
We are excited by EPFL’s Computational Thinking agenda and our teaching is focussed on bringing computational thinking into neuroscience.


Scientific project design in integrative neurosciences (BIO493)

This course is a project-based learning class, which provides a forum for students to engage themselves in learning how to design a scientific project that bridges scales and allows following the causal chain from one scale to the next. I am teaching this course together with my experimental neuroscience colleague, Prof. Carl Petersen from the Brain Mind Institute.

In silico neuroscience (BIOENG450)

‘In silico Neuroscience’ introduces students to a synthesis of modern neuroscience and state-of-the-art data management, modelling and computing technologies with a focus on the biophysical level. I am teaching this course together with my colleague Dr. Armando Romani from the Blue Brain Project.

MOOC ‘Simulation Neuroscience: reconstruction of a single neuron’

This MOOC teaches the science of and skills for building biophysically detailed neuron models. It combines lectures with online exercise providing access to modern IT infrastructures for neuroscience.