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× 2023 Safety risk management in University laboratories A. Jung / T. Meyer (Dir.)
Lausanne , EPFL , 2023. 2017 2016 Predictive Models for Thermal Stability and Explosive Properties of Chemicals from Molecular Structure N. Baati / T. Meyer ; F. Stoessel (Dir.)
Lausanne , EPFL , 2016. 2015 Enhancement and application of a risk assessment technique for research and teaching laboratories D. N. Plüss / T. Meyer (Dir.)
Lausanne , EPFL , 2015. 2011 Gestion des risques pour les laboratoires de recherche et d’enseignement A. R. Ouédraogo / T. Meyer (Dir.)
Lausanne , EPFL , 2011. 2008 Optimization of reaction calorimetry for monitoring chemical reactions in supercritical fluids C. Mantelis / T. Meyer (Dir.)
Lausanne , EPFL , 2008. 2006 Reaction calorimetry in supercritical fluids S. Fortini / T. Meyer (Dir.)
Lausanne , EPFL , 2006. High-temperature radical polymerization of methyl methacrylate in a continuous pilot scale process P. Nising / T. Meyer (Dir.)
Lausanne , EPFL , 2006. 2005 Development of reaction calorimetry applied to supercritical CO2 and methanol-CO2 critical mixture F. Lavanchy / T. Meyer (Dir.)
Lausanne , EPFL , 2005. 2002 2001 Polyaddition du Bisphénol A avec des résines époxydes liquides F. Falcotet / T. Meyer (Dir.)
Lausanne , EPFL , 2001.