Our laboratory is always open to potential new candidates: if interested, contact Prof. Pasquale Scarlino (and the project contact when applicable) with a motivation letter, a full CV and academic track records to inquire about available research positions in the laboratory.
Postdoc positions available in HQC lab
We, the Hybrid Quantum Circuits-lab (HQC), are looking for a highly motivated post-doctoral researcher to work on the design, fabrication, and characterization of superconducting-semiconducting hybrid devices. This position is immediately available, and we will be continuously evaluating applications.

Contact: Pasquale Scarlino ([email protected])
Download File: Postdoc Position HQC Lab
We are looking for a highly motivated post-doctoral researcher to work on the design, fabrication, and characterization of superconducting-semiconducting hybrid devices and superconducting metamaterials. The work will be part of the SNF project ‘High Impedance Metamaterials for Quantum Simulation with Semiconductor/Superconductor Hybrid Circuits.’ This position is immediately available, and we will be continuously evaluating applications.
PhD positions available in HQC lab
Master’s Thesis Projects:

Contacts: Franco De Palma ([email protected]), Fabian Oppliger ([email protected])
Download File: Master Hybrid QDots
The project is going to aim to model, design and perform measurements on the platform. The project will consist of three main phases:
- Modelling and Simulation. In the first months, the student will learn about multimode quantum electrodynamics and atom photon bound states. The student will then simulate the platform.
- Design and Fabrication. The student will learn how to design and fabricate the device.
- Measurements. The device will then be measured in a LD250 dilution refrigerator, a cryogenic system capable of reaching temperatures in the range of 10 mK.

Contact: Vincent Jouanny ([email protected])
Download File: Master AtomPhotonBoundStates
In this project, you will implement and investigate critical quantum sensing for qubit readout. The system under consideration will be a transmon qubit coupled to a parametrically pumped superconducting microwave resonator, known to exhibit phase transitions.

Contact: Guillaume Beaulieu ([email protected])
Download File: Master Critical Qubit Readout
The project is going to aim the model, design and test readout resonators and superconducting components in grAl material platform. The project will consist of three main phases:
- Preparation and Characterization. In the first months, the student will learn about grAl and fabrication techniques, how to characterize the films and how to simulate and tune the main design parameters of superconducting resonators.
- Design. The student will focus in designing and fabricating the readout resonators, potentially to couple with other platforms.
- Testing. The chip will then be tested in a LD250 dilution refrigerator, a cryogenic systems capable of reaching temperatures in the range of 10 mK.

Contact: Simone Frasca ([email protected])
Download File: Master GrAl
Innosuisse Project Positions
Our project is a joint initiative between the Quantum Device Lab at ETH Zürich and the Hybrid Quantum Circuit Lab at EPFL. This collaboration has secured an Innosuisse grant to advance the capabilities of parametric amplifiers based on superconducting circuits. Both labs have a proven track record of successful research on parametric amplifiers and will assemble a talented team to elevate this research to the next level.
We are offering three positions in our teams:
- Postdoctoral Researcher: Responsible for optimizing the design of circuit quantum electrodynamics (cQED) devices in simulations and experiments to enhance the capability of our amplifiers.
- Fabrication Engineer: Main responsibilities include optimizing fabrication recipes and developing processes for a new generation of devices.
- Systems Engineer: Responsible for optimizing the cryogenic packaging of the amplifiers, a key aspect for optimal device performance.
This collaborative effort combines the strengths and resources of both laboratories to advance the development of cutting-edge quantum technology. These positions are uniquely situated at the interface between academia and industry, providing an exciting opportunity to contribute to groundbreaking research with diverse future career possibilities.
Apply on the ETHZ Portal!
Systems Engineer for the Development of Superconducting Parametric Amplifier Technology (ethz.ch)