccese and Benoit Truc of LUMES/EPFL and postdoctoral researcher Kai Wagner working at U Basel.

Fabrizio Carbone, Anna Fontcuberta i Morral, Patrick Maletinsky, Thomas Schoenenberger and Ivica Zivkovic who contributed to the work presented are missing on the screenshot.
April 2020
Facing confinement regulations sixteen sinergia network members plus Mohammad Hamdi of LMGN meet on zoom on April 7 and April 9 to further advance theoretical work and simulations on skyrmion-hosting materials and nanostructures. Labs are closed due to the covid-19 pandemic.
Jan 2020

Meeting of sinergia network members in Engelberg for a workshop. We welcome Dr. Phoebe Marie Tengdin as a postdoctoral researcher working at LUMES/EPFL.

Nov 2019
The sinergia network welcomes Dr. Jian-Rui Soh who is a postdoctoral researcher at LMGN (EPFL) as a new member.
Sept 2019
Meeting of sinergia network members at the Paul Scherrer Institute in Villigen, September 19 2019. Postdoctoral researcher Yadav Ravi (C3MP, EPFL) has joined the team after our meeting in March 2019.

Some members are missing on the image as they were not able to attend due to obligations in the first week of the fall term. Oleg Yazyev took part via zoom conferencing.
June 2019
PhD student Gabriele Berruto (LUMES, EPFL) defended his PhD thesis “Fast and ultrafast electron microscopies for skyrmions and plasmonics“.
April 2019
Dr. Vamshi Katukuri (C3MP, EPFL) moved to Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart, Germany.
March 2019
Meeting of sinergia network members on the campus of EPFL in Lausanne, March 18 2019. We welcome the postdoctoral researcher Dr. Alexey Sapozhnik (LUMES, EPFL).

Some members were not able to take part.
November 2018
PhD student Jilei Chen (from Prof. Haiming Yu’s group at Beihang University, Beijing, China) obtained a fellowship and will perform research in the sinergia network for one year.
September 2018
Meeting of sinergia network members at the Biozentrum in Basel, September 20 2018. We welcome the PhD student Le Yu and Master student Bin Lu.

May 2018
Meeting of the sinergia network members at the Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen, on May 25 2018.

Giovanni Boero, Fabrizio Carbone, Anna Fontcuberta i Morral, Arnaud Magrez, Martino Poggio, and Brendan Shields are missing on the photograph.
March 2018
PhD students Ping Che and Thomas Schönenberger of the sinergia network have successfully applied for a grant from the EuroTech Alliance to organize a summer school on “New trends in chiral magnetism” together with PhD students from TU Munich, TU Eindhoven and DTU Kopenhagen.
November 2017
Kick-off meeting on EPFL Campus on November 9.

Group photo taken at the kick-off meeting November 9, 2017. Peter Derlet, Martino Poggio, Jonathan White, and Ivica Zivkovic are missing on the photograph.