Fully-Funded Postdoc Positions
1. Analog, digital, or mixed-signal IC designer:
The candidates are expected to implement novel circuit blocks for next-generation neural interface systems, including low-noise amplifiers and data converters, neurostimulators, power management, wireless power and data telemetry circuits, signal processing and machine learning hardware in Cadence. Applicants with strong background in analog, digital and/or mixed-signal integrated circuits are encouraged to apply.
Candidates are expected to have a PhD in Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, or a related field with a proven track record of conducting high quality research (at least two publications in Solid-State and/or Biomedical Circuits conferences and journals such as ISSCC, VLSI Symposium, CICC, JSSC, TBioCAS, JETCAS, and TCAS-I/II).
Appointments are for a period of one year, but our expectation is that it would be renewed, assuming satisfactory research progress and availability of funding.
Qualified candidates are encouraged to send their CV and cover letter to [email protected]
2. Machine learning/neuroengineering/data scientist:
For postdoc candidates with outstanding background in computer science and signal processing to focus on designing state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms for medical diagnosis and neural decoding. The candidates are expected to analyze large neural datasets and apply latest machine learning techniques to the task of predicting neurological disorders such as epilepsy, depression, and Parkinson’s disease, as well as motor decoding for brain-machine interface (BMI) applications.
The INL, along with several other engineering and life science laboratories of EPFL, form the world-class Neuro-X institute, located at Campus Biotech of EPFL. Neuro-X is an interdisciplinary research institute that hosts scientists, engineers and clinicians driven by the design and implementation of innovative neurotechnologies to diagnose and treat patients suffering from neurological disorders. The INL is one of the laboratories of the Electrical and Micro Engineering (IEM) Institute of EPFL, with a tradition of excellence in EE world-wide.
Prof. Shoaranâs group (previously at Cornell), specializes in low-power IC design for neural implants, closed-loop neuromodulation, and machine learning for neural decoding. Our current projects involve new devices for epilepsy, Parkinsonâs disease, treatment-resistant depression, brain-machine and spinal cord interfaces, and traumatic brain injury. We offer a competitive salary.
Qualified candidates are encouraged to send their CV and cover letter to [email protected]
Fully-Funded PhD Positions
We have PhD openings for students with strong academic background interested in our interdisciplinary research at the intersection of circuit design, machine learning, and neuroscience. Applicants with strong background in analog/digital and mixed-signal integrated circuits, or machine learning and signal processing are encouraged to apply. We hire students admitted to EDEE, EDMI, or EDIC.
Qualified candidates are encouraged to send their CV to [email protected]