Can you say a few words about yourself ?
I come from Istanbul Turkey, where I hold my PhD environmental sciences in 2009, specifically in air pollution and its modelling. After my PhD, I was a postdoc researcher at University of Crete for 4 years, and at the Joint Research Centre, Italy, for 1.5 years. Since 2014, I have been working first as a scientist, and since 2018 as a senior scientist at Aarhus Univerity, Department of Environmental Science in Denmark.
Did you choose your profession or did it choose you ?
I think it is a bit of both. I had no academic career plan after my bachelorâs degree and started a master right away to have better chances in the private sector. However, I started getting interested in modelling during my masters, which paved the way to first being a research assistant, then to PhD.
What attracted you to join LAPI ?
EPFL-LAPI hosts several well-known and competent scientists in the field, some of which I have been collaborating on different projects in the past. I am currently the coordinator of a large HE project, CleanCloud, where EPFL is one of the key partners, and where Prof. Nenes is the scientific coordinator of the project. Joining LAPI will most certainly make this collaboration more efficient and fruitful.
Can you speak about the projects you are currently working on and other ones in the past ?
The CleanCloud project takes a big part of my time now, but scientifically and administratively. Besides that, I am working on several projects related to chemistry-climate interactions (e.g. methane, volatile organic compounds, and ozone), as well as health impact assessment of air pollution, particularly focusing on aerosols.
What have been some of your biggest challenges ?
Majority of my work includes interdisciplinary approaches, either between different disciplines like technical sciences, health sciences, and economy, or different communities using different approaches to study a particular scientific question. The challenge here is to bring these different communities together and understand and benefit from each other.
What have been some of your biggest successes ?
I have been actively involved in climate and air quality assessments, such as the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme, or the Tropospheric Ozone Assessment Report. Coordinating the CleanCloud proposal, with the great support of all the partners, is I think also a big success that I am proud of.
You split your time between teaching and research. How do you view these two roles ?
My current employment is 100% research as we do not heave teaching in or institute.
What do you enjoy to do, outside of science and research ?
I have two kids that I love spending time with. I am a drummer, and love to play music, but also watching live performances. I also love traveling, which I frequently find the chance to thanks to my work.
Where is the most interesting place youâve been ?
I have traveled a lot thanks to my work, but also lived in different countries. But one place that amazes me each time I visit is New York.
A free thought for the end ?
Never underestimate yourself and remember that you are never alone. This is particularly true in science.