Seminars 2010

“FOLKI-SPIV: a novel approach for ultra-fast Stereo PIV”
by Dr. Benjamin Leclaire
(ONERA/DĂ©partement d’AĂ©rodynamique Fondamentale et ExpĂ©rimentale, Meudon, France)

Monday November 29, 2010, at 11:00 – Room ME B 10 – abstract


A wave for spray atomization
by Dr. JĂ©rĂŽme Hoepffner
(Institut D’Alembert – UniversitĂ© Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris, France)

Friday November 5, 2010, at 11:00 – Room ME B 10 – abstract


The problematic of energy transfer mechanisms and dissipation in stratified turbulence has still many open questions
by Dr. Eletta Negretti
(Laboratoire d’hydrodynamique de l’Ecole Polytechnique, France)

Friday November 12, 2010, at 14:00 – Room ME B 10 – abstract


Analysis and control of shear flows using global modes
by Dr. Shervin Bagheri

(Linne Flow Center, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden)
Tuesday September 28, 2010, at 11:15 – Room ME B 10


Perturbations optimales dans les écoulements de paroi turbulents et application au contrÎle de décollement

Grégory Pujals

IFP, Institut Français du Pétrole, et PSA Peugeot Citroen, France

July 12th, 2010 – abstract

The effect of confinement on viscous wake flows

Dr. Matthew P. Juniper

University of Cambridge, Dpt. of Engineering, UK

March 26th, 2010 – abstract

A phase diagram to predict the self-assembly of nanoparticle coatings deposited from evaporating colloidal suspensions

Dr. Daniel Attinger

Columbia University, Dpt. of Mechanical Engineering, USA

February 18th, 2010 – abstract