
In the course of our research, we have produced several emotion lexicons, collected several datasets concerning activities of daily life, and accumulated collections of social media posts based on criteria such as emotion, food, and mood.

All of these resources are available for research purposes. Please read the terms of use below.

The presented resources are password-protected. To request access, please send an e-mail to pearl.pu [at]

Terms of use for the provided resources

  • These resources can be used for research purposes only.
  • Do not redistribute these resources further. Instead, please refer interested parties to this web page:
  • Please kindly cite our papers and reports in your publications.


Here we provide downloads for various lexicons, including GALC-R, Olymplex, PMI-Hash, and Dystemo-produced.


Here we provide a collection of curated datasets related to emotion, sports, food, and mood.